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Posts posted by Jewbei

  1. The last time ive spoken to bLiNd was like last month to let him know about how well i was doing in ourstage. I showed him my Tales Of Destiny remix and he really liked it. I discovered him in 05 and every since then he has been my main influence for my music he's a really cool guy and has help me alot in the past and even giving me pointers in how to improve my trance. I hope you pull through man you will be in my prayers.

  2. Yeah man I agree, I remember when i found this site way back in 2000 and man oh man everyone has come a LONG way. Even though im mainly very active in VGMix something always draws me back to this site. I know this is a lil off topic but A long time ago i was going to submit a Trance mix (i cant remember what it was) I was told not to submit it because "OCR hates trance, Trance remixes never makes it onto OCR" then i look at bLiNd (my main influence for my music I really look up to him) im like wtf is this nigga is saying if he can make it then so can I. I'm going to be real honest here. Even though i honed my skills over at VGMix, it was OCR that always brings the best out of me and forces me to push harder. When I first submitted La CLub La Emeraldz Larry and the others all pointed of my weaknesses and no one has been able to do that and I really thank them it was in a sense a wake up call and every since that NO ive gotten ive been busting my ass stuying new music and learning new skills. So getting a song on OCR is like winning the oscars for me lol.

    P.S. Sorry for the long ass post :|

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