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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Wow, I actually agree with Brandon here (I think I need to put a quarter in the jar...) Early 2012 is only 2-4 months away, it's not so bad It'll be here before you know it! ... wow, it's been a while since I've listened to any of the music from this project. I'm taking a stroll through disc 2 and it all seems so unfamiliar to me... brilliant, but foreign. Can't imagine how you're all gonna feel getting to hear it all at once for the first time
  2. Just posted this album for evaluation a few nights ago (minus two tracks and the bonus disc, which I'll be contacting people about shortly) so things are moving on that front. Looking at an early 2012 release date, stay tuned for more details!
  3. Just posted this for eval guys, the final tracklist is sounding unbelievably good! Hope you guys are enjoying the preview in the meantime, this'll be out before you know it!
  4. Yeah, I don't know about everyone else, but I dig this. Definitely needs to be fleshed out but I think it works pretty well. Finish it!
  5. This isn't a bad arrangement, there's some pretty unorthodox instrument combinations here, but with the right samples and production it could definitely happen. However, the sample quality is pretty weak, as is the production overall. Your instrument balance is off, particularly with the bass, which doesn't sound much like a bass at all because of how high it's playing and how dry of a sound it's got. The samples across the board need to be upgraded, I'm not sure how else to put it :S See what you can do about procuring some better instrument packs and revisit this arrangement someday, it's definitely got potential but I don't think this is passable as it is and probably wouldn't be able to even with more solid production, I hate to say it Keep improving and looking around for free samples (there's a ton of resources on the [link=http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12]Music Composition and Production forum[/link] that might steer you in the right direction Best of luck!
  6. Thanks. Let's check this out now Ahh, I remember your name. Your Little Nemo mixpost has always really stuck with me. This one's got a really different flavor, but I dig it. But man, you're mastering sooooo quietly, it looks like it's peaking at just over -20 db here, which is way below where it should be at. Bring up the loudness a bit, unless something is just really weird with my setup (which is a definite possibility. I'd like to get someone to double-check here.) Pretty fun arrangement and treatment of the source, though at 4:49 it's a pretty long arrangement. Perhaps longer than it needs to be, I don't think it would be impossible to lop off a minute or so here without losing anything important from the mix. Some real nice solo sections and breakdowns really keep things interesting here, I love the rhodes quite a bit. The production overall might be a bit too rough for what OCR is going for, but thankfully you've got some more full-sounding synths than just the genesis sounds, so I don't think that part's gonna be an issue. I'd say, tweak the mastering and see if you can slim down the arrangement just a bit, and we'll see if this is ready for submission after that. Pretty great work though dude, great to hear more tunes from you!
  7. It's funny, when I first saw his claim on the project, I had no idea who he even was, but since then, Sir J has given me reason to be more excited for Inside the Castle Walls than just about anything else on here. No doubt it's gonna be amazing
  8. There once was a man named Larry, Whose arse was rather hairy, I don't wanna write a limmerick, Refrigerator.
  9. Wow, yeah, this got buried, I didn't even notice it at all Some pretty awesome sounds you've got going in here. Great soundscape and mixing, though the bass is coming off a little strong. Not a big deal there though. My qualm with the mix is that you can't really tell when the intro ends and the rest of the song begins, there's not much of a buildup until after that extended percussion-less breakdown. I suppose you could say this needs a bit more of a defined arrangement/progression in the first half of the song. This could pretty easily be accomplished just by building up your drumloops more, which would help anyway because the ones you're using now are fine for an introduction/breakdown, but could stand to be a little bit more interesting for the rest of the mix. That's about all I've got to say right now, I don't know the best way of approaching that but hopefully the feedback is useful for you. Definitely keep at this one, it's got a really nice warm sound to it and I like it a lot And yeah, in the future, if anything like this slips through the cracks for this long, definitely send a PM to me, Will or Stevo so we can attend to it. The way the mod review system is set up, it's rather easy for us to miss something if the forums are particularly busy or if we haven't had time to check the forums for a day or two, so yeah... sorry about that!
  10. Nope. I'm not sure how much liberty I have to talk about upcoming releases (not because we want to keep that info private, necessarily, but just because it's so tentative and we don't want to give anybody false hope about a project releasing earlier than we can actually get it out) but DKC3 is definitely not coming out before Maverick Rising.
  11. To clarify, when I brought up the intro issue in our discussion, I meant that it just starts pretty abruptly. If there was a little bit of a quieter lead-in, I think it'd be fine.
  12. Yo! Excellent choice of source material dude It's really nice to see you doing more intimate, relaxed mixes like this in addition to your usual dance-y style. The arrangement here definitely checks out, it's conservative but very highly personalized with countermelodies and a bit of original writing, so you're fine there! The production is a little more problematic, there's a few points that need looking at. For one, some of your glock/guitar notes feel a bit harsh on the ears, perhaps bring those down just a tad when they play the loudest notes. The bongo samples themselves sound like they're causing some clipping/distortion (Stevo pointed out 2:15 as an example of where this happens) and probably just need to be replaced. Lastly, your string writing is generally ok, but when they're most exposed it's obvious that they're not very humanized. Particularly in the intro of the mix, see what you can do to make them even a little bit more realistic. 1:34 is also another point of interest as far as the strings are concerned. Damn solid attempt here, but let's see if we can't get the production to the next level before submitting, yeah? (this review was written with the help of the other workshop mods, as well!)
  13. This review was written collaboratively between myself, Level 99 and WillRock: For what it's worth, you've crafted a pretty neat ambient chillout piece. The direction itself is pretty creative and ambitious. However, the execution just doesn't seem suited for OCR's standards and I think it would require a total overhaul to get it there. Your remix feels stretched out so that it doesn't feel like there's enough expansion/direction in the arrangement. When the pseudo-dubstep section hits, it's a nice start but the buildup isn't strong enough to carry the song. It's actually a pretty neat direction to take the sources, but in order for this to be OCR material, there would have to be a major reworking of the production, particularly on the ambiance and the drums, and the arrangement so there's more of an actual progression going on. This definitely seems like a worthwhile learning experience but at this point, if you're strapped for ideas I would just call it finished and move onto something else. Participate in compos, watch tutorials and keep practicing, ambient music is definitely not the kind of thing you can nail down on the first try so don't feel discouraged! Experiment with layering different sounds and ambiances to create more dynamic and full sounds, and with time you'll get the hang of it. Best of luck!
  14. This doesn't get said enough, but you're one of the coolest, most inspiring dudes I've ever met, through OCR or otherwise. Thanks for holding down the fort with mod reviews lately while I've been sick, and thanks for everything you do around here in general :-)

  15. Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/jrbl (v 2.0) Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH4vY2kyQDw / Hey everybody, here's a WIP I've been hard at work at over the last few weeks. It started off as an original track (hence the totally original bassline and chords) but quickly devolved into a remix of 2 of my favorite Squaresoft RPG themes. Neblix graciously helped out by writing a few percussion loops for me to use, as well as on the overall mastering, so thanks to him for making this sound good! Still a long way to go but I thought I'd share and let you all hear what I'm up to these days. Cheers!
  16. This was the mix that sealed my opinion that Sir Jordanius is a total badass. I can't even express how groundbreaking and amazing this mix is for OCR, it's just so great. Keep an eye out for this guy, everybody - he's one to watch for!
  17. Alright, it's been submitted. A few days late but I double-checked everything and it should be good to go. Now to play the waiting game... ... ... ... the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.
  18. My plan is to have this album in evaluation by the end of tonight We've got just about everything we need to make that happen, I just need to patch some pieces together. We're just about in the final stretch!
  19. I got your mix man, I'll critique it as soon as I can
  20. I know what you're implying here, and for the record, lemme state that this project is not a staff project in the sense that staff uses it in. This has gone through all the normal channels; I submitted it for approval in the beginning, it's going to have to go through evaluation like every other project and it'll be on a waiting list just like every other project. We're not going to jump the queue and it's not going to get special treatment, like you rudely stated over AIM. I find that kind of insulting.
  21. Kindly stop making posts like this, you have no idea what you're talking about and I'd rather you stop spreading hearsay/conjecture when you're not even on the project staff. I don't know how long the evaluation phase will take or when we'll be able to release, and I'm the director AND OCR staff. You are neither of these things. You may very well be right in the end, but posting your mildly-educated guesses is just building up expectations without a lot of foundation to them... and that's my job!
  22. Go ahead and post it in CDisc, I don't think that'll be a problem but if someone gets mad you can blame me Congrats on the release guys! I'll give this a listen sometime!
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