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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. If you go back and check that blog back on p. 243, (http://nintendrone.blog.com/) IF this can be considered a credible source and considering he says he got an interview w/ someone very closely related to the dev team, the main focus of the control scheme will be the classic GCN controllers and Nintendo is contemplating putting them back on the market.
  2. Yeah, I noticed Yoko Shimomura's on the list...Sora perhaps? Or King Mickey? Anyway, I'm tired...I'll check for more info tomorrow
  3. In other news, whaddya think of my new sig?
  4. Holy shit...check out the musicians... other than that...ghey at the moment. Guess I'll check back in another week... *sigh*
  5. Yeah, that was me, and uh...15 minutes :3 owait, this just in: There is no smash bros brawl. Sakurai was unfortunately in a bus accident involving kirby and a bus. More info starting today.
  6. yes...yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. I want to fucking know what's going on with this game. I can't wait until morning. Actually I would, but since yesterday was the last day of school, staying up all night to do nothing sounds better than going to sleep, getting up, and THEN doing nothing. p.s: another hour, failed....
  7. *sigh* I'm beginning to lose hope. Past midnight here and STILL nothing...
  8. hm...well, it makes SOME sense...
  9. Yeah lol, same here. But still nothing...
  10. haha, won't even wait another 4 minutes for the next checkpoint?
  11. lol, shit dude, you almost made me piss my pants.
  12. huh...good point. But only barely, in Japan.
  13. haha...I'll give it another 30 minutes...maybe an hour...
  14. I'm in dire need of a good accordian soundfont/samples. I've searched around but I can't find any.
  15. soo, less than 24 hours? Anyone know around what time this is supposed to be up?
  16. haha, Damn my laziness... I just put N/A because Rexy said it wasn't essential Sorry guys.
  17. put me in on this one too. I should be able to actually participate this time. AIM: magic22man115
  18. I wish I could go. If only I could afford the plane tickets...and wasn't in summer school that day...
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