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Posts posted by justinj212

  1. kind of subtle, feels like a background track that establishes mood during an action or infiltration sequence in a game. unfortunately I don't think it stands out in any particular sense. the voice bit and the synths thereafter are a nice touch, would have been nice to see those implemented througout the entire track. good job overall!

    ps, 50th post ftw!

  2. everything in this mix works very well together! great choice of synths, and the touch at the very end was unexpected. would have loved to see you use that sound at the end a little more, extend it and explore a little more with that instrument. definitely left me wanting more!

  3. Hey all, looking for suggestions on fun games that may not necessarily be good games. Example: Conan for the 360 is a hack-n-slash game that's really fun to play, but there are a number of factors keeping it from being a "good" game (linear stages, not much of a story, graphical bugs, etc.). However, the game developers seemed to have realized they were making a second-tier game and decided to go for over-the-top action instead of worrying about polishing every detail, and in the end it made a game that was really a blast to play.

    So any other games like that come to mind? I'd prefer something more recent so that I might track it down, but anything would be good. I also realize the fun factor of a game is fairly subjective, so I don't blame you if you hated Conan :)

  4. I liked what was going on in the mix, but the popping noise throughout bugged me a bit. Not sure if it was meant to sound like a record player, but for some reason it felt like my ears were popping throughout the entire song. Seen others on OCR use a louder record-like popping sound at the intro and have it fade away as the song progresses, but this one has a softer sound that persists throughout. Not sure what its meant to establish, but was interesting.

  5. I kind of agree with DA on this one. The gurgle does set the mood, but it pretty much drowns out everything that comes after it without really contributing much. Would have cut it at around 0:40. Really like at around 3:05 when things start to build like crazy, but for some reason there's this gurgling noise over it. I think it souds industrial enough with your other effects.

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