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Newbie (1/14)

  1. This is my entry for the contest--It would be pretty amazing to meet the legend and pick his mind on places of inspiration
  2. When the project is complete, submit a cd of it to pandora, in CA. This is huge ad-time, for free. Or, I can do it for you? Also, if anyone wants to team up with some artists and perform the music, somehow, or present it at a show of some live-band type nes group, I can streetteam for you in NYC or Las Vegas just some thoughts
  3. Hey all, I am new here, and plan to stick around. I am definitely a mooch of mp3s here, and have no shame about it. I am different though: I am actively seeking to benefit and promote any game music makers that want my help. NESkimos were the first band to introduce me to this amazing genre, if i can all it that. Since then I have been a big time fan of the typical Minibosses and the Advantage. I am fascinated to find so many bands doing this stuff through myspace: vomitron, bitshifter, entertainment system, powerglove etc so I guess I lean more to the 'rock' side of remixes, but it doesn't mean I dont have passion for what all of you guys are doing. Let meknow how I can help you. And I will always something to the effect of "God Bless" because I take up my identity in Christ. That doesn't mean I am unrealistic or a social hermit or critic, just new. so God Bless!
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