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Posts posted by justinj212

  1. Hey all,

    Thanks for everyone's support for the GSO. For those of you who aren't familiar with our group, we're a student group at the University of Maryland dedicated to performing orchestral arrangement of video game music. We have most of the recordings from our December 2008 concert up on our website free to download. We'll have a recording of our finale 'Korobeiniki' up soon, I'll update this thread when it's available.


    -Justin Johnston

  2. I liked the integration of the voices in this track. I think this one does it properly, not thinking "play music-> stop music to deliver generic sci-fi quote-> continue with music". I like how they kind of hover in the background just beyond comprehension. Other than that, I'm not terribly fond of the high-pitched noise that occurs several times in the track, but that's just me :) Good job overall!

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