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Posts posted by justinj212

  1. I like the bubbling sound effects in the background, gives the first part of the song a very swamp-like feeling, but when it changes tone around 1:50 or so and moves into the second part of the song the bubbling noises kind of make it sound like a mad scientist's lab. It goes back to sounding like a swamp around 3:10 or so, but for that bit from 1:50 to 3:10 it just sounds different for some reason. Maybe some frogs croaking or something would also suggest swampy-ness?

  2. The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra will hold its FREE Winter Concert on Thursday December 4th at 8PM in the Memorial Chapel on the UMD Campus. The GSO is the only college orchestra dedicated to playing orchestral arrangements of video game music. The groups consists of 100 musicians and staff, with both instrumentalists and a chorus. Last May our concert filled the Kay Theater in the CSPAC with over 600 people!

    The concert will feature music from Xenosaga, The Legend of Zelda, Chrono Trigger, and more! Come meet the GSO and share in our mission to spread appreciation for video game music as a genre! Mark your calendars and please help spread the word. For more information, see our website at www.umd.gamersymphony.org. For any specific questions or to sign up for our email newsletter, send an email to umdgso@gmail.com.

    Again, the specifics are:

    Who: The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra

    What: Winter Concert 2009

    When: Thursday December 4th, 8-9:30PM

    Where: Memorial Chapel, UMD Campus

    Why: FREE VGM Concert!

    Web: www.umd.gamersymphony.org

    Contact: umdgso@gmail.com

    Be sure to send us an email to sign up for newsletters!

    Thanks, and I hope to see you there!

    -Justin Johnston

  3. wow guys, thanks for all the suggestions. I'm sure my listeners will enjoy hearing some tunes from these games. keep 'em coming, I could always use more ideas! afraid I don't have any internets to give people who posted, but I do have some radios if you would like.

    btw, if you want to check out the show, there are links in my sig. Copy the "subscribe" one into your favorite .rss feed catcher (ITunes, WinAmp, etc.) to get regular updates and access to all my back episodes.

  4. Hey all. I host and produce a weekly radio show at the University of Maryland's radio station WMUC. The show (8-Bit Radio) is dedicated to playing video game music.

    What I'm asking for are games to feature on my show. What are your favorite video game soundtracks? They can be mainstream or obscure, as long as they have good music! Just let me know what some of your favorite game soundtracks are and, if I find them and play them, I'll give you a shout out on the air. Please help me out by giving me the names of some games to play music from!

  5. I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and I got my Wii in January '07, but since then it hasn't seen a ton of action. I played through ZTP and Mario Galaxy, along with some SSBB, but that's really about it. Maybe I'm just thoroughly addicted to online gaming, since I spend most of my gaming hours on my PC or on XBOX Live. I don't know why, but my Wii is not getting as much attention as my other consoles by far.

  6. Alright GSO fans, our group needs a new logo which doesn't potentially infringe upon any copyright laws. We'd like to make a contest out of this. Any logos can be sent to the officer's email (umgso_officer@googlegroups.com) by the drop dead date of August 1st. Here are a few guidelines to help you:

    -nothing copyright infringing. nothing. no registered characters, hardware, names, logos, etc.

    -keep it simple. the logo will be printed on objects of varying size, from large to small, so it needs to be visible, clear, and not too complicated.

    -since the size will be changed, we don't require your submissions to be any specific size. Just make sure it looks good both stretched and shrunken.

    -we ask you submit both color and monochrome versions of the logo. we ask that you please limit the number of colors in the color version to three.

    -any text should be legible and used sparingly.

    -our current pac-man-esque logo and other info about our group can be found here

    The grand prize (aside from the pride of having us use the logo) will be a free t-shirt, an autographed photo of the GSO, and a CD of our spring performance. Runners up will also receive the CD. If you have any questions, please send them to umgso_officer@googlegroups.com


    -Justin Johnston, UMDGSO Advertising Officer

  7. Indeed. Patheic.

    also, if you're interested in this post, you'll probably like my radio show on UMD's campus radio station WMUC. I play all video game music, all the time (from 4-6AM Fridays, at least). You can download the latest episode here. I also have a podcast. Just copy this link into ITunes ("Advanced" --> "Subscribe to Podcast") and you can download all my old episodes for free. Check it out. It'll run through the summer as well, as I'm going to work in CP. The time slot will change after next Friday's show tho. I'll let you know when.


  8. The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra will hold its Spring Concert on Tuesday May 13th at 7:30PM. It will be held at the Kay Theater in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center on the UMD campus. Admittance is FREE for everyone!

    Who: The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra

    What: Our Spring Concert Featuring Pieces from Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Portal, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Metal Gear Solid, and more!

    When: Tuesday, May 13th 7:30-9:30PM (doors open at 7PM)

    Where: Kay Theater, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland College Park


    Website: www.umgso.com

    Contact: umdgso@gmail.com

  9. Hey, this is Justin Johnston with 8-Bit Radio WMUC 88.1FM. I play your favorite video game music, arrangements, and remixes. The show airs Friday from 4-6AM in College Park MD. It is also available for download at:


    If you are interested, I have a group on Facebook and Myspace:



    If you have any questions, feel free to respond or send me a message. So listen in and please tell your friends about it!



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