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Posts posted by justinj212

  1. I think a lot of people mentioned this before, but effing Mike Tyson. What can I say? This was really the first huge, almost insurmountable achievement in my gaming career. How old were most of us when we fought Mike Tyson? I was probably about 4.

    Aside from that, the first time I played Ocarina of Time stands out. I got it for my 10th birthday, and I knew from the first time I played it that it was special. Everything stands out, from the music to the dungeons to the game play. Every time I hear the piano from the start menu music it makes me think back :)

  2. XBL arcade games just feel different. "arcade" is an appropriate name, since many of them are geared towards multiplayer and make great party games. hell, some of them are lifted right off popular arcade games (castle crashers is a revamped gauntlet/tmnt/x-men). not to mention the uniqueness of how they are distributed. having some people over tonight and want to play streets of rage? go right online over XBL and buy it! this could really be the next big thing in buying video games.

    think I went off-topic a bit, but I do think there should be a distinction between regular xbonks games and xbla games.

  3. I honestly don't even see Ryu Hayabusa as a ninja any more. He's forsaken all elements of stealth, creativity, and cunning in his combat and instead has changed to over-the-top gory hack n' slash. This isn't a bad thing, it just puts him in the league of Dante and Kratos rather than Tenchu and Goemon. Quite honestly I think Batman and Solid Snake are better 'ninjas' then Ryu ever was. Of course I'd have to go with The Batman as my favorite all-time :)

  4. I started listening to this mix with the intention of giving a review to the best of my very limited musical abilities, but I honestly just lost myself in thought as I listened. thought about things as I listened to it. I guess the title is very appropriate then :)

    the piano was very nice, and I liked it very much. honestly I can't say much more because I just kind of drift off every time I listen to it.

  5. wow. when listening to the voice clips at the beginning, thought the guy said "now you wouldn't think about setting me up the bomb, would you?" Pretty sure that's not what he said, but if it was then an internets to you, sir.

    The string synths were pretty good throughout, and I liked how you used the bass to interrupt them and go on to the next segment. good mix, sir.

  6. You paying attention justinj212? :D

    yes, I am. and this thread wins the award for "lasting far longer than I thought it would" and has convinced me to include some 'non-serious' element in each of the 'serious' posts I make from now on.

    And on that note, UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra concert recordings are up, click the link in my sig to visit our homepage. thanks guys, keep the suggestions coming!

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