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  1. This is just such a beautiful arraignment. I've been listening to it the past couple of days and it made me wonder if I ever gave DC13 his proper praise for it. I've still technically left the site, but I had to do this one thing here and I'll be content. This is a remix I should've given my support long ago, but I never got around to it. I've only given mad props to two or three other remixes, so DC13 should consider himself very fortunate to be in such a selective group. Very well done.
  2. Why would you trade-in a ps3? You might still find an online buyer for around a hundred dollars under retail value. How much did ya'll give him, Atmuh?
  3. Xelebes showing a little compassion for our man Decrescendo here. I'm glad he did because I really did want to say that I am sincerely thankful, to DarkOmen too. It makes me feel that much more safer to know that ya'll are kicking ass while listening to HeyMrHonda or something
  4. I guess Unmod stole your thunder. "Thanks for your service LOCK" I just wanted to say, since I didn't get to in the previous thread, that I for one really appreciate you and what you did.
  5. Would I be a little early to call that the best quote of 2007?
  6. Rama, my brother, you got rid of the piercing white!
  7. About an hour, I went on a Sunday that was little bit after the launch but still before the Wii Christmas fever set in.
  8. http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/present.php?p=Wii-Internals Dissecting the Wii-mote. Interesting for those really into hardware specs.
  9. Because otherwise I wouldn't be typing this from the comfort of my own bed. It's not a necessity, but it's definitely convenient. How do you see the damn screen? Resolution change. Maybe it's because my monitor is ten feet away from the foot of my bed, but I can't make out anything from that far away. Magnifying it is really annoying. If I had a wireless signal here, I would totally bring my laptop to my bed though.
  10. Because otherwise I wouldn't be typing this from the comfort of my own bed. It's not a necessity, but it's definitely convenient. How do you see the damn screen?
  11. 81 games, jeez. I did it in like 7 or so. Seriously though, how many did it take you? 30-40? I'm serious. Well 7 matches really, some of them 5 game, some of them 3 game. I've played tennis for 18 years though. Yeah, you said that. Still pretty impressive though. It took me forever to understand the concept of hitting the ball early/late and what that meant.
  12. 81 games, jeez. I did it in like 7 or so. Seriously though, how many did it take you? 30-40?
  13. Exactly my point. Dodging punches is only so-so too because the gloves don't come together right all the time either so boxing just comes out to be a downright frustrating experience. Tennis is really the only one I can play for more than one game/round/set without wanting to switch. I just got pro on it this evening after 81 games.
  14. I'm close to getting pro on tennis, and while my friend got to pro on boxing, I'm stuck in the upper-800 range. It's just impossible to be as fast as them without a real controller. Don't get me wrong, I like the motion censors, but in boxing you need to be precise... the wii-mote just doesn't cut it.
  15. Thanks guys, I guess it's settled then. Stick with this pad I got. I got the mouse in a couple days ago and set it up this morning. Lord, they ought to outlaw 1600 cpi on a computer mouse. Thank goodness I can change it but I'd like somewhere in between 400 and 800. The weights are kind of useless but I'm starting to get adjusted to the five-button scheme. I have one of them set to alt-tab, which is pretty useful when I have several windows.
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