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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. I read through the operation manual and hooked up the vocoder with the carrier and the modulator and it doesn't work without having a keyboard. So the question is, how do I get the results without a keyboard?
  2. Woooow. I saw you had this on myspace, no wonder you didn't have it on your webpage because the mofo wasn't done. So close to orgasm-wait, I spoke too soon. Yeah wow that remix is sick as fuck too double the pleasure double the fun.
  3. So I'm assuming you mean that within each of the w bars of segments that I have, there's repetition right? If that's the case then I'll get right on it. And the footsteps was also another hit or miss thing that I was gonna leave or take out depending on the first persons reaction to it so I guess that's gone lol. The silence I kinda did on purpose. To fade in with the train sfx. If I should change, what could I do to fix it because I don't really see any other means of altering that =/? Once again thank you for the critiques the more the better lolz.
  4. Ah thanks for the constructive criticism, I appreciate it. As for the screams, I'll probably get rid of it. It was a hit or miss kind of thing and the first person to not like it I was gonna get rid of it unless I can find a better use for it. The repetitive mark I got though, I don't quite understand. What parts are repetitive to me I feel that I have a good amount of change throughout my song whatever the problem is though I would like to know so I can change it lol, but one again thanks. More feedback people I would like for this to not get rejected. This would be the confidence booster that I need to keep goin in my music making lol. Oh here's the re-upload of the source tune, it'll be in the original post as well. Source
  5. I've updated quite a few things: The strings are a bit different, added that boop sound in there in the buildup and I made it myself lol it's a known sound but I couldn't find it anywhere or didn't know what to call it so I had to make it myself. That main bulk is pretty much the same, added the brass part at the end, and I need help with the transition with the last two bars and the ones before that because at that point the song is coming to a close. Besides the mastering tools that's available on Reason I also do some in Adobe Audition so if someone could tell me how I'm doin with that, that would be nice as well. Edit: Song is still on the first page, for the lazy people lol, it's right here Update
  6. That guy was just a retard, don't worry about him.
  7. Qft. I just wish people were more open minded about shit, I really liked this song there was thought put into this song and everything flows smoothly, mad props man.
  8. I enjoyed this remix. Good to hear some hip hop in here rather than just techno, rock, and orchestra stuff all the time not that I have anything against it but people should be a bit more open minded about music jus' sayin'. Good stuff man definitely goin on my ipod.
  9. Ok so now I know for sure that bass is a little on the jacked side. The problem is I have it all the way at 1 and if I move it to level 2 then it sounds a little too high and more on the happy side of things. Should I just change the bass sound all together or do some major tweaking to get the bass to sound right?
  10. Thought I'd bump this because I would like more feedback heh.
  11. Ok made some eq tweaks and changed some of the instruments. So yeah just click that link for the update. Unfortunately though I no longer have the older version for comparisons. But yeah please give this a listen and some feedback would be greatly appreciated =).
  12. I also put the source file in the original post so you know where I got the tune from. Uh thanks for the input guys I'll definitely get to work on those issues you guys were talkin about.
  13. Hello, got a remix I'm workin on I actually had one before this one, a FFVII remix but I had stopped working on it but I do plan on finishing it just not till after this one is done and submitted. But anyways I guess this would be break beat, this is my first attempt at break beat so go easy on it and it's not finish. I figure if people tell me whatever's wrong with the first half then I'll know what and what not to do with the second half. If you have to be harsh with the critiques then so be it but I'd rather you not flame me I can take wise words of criticism. But yeah anyways check it out and I hope you like it. By the way if you can please use the list zircon made for reviews if not it's cool it doesn't matter how you do it as long as I get some feedback, thanks =). Click here. Source ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) [ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio [ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie) PRODUCTION [ ] Too loud [ ] Too quiet [ ] Low-quality samples [ ] Unrealistic sequencing [ ] Generic/cliche sound choices [ ] Drums have no energy [ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [ ] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range) PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [ ] Timing not tight enough [ ] Wrong notes, general sloppiness [ ] Poorly recorded [ ] Bad intonation STRUCTURE [ ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") [ ] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [ ] Pace too plodding [ ] Too repetitive [ ] Too short [ ] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) [write here]
  14. I really love this Album Brian. I love the feel of the tracks, makes me want to do stuff when I listen to them. And a job well done to everyone who contributed to this great album =).
  15. Hot damn can't wait for this I'll be sure to get myself a hardcopy of this when the time comes .
  16. Good stuff. You're always helpin me on AOL when I need it so I know you know what you are doin and you're hella good so yeah it fits. My friend lives in Nashville so I might have to come bother you at work whenever we go down there to visit him hahaha, j/k. =P
  17. Lol I don't know. That's why I said in my first post I would change the name if it sucked or if people didn't like it.
  18. I'll have to check out the power tools for Reason although I still don't feel too comfortable with it. I'll have to look over the Reason manual whenever I have time. But yeah thanks again, I keep listening to the songs and I finally understand what you mean now. It seems like that has been my problem since I decided to start making my own music and they all just sound like loops, so I will definitely work on not doin it with this song.
  19. Thank you for the words of wisdom. Do you think you could help me a bit more though? I find this is a great opportunity to actually learn more about music as I've been doin this on my own and it's only natural that I would not learn everything or I wouldn't learn it right. But do you think you could explain the whole lead thing to me? A lot of times I'll put a song together and not know exactly what I'm doin. But this is definitely a good start seein as how I've been waiting for someone to reply and help me out.
  20. New to OCR, but I've been doin music for almost a year now. I've been using FL for most of that time but I just recently picked up Reason and I'm still figuring it out but I've gotten the basics down for the most part. The song I'm workin on now, is done with Reason so I'm sure a few of you guys can help me out. Anyways this is the Cosmo Canyon song for FFVII and I was wanting to go with an ambient feel which I think I'm doin so far. I'm stuck on a few parts like what to do with that second part when I change up the drum loop a little bit and what I should do with the whole bell thing I have in the background. And I'm not finished with it by the way, I just stopped it there so you guys can help me with what I have so far. But yeah if you guys can help I would love the help and since I've been doin music on my own for such a long time, I won't know a lot of music terms so if someone can help me out with stuff like that to I would appreciate it. Enough of my ranting lol. Here's the link, if you need me to link you again just let me know. Oh and if you don't like the name tell me because I might change it to somethin else. Cosmo Canyon Bebop
  21. Thanks. I've been doin techno and I actually submitted a song for reviews to ocr but now that I read how strict they're are and all the amazing different remixes, I have a good feeling that mine won't be accepted lol. But I want it to for sure. I could show you guys if you have AIM or somethin. I want to take my love of music to the next level so you guys look out for me =).
  22. Yeah I figured FL was powerful but I thought I would need more than that to make some pimp songs. Thanks for the advice guys if you got anymore stuff for me let me know.
  23. I want to get more in the groove of music making but all I'm using right now is FL Studio. I got a few soundfonts and some sample sounds I got from different songs but that obviously isn't enough. Can someone give me some tips on where to get better sounds and what kind of programs are good for mixing and getting all the tight sounds I hear in some of these songs? Thanks. Edit: Talk to me on aim too I usually have it up all the time unless my little sibs get on or somethin if you don't know what my screen name is, it's: AIM - blackpanther6389; MSN - rashad_hill@yahoo.com. So hit me up whenever possible. Another edit(lol):I've made songs in the past that I have on soundclick, just search for Rashad Hill under artist and I should pop up. So advice or critiques are appreciated.
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