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Posts posted by Jewbei

  1. I was about to say I hate you for making such great trance. But then you had to go ahead and pick that lead. Maybe it's a purely stylistic choice, but I am not feeling it. Everything else is fantastic, the beats, the synths. The mix is really jumping. Just not digging that lead.


    Ambient i totally agree the lead doesnt gel well but i choose it because i felt it would bring out the track more, ive ran through all of my sounds ...couldnt find anything maybe i can see if i can get avaris to make a few sounds.

  2. Nice Track <3

    Is this Sytrus for the Synths and 3xOsc for the Bass? How do you get them to sound so clean? *-*

    The Solo Synth String Section at the end sounds pretty good alongside with the Swish and the Brassy synth. I Hope to listen to this piece in a finished state... Go on Jewbei *cheers*

    hey man thanks for the kind words. as for the sounds let me give you a lil run down,

    the bass is actually layered 2 instances Oddity plus 1 instance of Zebra.

    im only using one instance of sytrus which is the plucked chords everything eles is Zebra...pads and that lead synth all zebra.

    and the clean sound....is all about mastering EQ'ing properly and compression

  3. Hey everyone its been awhile i know i know another wip i couldnt finish my last one but i will when i get the idea's flowing again for that mix. This is a remix to sakura's theme from Street fighter alpha 2 (and i guess SF 4 being that the arranged version is in it) but yeah it has some of bLiNds influence pratically white skies club mix. now my main thing is im thinking about making this a club mix being that how i have it arranged. Well enjoy i will be updating this reguarly being that i really want to sub this. Any feeback will be appreciated ...Peace!



    Remix UPDATE:



  4. hey sup everyone i rarely do this but eh what the hell i have a few songs im willing to share. lemme know what you think and enjoy :-P

    Aqualight: I this was suppose to be a remix to sonic 2's aquatic ruin zone but it didnt mesh well so i made it into a original song. (Trance)


    Guided Love: This was my first attempt at blending trance with hip hop elements this song is rather old i did finished it i have the full version around somewhere i wrote this for my girlfriend. I think im on to something who knows maybe i will create a whole new genre of music (Hip hop and Trance)


    Arigato: I made this for a close friend/fan of mines she really enjoyed it but i think i got a lil carried away though. (Trance)


  5. hmmm..this isnt bad at all...its jus that it everything feels so dry to me especially the opening the bells or whatever that is needs some reverb and some delay...and the low end needs some boost i cant feel the bass nor the kick and i would love to see a breakdown part and also the transitions feels weak with a lil more work about the stuff ive mention this track can really shine :razz:

    also make it longer i dunno if this was a preview or if your planning on subbing this song ..try to expand it too 5mins i think the source is limited but you can stretch it out trust me.

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