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Everything posted by Makai

  1. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/items/assist/assist01.html Hammer Bros were announced some time ago.
  2. Sakurai just got away with doing the same update twice. I'm not complaining though. 13 pic/video updates are nice. I'm looking forward to a good single player mode in Brawl.
  3. Sort of like Deoxys?
  4. I think it's pushing the Smash Bros. concept a little when they introduce peripherals into the gameplay. Of course, I'm forgetting the Super Scope and the like they had in Melee, but imagine if the Nintendo DS was announced as a playable item. EDIT: Screw whatever I just said, that'd be awesome
  5. Go to bed. We waited an hour to see a product placement cleverly disguised as a ridiculous Final Smash.
  6. It took him an hour to put this up? >.<
  7. Sakurai got himself a girl.
  8. I blame terrorism.
  9. Fashionably late as usual.
  10. This reminds me of the Mario and Luigi games. Perhaps they will replace the ice climbers?
  11. Both of them could be in the game if they decide to include clones in brawl.
  12. His saddle looks like a turtleshell
  13. Ladders? lol
  14. Jul. 23 Mon. 2007 Wiimote It looks just like a TV remote! Don't you want to swing it around in the air?
  15. This update flat-out sucked, mainly due to the lack of captions. DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!
  16. Or maybe it overrides her skinsuit and all of her clothes fall off. I never liked the idea of Zero Suit Samus appearing in Brawl. Samus' Final Smash just seems like an excuse for her to get nekkid! Be on the lookout for a Soul Calibur 2-esque crossover to Dead or Alive.
  17. I think the smash symbol just means that game doesn't have a symbol. I really doubt the existence of a Sim City symbol
  18. I think Miis will replace the wiremen/fighting polygon team.
  19. Maybe he can hold it in and save it for later like Samus' charge beam. =P
  20. Be on the lookout for Dragonball-esque spinoff shows. =P Light's power level is over NINE THOUSAND!!!
  21. *spoiler* He shoots him like six times, though. Holy shit. Not to mention, right after that, Mikami starts spewing 40 gallons of blood RE4-style. o_O *spoiler*
  22. I just watched the finale. Wow, it was really bad. I guess 36 was supposed to be the climax of the serious, and the finale was just the denouement; or on the flip side, they didn't need the last episode to be any good at all considering there wouldn't be future episodes for people to watch. *spoiler* Matsuda did something useful for the first time in the entire series. I'm guessing Ohba finally reached the bottom of the barrel of ideas for the series, so he lit up some reefers with his buddy. "Doooood...have Matsuda pop a cap in Light's ass lol" *spoiler*
  23. Episode 36 is the most suspenseful 22 minutes I have ever sat through. The animation was excellent; that fan in the warehouse alone sold the episode for me =P I've heard people say that the ending is disappointing, but because of what happens in 36, I can't see how they could possibly screw up the finale. It's almost guaranteed people are going to be dying in the opening seconds, lol. Just throw in some explosions and a generic car chase scene and it will be perfect.
  24. Explain how he could slow down/speed up time without seriously affecting gameplay.
  25. The show's not nearly as good when Light's not killing people. As soon as he loses his powers, he becomes a two-dimensional character.
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