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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. haha, I don't even have to click the link to know what that is
  2. I didn't know SOAD made a Zelda song. Unless you're talking about the Rabbit Joint Cover that somehow got spread around by someone as SOAD that was actually by The Rabbit Joint. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00022/ ^Is this the song you're talking about? And yeah, definitely play some of the OneUps music. It's all great so take your pick.
  3. oh...I thought it was real sax before listening to it big letdown for me...
  4. and probably post in requests or somewhere else.
  5. I thought the final destination song was pretty cool. In fact I liked all 3-4 of the original tracks in game. Especially the trophy tussle one
  6. If it were me, I'd stop trying to humanize those soundfonts/samples. They sound incredibly fake and the way they're played make them sound faker. Try putting it into a sequencer rather than recording them by hand for now. Other than that, we have the fact that the arrangement aspect is minimal or nonexistent. It sounds just like the original except w/ guitars and bad soundfonts/samples. There's also the fact that it's extremely empty and offbeat. And some of those bass notes are out of key. Still got a ways to go dude, but don't give up!
  7. I found Pokefloats pretty annoying.Actually I found all four of those secret levels annoying. The UFO in Fourside, the way the stage spins in Brinstar Depths, just the shape squirtle and some of those floats in pokefloats, and pretty much the way the level's played in Big Blue. They're still on my random select though because they can make some interesting battes.
  8. In my opinion, they picked the worst possible stages for the past stages. I mean, DK Jungle, and Yoshi Island? I never played those level when I had the choice. I always played the Pokemon level, the Mushroom Kingdom level (with the kickass warp pipes), and Hyrule Castle.I hope at least one of these are redone and put into Brawl
  9. Kind of funny that a thread this old was bumped by a first poster... Anyway, since it was brought to my attention...very nice. I like it. Some of the lower piano chords at the beginning sound a little weird. They sound slightly distorted. Don't remember the original very well, but I love this arrangement. Beautiful.
  10. hrm, ok. You happen to have a link to an mp3 of the original? It still doesn't sound familiar :/
  11. Just so ya know, I posted my re-re-re-audition on the forums >.>
  12. First of all, what's the source tune? I play FFXI but I don't recognize it. Next, yeah, some better samples would help, but not as much as some effects and EQing imo. Maybe some reverb or delay effects. And like Rod said, although this IS the wip forum, you should probably develop it a bit more before you post. Really hard to help w/ what little is there. unimportant sidenote: my first attempt at remixing was also a FFXI mix (it failed miserably...)
  13. I seriously doubt they would put a glitch from another game into SSB It wasn't even meant to be part of the game. But I have to agree, it would make a pretty awesome item...I'm just curious as to what it would look like. Just like a mosaic-censored looking thing?
  14. Dude, you're still on hampsters? I switched over to ferrets YEARS ago. Much more efficient.
  15. Still not getting much closer to me lol. I'm in the South (as much as I'd rather be somewhere else...). Maybe if there was a meetup in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Tennesee... *hint* *wink* *nudge*
  16. Lol, yeah me too kind of a let down, but it was still worth checking out. Although it was quite disturbing o.o
  17. Fox sounds like Erkel... didn't know THAT'S where Slippy's name came from...jeez louize...ew...
  18. Haven't played it in a while so I don't remember the music but there may be a few tracks on Red Steel worth remixing. Maybe even some of the Wii Weather Channel or Shopping Channel lol
  19. What if, instead of having Trophies as just collectibles, they introduced some kind of mini-game that you play w/ the trophies (or whatever they are in this game) you collected?
  20. LOL! Let's get away from this topic asap. There's already about 10 pages items "ruining the game". I'm pretty sure it ended up in "play the game however you want and stop bitching about how the game's 'supposed' to be played". Let's not go there again.
  21. On the same platform, I'm sure. No idea on the release date. Does anyone know what the japanese text says?
  22. lol, yeah, there's nothing really left to talk about But I agree, this thread is getting kind of old and it's getting very repetitive...
  23. Yeah, this world is ROAMING with homosexuals.
  24. See, these are the characters I don't think should be in a Smash game. Not because I don't like them, same w/ FF7 chars. I love FF but none of the characters would fit in a Smash game. They're too...realistic (?) or something. I probably would've thought the same w/ Marth and Roy had I known who they were and that they were going to be in Melee.
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