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Posts posted by PrototypeRaptor

  1. So, post-flame war, was this ever released? I paged back and was assaulted by the remaining orcs/demons/balrogs. I tried to tell them I just wanted a video link, but to no avail.

    So I slipped around them and kept going backwards through the pages until a strange wizard told me that I shouldn't pass - good thing, cause the entire page collapsed into the cavern from which it came followed closely by a clown with a flaming head...


    Where is this movie?

    Or, perhaps, is this simply pocketman's.....

    CLEVER RUSE?!!?!!!

  2. Melodyne looks friggin sweet, I might actually be able to sing a song with it!

    Haha, yeah, melodyne does have that effect on people. And then you realize that it can be used on solo instruments, instrument sections, drums...

    Pretty soon the New York Phil will be recorded in sections and melodyne'd! :tomatoface:

    Checking out the TL stuff tonight, thanks zircon.

    As far as AU's go, I think that most companies offer both - I know that at least voxengo/psp does. Or are we talking about freebies? Cause then, yeah, I don't really know about those, as I'm a windowsfag.

    (side note: it's not really an effect, but sylenth1 is the most badass synth around. just sayin.)

  3. Alright, this topic comes up around 5 times a day at KVR, but I haven't really seen it here that often.

    My question is: what vst effects do you use?

    I know that you can get by with the default fl effects/whatever effects your DAW came with, but I want some more options that (hopefully) sound better.

    I've downloaded the demos of some of the big companies' products, but I know that often there are these little companies that sound better than their bigger counterparts.

    Here's what I've tested/narrowed down to and some observations:

    -PSP Audioware is pretty much GOD

    mixpack2 and vintagewarmer are freakin amazing. The mixsaturator alone does wonders while mastering and the mixtreble and mixbass make everything that much clearer. awesome stuff, but expensive.

    -Voxengo has some decent stuff, and at a cost effective price.

    glisseq is pretty much the only eq I want now, and the curve eq is very colorful while mastering.

    SPAN is a very useful monitoring utility (and free) - and the Soniformer 2 is the most useful compressor I've ever used. It compresses individual frequencies - like an eq+compressor in one; it's the one plugin from them that I think is essential.

    The voxformer is also nice for vocals, but not necessary.

    -Waves is overrated and damn expensive, though they make a mean desser. That is all.

    -Timeworks makes the best reverb plugin I've ever heard, along with the best limiter on the market for pretty much EVERYTHING imo.

    It somehow makes everything louder while keeping the punchiness of drums/everything. It's crazy. (and expensive)

    -nomad factory sounds like crap from my experience. bleh.

    -ozone is alright, although I'm wary of the ALL IN ONE box things.

    -TRACKS is OK, but it compresses a bit too much for me and the limiter pumps like a beast if you put anything through it.

    It's better than ozone, though, IMO.

    -Harbal is a one of a kind eq that is so extremely useful that you need to get it right now. It lets you "see" the overall frequencies in a variety of meters and adjust them to match a reference source, and includes a rather great sounding stereo enhancer.

    For those of you without an amazing studio setup (and even those with), this is invaluable.

    -melodyne rapes autotune in every way. Seriously. you can move individual notes in chords from WAV files. Madness, sparta, call it what you will. it's awesome.

    alright, so that's what I've tested so far. feel free to add to the list, discuss what I've got up there, totally disagree, list your setup, etc, etc.

    (also, inb4 digital will never sound like hardware :P)

  4. actually, the vid is still there, you just have to follow it back to the youtube page.

    I'll try looking for another synth, but in the meantime go to kvraudio.com and look around there.

    There's good stuff there - find a freeware synth you can deal with. (or go ahead and mess with string theory...no time like the present to learn synthesis!)

  5. sounds like a simple string patch with a relatively long attack and some delay. (given the song) probably a preset on some famous synth...XD

    but yeah, try messing with the attack of a string synth and slap some delay on there. also, the notes sound very staccato, so if you want it to sound EXCATLY like it, play the chords short.

    perhaps someone else more versed in synth speak can tell you exactly what to edit, but there's a start.

  6. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. You're all arguing that sweet tooth = the joker, whereas I could have sworn that this was announced and finished filming far before TDK came out.

    Clarification, please? Because if TDK DID came out after this, you could argue that the joker stole this movie's sweet tooth...:tomatoface:


    but seriously - I want to see this. no budget movies fail so hard they win

  7. Sounds like you need some german military marches...:)

    My friend had a CD of some german military band playing the greats over there, and some of them were downright evil. Plus, unlike the U.S., their marches lean VERY heavily on the down beats. Russian marches are often minor too and usually, well, russian. :-P

    Let's see if I can find some linkage... (youtube links following)



    (here's a russian one...lol at the huge soviet flag)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACALcnQPc0U&feature=related

    hope that's enough to get you headed in the right direction.

  8. "You should hear the symphobia users talk about their demos on the forums I frequent: "I smashed this out in about an hour"

    Hmmm....any composer with a good business minded head on his/her shoulders would think that this is a good thing. Well, a bad thing for you since your competition will be producing music far more epic and realistic than yours in a fraction of the time. Being able to produce a very thematic and cinematic piece of music in under an hour is a godsend in my opinion... and all of the demos Ive heard from users on other boards have been pretty stellar and far more than "piano pounding" noise. Those composers by the way are for the most part far more established than you or I... you might want to be a little more mindful of your peers and what they're doing otherwise you wont be able to compete at all.

    You should know that time is money in our line of work and that more importantly... that you can't judge how good a piece of music is based on the time it took to create it. If thats how you judge music... I feel sorry for you. Some amazing film scores with great hummable themes, POTC included, were done in well under a month (with samples for the most part in the case of Pirates). Not every piece of music has to be a thematic masterpiece that takes hours to compose.... subtle underscore is a very important part of building tension in games and films.

    Saying that a piece of software like this is going to make your competition suck is just ridiculous... it's quite the opposite actually and it still requires (the 5 or 6 trailer risers excluded) plenty of creativity and orchestration chops to use, especially if you're doing adaptive music structures like I am for audio engines like Wwise. Jesus, do you think I just hit a c# to produce the themes in the pieces I posted? If only it were that easy. lol, if you'd give it a shot rather than bash it I'm 100% certain you'd change your tune.

    "all of these sample libraries are simply tools that have their positives and negatives that change from person to person. whats important in music is the thought and emotion thats put into it. whatever tools help us there, i'm all for."

    Amen. Exactly! Even more importantly, the music has got to suit the project otherwise it throws the player out... doesn't matter what tools are utilized to do this as long as this is achieved.

    Alright my rant is over, sorry to sort of pick on you Dan... meant nothing hostile by it.


    So I had an amazing reply, and I took so long to type it that when I previewed post I timed out...GRAH!:-x

    First of all, I have the utmost respect for everyone who is in the business I'd like to be in and will probably never be: I'm not bashing THEM. I'm just lamenting the fact that people expect Carmina Burana and Holst every time they go to the movies.

    Symphobia sounds great, and it's a great tool to get that imitation sound of the greats...but IMO, Ennio Morricone has written some emotional, lasting, epic themes that Hans Z and his ilk could never hope to create, and he did it with just a soprano and a wind orchestra, not a 500 piece brass ensemble.

    All I'm trying to say is that, while a crazy brass section playing octaves and fifths might SOUND powerful, oftentimes a simple cor anglais solo and a cello can create a much more intense atmosphere. Everything doesn't have to be LOUD LOUD LOUD BAM BAM BAM HORN RIPPPPPPP ok now ppp....AND NOW SFZ SFZ SFZ SZF!!!!

    But then again, what do I know - they're the ones making all the money...XD :tomatoface:

    (on a side note, I was watching "For a Few Dollars More" the other day, and I'm pretty sure that Hans stole the theme "a musical pocketwatch" almost section for section from Ennio's score for Davy Jones' theme. Start at 3:00... watch it. Organ and everything XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-qt4XAKXFA

    BTW if you havn't seen clint eastwood's trilogy of awesomeness, SHAME ON YOU. especially as a composer, ennio is AMAZING. Go buy the soundtracks now, you won't regret it. "ecstasy of gold" is probably one of the most moving pieces I've ever heard...THIS is the kind of stuff we need more of in movies. Just sayin.)

  9. derail/

    Sil reminded me of a question I've been thinking about: where did the movies with actual themes go? Ya know, pre-SW ep1 Williams style themes that actually added commentary to the movie if you listened, instead of just establishing the same tired old moods.

    Last movies like that I've seen were the LOTR movies and to a lesser extent Transformers.

    I suppose that could be said of all orchestral music of today, though - what happened to the good ol' Beethoven, Mahler, Grieg, Holst, etc, etc style writing that was catchy and hummable, yet thoughtful and very relevant to the time period in which it was composed? Not that I have anything against hearing the greats in concert, but I want to hear something NEW that's not complete and utter crap.

    Bah, humbug, I missed my time period by a couple hundred years...:)


  10. But would the dsp plugins that go along with the dsp cards work? I thought that the reason people bought the cards was for the awesome, better than vst sound, eg: compressors, eqs, etc.

    Would the plugins developed for use with the gpu be just as good as, say, UAD's?

    Here's to hoping...it would be really cool to have an alternative to freaking $700 entry level dsp cards. :( (I know I can't afford one...)

  11. Hey, digging this back up real fast whilst taking a break from MM4.

    It got rejected, and I'm actually happy it did. Don't know why I mixed it so muddily...it just sounds bleh.

    Anyway, I went through and cleaned it up, added some new beats, a bass, that good ol' vinyl effect, fixed the string attacks, and, probably the biggest thing, changed the piano to a rhodes...:)

    This is probably the only update I'm going to do to it; school and marching camp is starting and time = zilch.

    So, what do ya think? I like it much better...gotta love that crackling.

    linky: (1st post updated)


  12. like say LotR because Tolkein was such a boring horrible writer

    I just died a little inside :(

    But hey, looking forward to the movie...if the graphic novel is as good as you guys say it is, I might have to pick up a copy.

  13. PROTIP: no one cares about technical limitations. it's about the music, man, and nothing else. as someone who listens to jazz, you should know this... will the average listener KNOW that you physically couldn't do any more to the track? no. that's all we're trying to say, no offense, but if the track isn't ready to be seen, then don't show it...ya know?

    That being said, I really like your stuff on myspace. I even like this track; smooth jazz/urban beats are just cool when done right.

    You'd have to do some serious arranging to make up for the genre limitations to make it onto OC, though. Unfortunately, judges rarely count the genre "with" you, so to speak. They just care about the quality of the interpretation of the music, even if the genre doesn't encourage that.

    It's a good start though, and to quote one of my old technology teachers:

    "It's time to upgrade!" Get yo stuff together, boy, and finish this up right!

  14. Hey, quick question -it's just a brass/string ensemble, right? It's not divided up into horn, trombone, etc etc...

    So my question is...is everything tutti as I thought or is there a way to do sections?

    I mean, hans zimmer is good and all, but I like a little 'more' than just the same eighth notes played by the entire ensemble...XD

    BTW your stuff sounds really good - enjoyed the fight one quite a bit

  15. Ok, so here's a version with more prominent horns; especially the solos at the end.

    The bass and drums are supposed to be loud and annoying - that's the point... XD

    HOWEVER, I did tweak stuff and I can hear the band much better on my end with this version.

    As far as voice acting goes...definitely not my forte. If someone can do a better doc impression, go for it.

    and I'll work on adding an intro wily for continuity's sake.

    comments, concerns, w/e...DO IT. DO IT NAOUGHHHH

    v3: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/sncy/wily5

  16. These disputes only further cement my beliefs that we need an OCRING.org, where mixers and non mixers alike can duel TO THE DEATH or TO THE PAIN (depending on your movie preferences) in front of all comers on a live web cam! It would be a bigger attraction than the music, for sure...

    Think of Rome, DJP, you do have your empire to be concerned with...

    Et tu, pretze?


    Jeremy Robson's FFVII symphonies are deliciously delicious. like cake.

    also, jenova for classical piano is excellent evil mood music.

  17. Hey, nice to see some people interested in this.

    I always enjoy making someone's day with a request fulfillment; there's just SOOO many...XD

    Ok, back to the track.

    V2 new features:

    -arrangement nearing completion

    -jazz trombone recordings mostly done

    -slight vocal part added

    -cheesy-ass-70's fade out - CHECK

    -mastered for all occasions and events

    one thing i'm missing is pretty big: A NAME

    suggestions, comments, concerns?


    v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/fhnt/unnamedwilsbigbeatv2

  18. A request in the forums led to this project simply because MAN I had no idea the source was so bad ass...

    anyway, I've only worked on this for about 5 hours at this point, so the arrangement is not even close to being done.

    Done in the style of propellerheads meets stevie wonder(?)

    I've been listening to it while playing COD4 and it's pretty sweet to battle to. Reminds me of a funky kill bill...XD

    TO DO list:

    -finish live horns (oh yeah, I have a jazz trombone and I plan to use it)

    -finish arrangement

    v3: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/sncy/wily5

    v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/fhnt/unnamedwilsbigbeatv2


    any comments would be greatly appreciated!

  19. That a Dragonforce thread has existed for this long without this video being is posted is just downright wrong.

    to all those arguing:



    -OR ELSE

    /thread XD

  20. Reason is a plugin as far as I'm concerned. FL Studio is a glorified beat machine, not a real DAW. A DAW allows for a smooth workflow where you can work on music in a real world linear structure and have the options to edit, tweak, arrange and generally deal with it as if it were tape. FL does NOT give you a smooth workflow when it comes to dealing with audio, or dealing with songs written as songs, instead you get that ridiculous pattern bullshit. I know that zircon makes decent sounding music in FL, and one or two dudes make a living using it worldwide, that doesn't mean shit. It's bullshit software as far as I'm concerned, and people who recommend it as a good starting place to learn about writing and recording music are not giving good advice.

    Just because you spent your money on it, or spent your time downloading the warez'd version doesn't make it good, or worth using. There are so many other software packages that do an infinitely better job. With LOGICAL workflows and professionally designed user interfaces which make your projects FEEL musical, not like playing with a PS3 version of MTV Music generator. How many times am I going to have to complain about this shit till people start listening?

    Logical workflows are relative; it all depends on the user. I actually prefer FL's patterns/treatment of audio clips AND like the user interface a helluva lot better than cubase/reason/pro tools. The only thing I wish they'd add is a score editor and an automatic "freeze" utility - cubase does have that on it.

    But still, it's a solid, well supported (free updates? come on), relatively inexpensive piece of software that shouldn't be discounted so quickly especially to someone just starting out.


    1. Try the demos for the usual DAWs.

    2. Find one that you like. (and buy it)

    3. Write music. Lots of music. Practice, practice, practice.

    4. ............

    5. PROFIT!!!!!

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