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Posts posted by justinj212

  1. Wow, the guitars in this mix are really solid, as are the drums. However, it's little things like the synths and orchestral samples behind the guitars that make this mix really work. The fullness granted by the orchestral and synth sounds is key, and takes this mix to a whole new level. Some very interesting samples also put a unique spin on the mix (the bubbling sound was unexpected!). Bottom line is this mix rocks so hard that I have a hard time believing this is a debut mix, and I'm really looking forward to your next track!

  2. The intro to this mix is fantastic. The guitars, piano, drums, and synths all shine, but I feel as though the mix doesn't do much after the intro until around 1:30, when the piano soloing really takes this track to another level. The strong drum work after the piano solo really stands out, and the ending is solid as well. Enjoyed this mix very much!

  3. I love how the chimes are used in this mix. I lack the musical savoir faire to describe this properly, but the with the great beat they have a totally different sound to them. Usually I would associate chimes like that with music from cheesy horror flics, but the way they're used here they give the mix a feeling of melancholy while still being an engaging track with a strong beat. Hope I'm making sense >_>

    Great job with the mix!

  4. Josh Whelchel remixing an OST by Abadoss? How can you lose? Loved the orchestral elements over the really strong bass, which transitions into some amazing drums. The mix reaches an absolute fever pitch towards the end, but I must say I felt like I was left hanging with the ending. I would've loved a more difinitive conclusion to a mix, especially since it got my blood pumping towards the end. Really enjoyed the mix overall :D

  5. I did an aural double-take when I first heard this. The orchestral samples are some of the best I've ever heard. The arrangement is really solid too, and the constantly-changing tone and pace really kept me engaged when I was listening. It seems to revolve around the excellent strings and the full, dramatic sound from the brass. Bonus points for the reference in the title. Good work!

  6. I love the keyboard that comes in around 1:30, and the interesting samples that pop up once or twice in the mix (once early on and once again at 2:40, were they from G&G?), but what really ties this whole mix together for me is the excellent bass. It is super funky and persists through most of the track, and it takes the whole thing to another level. Was grooving with the bass the whole time 8)

  7. ok, I have listened to it already, pretty cool!

    But why this game hasn´t get enough love yet?

    come on guys! it´s an excellent game!!

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. Seems to me the game has been getting great coverage, especially for an indie game. It has a score of 90+ on metacritic as well, so the critical reception has been outstanding. The album even has remixes from some of the prominent artists on OCR, which is only fitting given DB did an outstanding job on it. I think everyone agrees at this point that it's a great game.

  8. Not only the vocals. It has pretty much everything I love in a hip-hop track, from guitar stabs to scratching.

    Wow, I had a total 90's music trip when I listened to this.

    As for myself, I gotta keep the cheesiness going with this track from Sonic Adventure:

    Yeah it's cheesy, but it's tons of fun and it makes Knuckles about 10x more interesting than any of the other characters in this game. Used to listen to this on a loop in the SA sound check 8)

  9. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    Np guys. I was surprised when nobody brought this up. Guess my constant lurking on Reddit and Twitter paid off.

    The thing that was most shocking to me after finding this vid was going back and listening to the source. The mob of composers on S3 and S3&K did an amazing job. Props especially to Michael Jackson. Even if he wasn't satisfied with the fidelity of chip music, it really was the perfect medium for his melodic pop. The details of his involvement in S3 are murky, but one can only wonder if things had happened differently, would he have gone on to make some of the best VGM of the time?

  10. Saw this on twitter yesterday, and I thought I'd share. Link is to the youtube vid, which has links to download the mp3:

    Daniel (aka 8bitDanooct1) recreated the entire Sonic 3 & Knuckles OST using an NES tracker. I'm not an authority on NES trackers, but from what I can gather it looks as though he's using six channels (two sets of the regular three NES sound channels) to create a stereo effect and give himself some more flexibility in his NES interpretation of the S3&K OST. Great stuff.

    If anyone has any questions for Daniel, he'll appear on Radio Free Gamer tonight at 7PM Eastern to discuss the album. You can listen and chat here if you're interested, or leave a question on this thread if you can't listen live.

  11. Got some excellent music tonight. In case you haven't peeped this on reddit or twitter,

    . Technically the mixes are in 6-channel stereo rather than the usual 3-channel NES tunes, but the effort that went into this remastering really shows. The musician behind this project will join us live to answer your questions, so either join us in the chat tonight from 7-9PM Eastern or leave your questions here if you want them answered.
  12. Sat and listened to this at work underneath my desk. Fell asleep to the fitting music around Pot Hocket's FFX remix. Do you happen to have a track list for the songs you used after the interview?

    I have been so, so bad about updating my show notes lately. Promise I'll have those up tonight. I'll link to them here once they're up.

    Edit: You literally fell asleep under your desk while listening to my show? Like George did in that one episode of Seinfeld? That's actually kinda cool.

  13. Tonight's interview is going to be awesome. Dunno if you guys have heard, but MAGFest preregistrations are going four times faster than they have in previous years. This really reflects the good decisions they made to change the date, get great guests, and have their best band lineup to date. Going to be amazing.

    And a lucky listener to the show will get 2 free passes :D

  14. This week Radio Free Gamer will interview MAGFest PR Director Nick Marinelli! We'll also give away 2 free passes to MAGFest! If you want the skinny on how to win, check out the forum post at 8BitX. As always, we're live from 7-9PM Eastern on Wednesday. If you guys have any questions about the contest, or if there's anything you want me to discuss with Nick during our interview, please leave them here or email them to me at radiofreegamer@gmail.com. Thanks!

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