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Posts posted by PrototypeRaptor

  1. Don't forget about good monitoring stuff (speakers, amps, etc)

    Although the official answer is to go with monitors, headphones are much, MUCH cheaper.

    I'm sure someone will chime in here with some recommendations for headphones/monitors.

    Personally, I like the KRK Rokit Rp5's for monitors, and for headphones I've heard good things about Beyerdynamic, AKG, and Grado.

    Stay away from sennheiser, according to zircon they aren't mixing headphones...XD

    edit: remembered a trick about pop filters - use some hose mesh and a wire hanger. seriously, I'm not kidding. Mine works just fine...and didn't cost me $$$

  2. Speaking as a trombone player who did start at that young age, I can safely say that I no longer have the skills to play the piano. XD

    If you want an instrument with no finger coordination, the trombone is your best buddy.

    However, that comes with a caveat... you have to be PERFECT with your arm/wrist combination; otherwise you sound like a drunken sailor. (which is pretty cool, especially for jazz)

    But seriously, it's never too late to learn an instrument/enjoy music. You don't have to be JJ Johnson or Joseph Alessi - just have fun with it!

  3. Ah, I didn't think about it being a tutti library. I thought when they said ensembles, they meant trumpet ensembles, trombone ensembles, etc.

    I didn't think they meant THE ensemble. heh.

    So I guess it's very much a one trick pony then...a very nice pony, but still just one. hmmm...

    Do any of you have experience with the SAM brass? I wonder if it can sound like symphobia's ensembles or if that sound really can't be duplicated by anything out there.

    The demos are great but aren't they always? XD

  4. Alright, just was browsing KVR looking for new vsts and stuff and BAM! I see that project SAM has a new line of samples. I really like their horns so I went and checked it out...needless to say, I was absolutely stunned.


    (the demos are hidden in the top right; took me awhile to find them)

    Never, NEVER have I heard a sample library sound like this. Not even EWQL. This is...epic.

    The demos are knock offs of 'pirates' and the like but damn if they don't sound just as good. (the solo violin in swashbuckler leaves something to be desired, but hey, for that low brass I don't even care)

    It's the sound of the sections, the brass especially: there's real punch behind them.

    After listening to the demos and seeing the instrumentation, I know what I'm waiting for - too bad it's around $1400 US. (still cheaper than VSL by, what, 4k? XD)

    So, any thoughts? I'm too busy being amazed to notice any faults - perhaps someone can pick it apart better than I.

  5. I don't quite understand this. Do you mean to say that creating music has always been expensive?

    I assume the reasoning is that now you can use computers to make synthesized stuff, rather than paying a full orchestra or band to even hear what your music sounds like.

    I mean, in bach's day if you wrote music you either imagined how the music would sound when played by instruments or hired them to do so, right? Plus most of the great composers went to music conservatories, etc.

    It makes me feel better about spending so much on hardware by looking at it like that...ha

    I'd second the FL recommendation...it really has gotten a lot better since the days of fl 4 and I personally like the workflow much better than reason or cubase.

    Really, though, when you are first starting out, you just need to practice. Like an instrument, composition needs to be worked up; it's not instantaneous.

    You're developing your ear...you don't need Pro Tools for that.

  6. I'm in - got brinstar 2 (that weird red place)

    anyway, blind has some of the most meticulously mastered, mixed, and musical tracks I've heard on this site, or anywhere, period.

    He was actually the first person to get me into mixing (and apparently many others as well)

    I don't know how I missed this for so long, but here's wishing you back to your usual badassery in no time.

  7. haha, that was a joke guys.... guys...?


    ah, now I've done it.

    nothing like the fresh taste of despair in the morning. nosirre, nothing quite like it.

    on topic, if you're looking for a collab these two are excellent as well...so are probably a bunch of people I missed.

    (I think nutritious lays down guitars as well as well as taucer, back in the day. hm, any others I should mention before that damn cat mocks my memory again? XD

  8. unfortunately, it seems that there is no good answer to this. (trust me, I've wanted a guitar synth too)

    The "official response" is that you can only get good guitar tracks from either sixto or snappleman. XD

    But in all seriousness, if you want real guitar tracks, you need real people with the mad skillz to play said instrument. If you lack said skills, well, tough.

    although, prominy lpc is very nice - but it's SO DAMN expensive/huge and rhythm tracks STILL don't sound quite right.

    zircon mentioned something about a guitar shredding library he and sixto were doing awhile back... that will probably something to check out when it comes out.

    edit: and of course I'm beaten to the punch by the man...sigh...

  9. I was actually looking for a midi controller and they just caught my eye... call it a spur of the moment thing.

    It didn't dawn on me till after the fact that they could be terrible - so who do I come to...? XD

    Anyway, I guess I'll be keeping them as the other pair I was looking at was the Sennheiser hd280s...which zircon's word(and several other sites) do not recommend.

    Thanks everybody - one more quick question though, I'm being forced (highly recommended...heh) by a professor to get a 88key keyboard for practicing/general purpose use.

    I've been looking at the yamaha p85 for a decent, cheap keyboard (plus I can get it at a discount) - but I just wanted to follow OverCoat's idea and ask you BEFORE the fact: what would you guys recommend?

  10. alright, so I finally bit the bullet and went to guitar center and picked up

    some hi-fi headphones - I went with the beyerdynamic 770pro's for $200.

    I was just wondering if the collective community thinks that these are decent cans - I've read reviews that swing wildly in both directions.

    I would have gone with the 880s, but I have to have the closed-back or I'll anger my roomies. nothing like a little treble untz untz untz at 1AM to make some otherwise happy people awfully mad...

    anyway, should I take em back and go for something else? and if so, what?

    blah, I wish I could just get some krk rp5s and solve the whole thing... heh

  11. Well, great. GJ on ruining my hopes and dreams (zircon). Guess I'll pray to multiple religions that I'll be one of the lucky ones... :)

    On topic, I believe that an artist deserves his pay. Why is music considered so different from other industries?

    If this was a discussion on movies, or business, or ANY OTHER FIELD, no one would be talking about working for free - it's absurd!

    Music is just as complicated as anything else(if done right) and the time one has to spend practicing to even get to the "listenable" stage is considerable.

    It's downright asinine that certain people expect artists to give their music away for free - as if it is worthless.

    Musicians don't owe you ANYTHING; thank them that they even produce the music they do!


  12. Alright, this is probably not up to OC's standard, but I've been watching aLOT of clint eastwood and his westerns and I freaking love Ennio Morricone's scores to ALL of them.

    In particular, I adore the song "ecstasy of gold" from the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    So, in that light, I've taken the MGS theme (already epic, I know) and tried to put it in a western setting, morricone style.

    I don't think it's original/arranged enough to pass, and I'm still trying to find a suitable ending, but perhaps someone will find it enjoyable. I like it very much. :)

    so, what do ya'll think?

    link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/dlog/western_3mastered

  13. Ok so fast update. Sorry about the tindeck problems, dunno what's up with that. :(

    anyway, regarding that phased noise...I don't hear it. :)

    oh well, I brought the high end down to make that flute/string combo bearable so hopefully it is less noticeable now. (that solo WAS pretty grating)

    Regarding the intro: it is long and I suppose I could add things to it, but I really wanted it to sorta "wind in" reallllly slow like. I guess I'll mess around with it a bit.

    This is probably the last update unless I do something with the intro that I really like. Let me know what you think, and thanks for all the comments thus far!

    update: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/erwn/downtempo_4

  14. I'm not too familiar with the source, but for being "terrible" this isn't half bad. It's very relaxing...I just want to chill while listening to it.

    Your drums, if you hadn't intended on it, need more punch (snare and kick), even for the relaxing atmosphere you're going for. They could also change up patterns a bit more often; some fills would be nice.

    Also, less reverb. on everything. Keep the delay, especially on the piano, but you don't need SO much reverb and delay...keep it simple.

    I don't know if this is finished or not, but it doesn't really seem to change at all. You should try to add new sections, vary the instrumentation, you know, that terrible OC adage..."make it your own!"

    In either case, this is better than you give it credit for, at least I like it. Change it up and make it even better...:)

  15. Hey everybody, thanks for the suggestions/comments!

    Sorry about the lack of updates, been kinda busy lately...

    Regardless, here is the new take on objection!

    As per OA's suggestion I have added a melodic break rather than just a "fall off" in the middle; hopefully the song doesn't die now.

    I fixed the tightness issue between piano and strings at the end as well as notched the comping up a bit.

    Fixed some eq levels and backed off the reverb...and the kick is softer, less distortion hopefully. AND it has been compressed to balls as per OCR standards... go 6mb file size! :()

    I feel that this version is much improved; if you agree, I'll submit it relatively soon. I have nothing else to add to it, heh.

    Alright, well, have at you! (main post updated as well)

    v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/vzbk/objectiondowntempo3

  16. I'll throw in my .02

    on my speakers, yes, it is a tad muddy...but it makes my sub beat like nobody's business. Dunno if that's what you want (but I'd definitely put this in a car :)

    Perhaps all you need to do is isolate certain low sounds with crazy eq sculpting. eg: the kick takes up only 120s and the sub bass takes up below that.

    The beat is good but I don't like the other synths - I'd like to see a pendulum/dnb style reese in there.

    Also, the arrangement doesn't really seem to go anywhere; at this point, all you have is a nice drum loop and some background synths. Show me the hook! (hook, hook, give 'em the hook!)

    If you add more compositional things (I know, vague, right) and really "drop it" into a hard hitting section, I think this could be much improved.

    Hurry up and finish this, though, I need some new stuff to listen to. :)

  17. So I went back to the drawing board after my last attempt and came up with this: a very slow, chillish yet epic song (think: massive attack and company)

    I pictured phoenix slowly standing up in his chair, eyes closed, as all heads turned to him and then, movie style, his eyes fly open and he slams his hands down: OBJECTION!

    (cheesy, yes, but it got the point across, ya? :)

    There's string madness, piano madness, a harpsichord, crazy compressed drums, and a very out there interpretation of the chord progression of the tune...*whistles*

    I really like this song and am thinking about submitting it; what do you think?

    post submission update: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=866156&songID=6823810

    old version: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/erwn/downtempo_4

  18. Alright, I know this is kinda controversial (and if compyfox was still around he'd probably destroy me for even asking) but I know there are you blasphemers around here that mix with headphones.

    My questions about this arcane practice are:

    -are there any brands I should look for? (sennheiser, etc)

    -are there any "tricks" associated with mixing with headphones? (other than to not do it)

    I've done some research - do things like localizers/visualizers/impulses work for mixing purposes? (stuff like SRS has - 3d audio through headphones? I'm kinda skeptical about the whole thing)

    I would use monitors, but I am heading off to a new location that requires quiet (and is very small).

    Well, OCmixers, any advice?

  19. Alright, so I had a bunch of free time today so I messed around a bit...

    I changed a bunch of stuff. :)

    -the middle section is more centered around the theme (and overall, everything is based off of the chord progression/theme/counter melodies)

    -NEW and IMPROVED mastering (hopefully) It's not as loud, but I've gotten new speakers since last time (freakin' mixing on Logitechs last time LOL) so I think the mix is quite a bit better here on my end.

    -cheesy vocoding of barrel roll at opportune times...XD just seemed appropriate

    -basically, the judges ripped me to shreds over my generic cookie cutter crap (which I agree with) but I can't figure out how on earth you write trance without

    a) something trying to be an Access Virus

    B) a similar kick to everything else

    c) untz untz untz untz repeat for 12312 hours

    d) getting rejected :)

    so this is less of a trance song and more of a...red headed step child.

    let me know what you think!

    v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ojkn/corneriaremixNEWmaster

  20. Well, I hadn't planned to resub after working on it again... but perhaps I'll fire up the ol' FL 7 files and see what I can do...

    (it needs a lot of work, though. I just listened to it and cannot BELIEVE that I actually submitted it...holy crap.

    And the panel was that split about it? Perhaps the standards aren't THAT high after all...>_> *cough*

    Anyway, I'll see what I can do and post something here in the next few days. I still want to see a kickin' remix of Star Fox... :)

  21. Alright, update here.

    I appreciate all your comments and have tried to change this version to better reflect them... :)

    -the flute solo is louder

    -the drums have been changed more (probably still not enough, but I still want them to groove, ya know?

    -voice has been tweeked for more low range

    -there's a longer fade out

    So that's about it for this update. Let me know what you think! (Submission ready?)

    link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/evpl/objection-2mastered

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