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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. So, if Kirby copies someone's abilities and THEN picks up a Final Smash...will Kirby have their Final Smash? If so, I'm looking forward to the Kirby Waft.
  2. I love some of those screenshots they take. Like the one with Wario crouching to look at Pikachu and the one with Pikachu jumping on Kirby's head. Kind of like the ones you get on the "Congratulations!" screen in melee.
  3. probably the most useful update yet. "Hey guys! jump!"
  4. Great...now they've got about 100 new things to release before new characters...the pokemon inside the pokeballs...one at a time...ugh...
  5. well, there's been a lot of requests for wii sports mixes and I made one. Unfortunately, it was before I knew much about the program I was using so it's kinda lacking but I'll link you up to it anyway.I'm thinking about completely redoing it... http://ton.escariot.net/Wiitastic.mp3
  6. New song is awesome. Love the slide guitar. That and the crazy percussion give it a really cool tropical feel. I love it.
  7. I don't know who had it first, but Oddllama has the same boss as you, Barnsalot.
  8. Then again, not many people knew about Mr. Game and Watch before Melee.
  9. huh...I wonder if the sewer lids and sewers will affect it.
  10. Wow...it's exactly like it. Ok, now I have huge expectations for the other stages.
  11. Hopefully this isn't the case. Maybe it works like a big Roman Candle. You push the button to light it and have a limited time to aim it. It says you can run and jump with the launcher, but it doesn't say you can fire with it. It doesn't look like a rapid-fire and the last update only mentioned rapid-fire weapons.
  12. That's good, but where did you hear that? Also...
  13. something similar was posted about 100 pages back, but this one is fail. There's no Moon.
  14. Completely invalid arguement. Whether the Nunchuk is seperate from the Wiimote or not, the fact is, they could require you to attatch it to play the game like on Zelda or Red Steel, in which case there would be a control stick to tilt. I'm just saying, this doesn't prove that they won't be using the wiimote to play the game, though I'm totally with you on the fact that motion controls/using the wiimote would totally suck. Even so, this is only in one aspect of the game. Who's said anything about it not being in any other part?
  15. As much as I agree with you, this doesn't really prove anything. The Wiimote has a control stick on the Nunchuk.
  16. Wouldn't it make more sense to post a day or two before June so we'll have them ready for June?
  17. jumping maybe...but running... that would kind of take away from the balance of the gun. I mean, you hit hard, but you can get hit hard while charging. If they make it to where you can run, you'll just hit hard with the same chances of getting hit normally.
  18. Well, you could begin to fire mid-air but you'd fall directly down where you were. You couldn't jump while firing. Also, I wonder if this will apply to the fire flower...
  19. ok, so they're not late this time. Site update telling you that you can run and jump while firing rapid fire items.
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