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Posts posted by Jewbei

  1. I waz here, waitin' for your WIPz. Rawr. I also feel for you with the limited capabilities on a laptop (that's the ONLY thing I have to work on, at this time - I feel the pain). A trick around that is to use the same instruments for different purposes, using filters and such to make them SOUND like they're different :)

    Pending on how you submit it you might still be able to make changes to the track before it hits the panel. If you can replace the upload with a newer file on Tindeck then you're in luck.

    I'm not sure you can do that with Tindeck (box.net lets you do that - it's why I use it ;-)). It's worth a shot, though.

    sucks lol cuz tindeck doesnt even allow that ..suck well hopefully i get a few conditional YES'

  2. Solid work as usual, Jewbei - needless to say, the production is tight as hell, and the overall sound is simply solid. I think there's room for improvement in the arrangement, though.

    I feel after a certain point the music seems to drone on rather than keep me at the edge of my seat. From ~2:50 minutes (when the melody becomes prominent) to the end I can skip through the track and hear virtually no difference in the soundscape or melodies. I understand that Trance is naturally a repetitive genre, but there really does need to be some variation, even if it's minimal (or hell, even if it's returning to older soundscapes from the track).

    The bass drum is awesome in this track. The rest of the drums are quite bland (and hard to hear, but that's understandable to give room to the other instruments). It's not as big of a deal in this genre as others (clear bass drums > everything else), but it could be an opportunity you're not exploiting to help with the soundscape issue I'm having. Give it some thought.

    It's a great track. That last half could be much better, though. Keep up the good work here - MM8 really doesn't get enough love, here :-o.

    Gario after reading your feedback i agree with everything youve said damn where were you when i was looking for feedback on the final? lol yeah i noticed that the hats were a lil hard to hear so i already started fixing that issue. Also my laptop is very limited so i cant really go all out like i want to thats why i only used 1 lead synth cuz if i were to layer them or something my cpu would max out so i jus had to make due what with i have.

  3. Damn dude this is sweet. I'm quite reminded of your Tales of Destiny remix when I listen to this track. It's in no way a bad thing, just similarities I noticed. Hope to hear more from you soon!

    thanks man yeah i was away for so long i was sharpening my skills im good now ...i have a few songs i subbed thats waiting to be judged i subbed this one here yesterday and ....i have my track from the sound of speed then ...a resident evil umbrella chronicles remix i subbed in feb..so yeah keep on the look out.

  4. hey guys its been a while im still here i jus wanted to share this before it gets posted in 2012 lol but yeah this is a Trance remix to the opening stage of mega man 8 here is the finished product i will be posting a club mix here soon of this mix i had to do an OCR edit

    enjoy lemme know what ya'll think



    Remix (FINAL):


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