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Posts posted by Jewbei

  1. i remember when you showed me the earlier version of this over aim and i praised the hell outta it and now hearing the more updated version i must man im loving this. You've come a long way and its good that ive been able to watch you grow since your VGMix 2.0 days. I still wish you had finished your tal tal mountain mix. but yeah the only thing this mix is lacking some nice full string pads like really lush. but this mix is really upbeat kinda reminds me of some of my stuff but it has that nice ass hip hop-ish flow. i really hope you finish this so i can add this to the rest of your songs on my mp3 player. keep me posted!

  2. after a few years of working a crappy job as like a dishwasher or a shelf stocker or a salesman, you get pretty motivated to improve your skills. if that doesn't do the trick, you're pretty much screwed :)

    heh lol i can definitely relate to that im a computer technician and a security guard and hopefully one day a professional trance artist on a nice label like ajunabeats. Thats why im always studying like crazy about music i started making music at the age of 14 way back in 1999 using only a PS1 and MTV Music Generator it took me 6yrs to get everything down pact ..hell im still learning new shit everyday. so yeah Blur take your time man dont rush it train.....sharping your skills and listen to all style's of music. if you dont you will limit yourself.

  3. ok i have a few questions, I often ALWAYS read the judges panel like every chance i get and read on the votes on the artist remixes. Is that s good idea to do? I dunno just that I read to gain knowledge and to see what mistakes I don't make when im starting my next mix even though the info doesnt really apply to me I still read it to take pointers.

    Also Larry ive often see the word "synergy" in your post...what the hell does it mean? :razz:

    and what do you like more in a mix sound design or standard sounds but used in a effective way? because being that my style is Trance I always find ways to sound fresh and im always looking for new sounds to grab the listeners attention.

  4. i cant front i do miss VGMix, i honed my skills at that site i was there since 2004 but when i started getting active at OCR round 3 months ago. I dunno i find myself pushing myself harder with my music. i guess ir has alot to do with the vibe here.

  5. Oh man, Jewbei, it's great to see you here. I made sure to always listen when you had a WIP on the VGMix boards (before the site came back online), because your mixes always kick ass. I've always wondered why you never made an OCRemix submission... seriously, dude. Bring moar of your music here.

    Rock on.

    Well I have made some sub's in fact my track pretension is in the cue this month i hope i can get in *crosses fingers* but yeah i figured if i want to get in ocr i gotta use the tools that is right in front of me.

  6. Wow, I feel kind of neat being the first reply.

    First off, I'm not too hot at all on the Bass drum at the beginning, although it might be my Mega Bass headphones. Its a little too harsh. Good effect, I'd just tone it down a bit.

    This is some really nice work overall, it has a really good kind of funk to it. My biggest complaint is that I didn't recognize any source material until after 2 minutes into the song. Now, that may just be me not having played the original Sonic in too long, but it seems almost like there's too much original material here, at least in the first 2 minutes.

    Oh... this song is only 3:33... well then. (To clarify, I tend to review as I listen.)

    Well I'll definitely give that the overall feel of the song is there. This sounds really nice, don't get me wrong, you've obviously got a good ear for this sort of thing. This is OCR though, and the R bit is very important. Definitely needs more from the source.

    Now, I can't tell if this is from the style of not, but I'm not personally a fan of long intros. Not at all. I think the best place to introduce some form of the melody would have been around 1:33 when the rings sample came in.

    Also, I notice that the... how do I put this... Referring to the original source, I guess it would be the "break"? The section after the most recognizeable melody, which basically consists of some drawn out chords, and more importantly a key change, which varies the atmosphere of the original piece during the break. You keep this mix in the same key for the entire length. I feel like when I get to the end, I want there to have been more, for the last phrase of the melody that played to have led into something... epic.

    So I guess my best suggestion is, either add some more source to the intro, or shorten it, and then lead the end of the mix into something more varied. Its a good start, but its definitely missing an epic punch that makes a listener want to come back to it.

    Thats my take on it. Consider me an outsider, kind of a GE judge if you will. Nothing sounded technically out of place to me, I just wanted more from the overall experience. I'm sure someone else on the forums can tell you if you need to fix something more relating to the actual soundscape, but it sounded OK to me.


    thank you gamefreak for the feedback. Yeah i have a horrible habit in making long intros and yeah in the next version im going to do what you said..tone down the kick a lil and cut the intro short...and introduce some of the source early so i can have it set up. annd add new chords. i shall keep you posted

  7. Alright, I guess this is worth bringing up. Yeah, Proticity is in the quarterfinals as well. However, it is worth noting that he has cheated on OurStage before on the behalf of other artists, and on another occasion for himself.

    but how did he cheat..isnt that impossible? because i remember Daniel Palmer telling me that ourstage tracks everyone IP addresses to see if they made any duplicate accounts to cheat.

  8. hey everyone im sorta new here..well ive been lurking around OCR for a very long time mainly ive been active in VGMix. So being that i really want to get on OCR im going to start utilizing these forums better and start being more active here. What i have here is a House (with trance elements) Of Green HIll Zone from sonic 1. I appreciate any feedback i recive good or bad. So enjoy! and share your thoughts.


    P.S. this wip is kinda old i jus stopped working on it because i ran out of ideas

  9. Very nice indeed, but am I the only one who hears audio clipping at around 40%? Dunno if you still have the time to correct that, but in any case, good stuff :-)

    yeah after listening to it like 30 times ive picked up on the clipping unfortunately its too late for me to pick apart the mix to fix it. However im going to clean it up and sub it like in 2 months or so.

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