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Posts posted by PrototypeRaptor

  1. Dear Mozart,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you incorrigible austrian you.

    I put some flowers on your commoners' grave in honor of today, ol' buddy. Oh, what's that? Sorry, I can't hear you over the 20,000 people who attended my funeral. (And the whole deaf thing. But I'm told they were quite loud what with the lamenting and wailing and gnashing of teeth. But you wouldn't know anything about that, eh, Wolfie?)

    also, here's a protip coming from the future: try finishing the work that you'll be remembered for BEFORE you get bedridden/die.

    Actually, I think I'll go listen to those last movements of Requiem now, they always were my favorites.

    With love,

    Ludwig van Beethoven

    PS: I know we never could tell you to your face, but your laugh was so obnoxious that it didn't die with you. It COULDN'T. It found its way from person to person - I think now it's with some poofy actor. What if he made a movie about you, ol' boy? He'd be STRIKINGLY accurate.

  2. I don't know why, but it reminded me more of Pendulum's new album than really a regression to their TFOTL style - the drums in particular.

    Maybe I just need to listen to more Prodigy, especially since I bet it's the other way around - Pendulum probably took most of their "inspiration" from them...:razz:

  3. I'm hearing lots..and I mean lots of compression and limiting issues. This problem alone will kill your chances with the judges. The arrangement seems OK but your production needs quite a bit of work.

    IMO, ease off the compressor/limiting, bring the volume down a bit - maybe even less reverb. The whole song seems a bit harsh as well so either bring up the low end (300ish) or tone down the high end (5000ish)

    But I like the direction you're going, so keep working!

  4. There is no such thing as "harsh" criticism...just criticism that is more useful IMO...


    This doesn't sound like dnb at all to me - the drums seem more rockish. Where are the ghost notes? The drums even sound like a kit rather than a break, which, at least to me, is what "makes" a dnb tune - the slicing of some funky 70s break and rearranging the beats.

    Your bass needs more...maybe more layers, more effects, more samples...it's just not in your face enough.

    And your orchestra sample needs to be revamped entirely...but I think you already know that.

    All in all, your dnb is heavily lacking in both drum and bass, but it's not "OMG" bad, it just needs some tweaking. Go for it!

  5. echoing what's already been said...

    it's not so much the theory as it is the orchestration...and that takes years to start being halfway DECENT at - and that's with classes, practice, and trial and error.

    It's not as simple as "oh its in a certain key with a major chord" (plus I believe halo's theme is in a minor key; it could be a mode, but it is most definitely not major)

    if you really are serious about this - and you don't have said years to get decent - then find a good, seasoned composer for your needs...or your music will fail. nobody sounds good the first time.

    or the second time.

    or the third time...

    plus, samples have never ever ever been anywhere close to a real orchestra in terms of what you want - especially not the cheap ones.

    Also, listen to DZComposer, ehs a pretty cool guy.

    ...and doesn't afraid of anything?

  6. My music taste doesn't really align with many others. I could probably post half of all the music I listen to and it would all be fitting.

    that video reminded me of this band that you probably have never heard of: suicide commando

    I guess the genre is...helltronica? Industrial? Eh, the effect on his voice makes me want to rofl and be terrified at the same time.

    ...you could say that of most industrial bands, though...

    Also: go listen to VNV Nation. It's a futurepop band, has tons of albums, and was what got me into electronica in the first place.

    They have a very distinct sound - it's not quite trance, not quite pop - it's very much a blend of everything.

  7. Arrangement is golden. I really like the transitions, the solos, the new chords, even that 6th chord that Willrock doesn't like - but why don't you change it at all the second time through?

    I know you said it should be loopable, but one of the major features of music that loops A LOT (trance, dnb, etc etc) is that there are very small changes done often. Really often. You can substitute chords, add backing parts, vary the drums, modify the melody - any number of things to make it "loop and yet not loop."

    Also, this sounds like it came straight out of a finale/sibelius/FL midi file - you are going to need some better samples or some live players.

    Nevertheless, it sounds like you know what you're doing; do well on your finals and come back soon!

  8. Haha totally digging the electo-daft punk/justice sound here.

    Unfortunately, your loops get stale - especially the drums/bass.

    You had a great sound going in the beginning - but you need get to the drop and PUNCH IT! I literally spent the entire song waiting for the dance floor to suddenly fall out from under me and then have the track HIT ME IN THE FACE. If that had happened, man, I would have loved this song so much. (more)

    So, for future endeavors, remember that there has to be

    a)DYNAMICS! I don't mean make everything LOUD, but there has to be an equivalent to a chorus section for it to really stick in my mind. Drop the floor, baby!

    b)melodic content. This song seemed like a very long, obnoxious strip tease. It had great background stuff and a great build up - but no melody and nothing after the buildup. Nothing to really remember. The production is alright (drums could be a bit more heavy bass wise) but you need to work on your compositional chops.

    Still, great mix, enjoyed it thoroughly. keep it up

  9. You guys can't tell me which modern pop music is good or not. I'm Michael Jackson. I know what good pop music is. I've been producing it myself on a pro/commercial level for 30 years.


    You guys can't tell me which modern pop music is good or not. I'm Johann Sebastian Bach . I know what good pop music is. I've been producing it myself on a pro/commercial level for over 200 years.

    And that Kanye West dude definitely doesn't even know that a V7 is not an engine.


  10. I wasn't going to say anything abut Overcoat's post but you echoed my thoughts. I lost mad respect for them from Hold Your Colour onward, especially considering their bitch-out with Breakbeat Kaos/DJ Fresh and later the dogsonacid forum. Really they're a whiney bunch with far less talent than they perceive, though they did push for a level of production values DnB had not really seen before then and everything before Another Planet was ace (HYC was a good album but quite a few stinkers), but they rejected the scene that raised them and refused to acknowledge those that helped them get as far as they have.

    For good DnB, The Qemists are great. Really though, Spor and Noisia still have some of the best mixdowns in any genre I've heard. Danny Byrd's new album is also pretty sweet. There's also Sub Focus and DJ Fresh for tunes similar in vein to Pendulum.


    Pendulum happens to be like, one of two artists who I can't stand (the other being Kanye West).

    Well, I like In Silico. Quite a bit, actually. So what if it's not "genre" dnb? It's not even really dnb in my book - and that's a good thing IMO. You can't tell me that the dnb scene doesn't need any new ideas or anything - noisia? spor? I've heard everything they've got to offer after listening to one song...

    I applaud Pendulum for trying something new, even if it was for the wrong reasons... XD

    fast edit to avoid foot in mouth:

    I never did say that Pendulum was inspiring on all of their tracks; as you pointed out, they do indeed rehash tons of material. I was just commenting that I like the way they took a step away from the typical dnb/jungle/it-all-sounds-the-same - I didn't mean that Pendulum is the BEST BAND EVAR OMG LOL111!!11!~.

  11. Squarepusher is also worth a look-see. His albums - especially Ultravisitor - have quite a bit of improvisational elements in them, especially on his song Iambic 9 Poetry where he basically improvises with himself on multiple instruments.

    How is it that I've never heard of squarepusher until now?! DAMN I listened to like every single song on youtube... plus Chris Cunningham directing the music videos? Ah, it was good times for several hours...:D

    Anway, thanks for the heads up, man!

  12. Not to be a hatin' or nothin...but really, what do I do if I completely detest rap in all forms? I can't stand it at all. The second a "rapper" starts talking in that loud, obnoxious voice that somehow turns a poetry reading into something cool (not that I have anything against a good poetry reading, mind you) I switch channels. Usually to another rap song, or to a contemporary crap band, or (and this is what eventually happens) completely off.

    So am I just SOL for modern music? The last artists I really had respect for were the swing bands of the 40's, and I wasn't even alive then. Where did the musicians go? Please don't say to the session rooms - even though I bet it's true. sigh.

    If you could recommend some "modern pop songs" that have even half of that improvisational skill/musicianship demonstrated in bands of the past then, please, by all means, give me something to listen to.

    Otherwise I'll just be over here in the corner, slowly phasing out of existence. Oh, how I hate (most of) my generation...

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