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Everything posted by awesomeman500

  1. As I said, I didn't take the idea. I had this idea far before Milky Way wishes was created. However, I think we can all agree that I had bad timing. But I have to say, every f***ing thing I say, you have to find something offensive or otherwise bad aboutit even though you know perfectly well what I mean. Even my remixes are rarely given constructive criticism, all I get is, "Man, this is complete s***, go f*** your momma, a**hole" I'm tired of all this. Okay. If I'm going to be here, I'd like to be treated fairly like how you treat everyone else. And before anyone else gets some smart idea, I vote for the lock of this topic. Goddamnit, you had to ruin everything again, Linkjing.
  2. I did mention Milky Way wishes, and I said it was very similar. And this is an independent project, not OCR related. It is mine, my own and I believe it's perfectly okay to start posting my ideas. Also... Milky Way wishes isn't covering all the kirby games (at least the adventure games) And finally, I did send zircon a message about this, although he hasn't replied yet.
  3. I have now a dedede battle song. Yes, it's orchestrated: http://www.mediafire.com/?cn3mygvn9yz
  4. *puts a bullet-proof vest on and shoots self in head*
  5. Okay, this is the Yoshi's Island caverns theme which now sounds a bit like the Rocky theme: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3t2mnxg92og Again, be as brutal as you want, but also offer constructive critcism so I can improve on it.
  6. What do you suppose I do? Oh and FriendlyWarlord/Hunter, I reaaaallly hate you right now.
  7. Here we go, there may be a couple screwups, but I took my other one and revamped it... Now with Electric Guitar! http://www.mediafire.com/?6dy31jyndqj
  8. Ok, this sucks. Be as brutal as you want. It sucks: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7mq12ymojyn
  9. ***THIS IS A REVIVAL THREAD! THIS IS FOR THOSE FARMILLIAR WITH THE PROJECT ONLY! CONFORM OR GET OUT Shael Riley, a while back had this idea about reworking the Super Mario Brothers games into a semi-realistic survival-horror game. The concept soon spawned hundreds of new ideas and eventually started to take some form. Suddenly, however the development rolled to a halt and the project eventually died out. Occasionally the members would visit the forums but not much was being done. This thread is to bring the project back up to speed as it should be. Now remember, this is not a time for too many newcomers. If you wish to help with the project, please visit the forums and read the messages there so you can become farmilliar with the project. This is NOT a spam thread. And I apologise for placing this in Off-topic originally, my mistake.
  10. yeah, real helpful, just64helpin. And PassivePretentiousness, we don't steal fan-art from other sites, we in fact make our own, now if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. No PS2 Emulator. Got any suggestions for me to rewrite my intro paragraph?
  11. This thread has been moved by me to here, because of crappy placement.
  12. ***This was moved from its original location in Remixing. A little while ago (Ok, I lied, a couple years ago), I had this idea to begin a Kirby related project. Ok, now those who are farmilliar to the Milky Way Wishes Project will find this is somewhat similar. This project is a collection of remixes from the Kirby games paired up with illustrations, a novel and even videos. * The illustrations can be of any medium as long as they pertain to the games. * The novel is to be a collaboration of all the Kirby games in a somewhat chronological order (ie. KDL, KDL2, KDL3, K64,) and flowing in an order so it works as a story * The remixes can be of any genre but preferrably one which pairs up to what's happening. They must be at least 1 minute and 30 seconds long. * The videos... um, just be creative. I don't care about violence, just NO SEXUALITY OR SWEARING or they will not be accepted into the final project. The project will cover the following games only: Kirby's Dreamland Kirby's Dreamland 2 Kirby's Dreamland 3 Kirby 64 Kirby Superstar (including all the subgames) Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland -Please place your submissions in this thread. Thanks. And have fun! EDIT: I have written two beta chapters here: http://kirby.classicgaming.gamespy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=235069 But feel free to change them in your writings.
  13. Yes, I have experienced a very similar problem and I still can't fix it. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11262
  14. Nope, didn't work. It wants a codec which it cant find.
  15. Ok, I'll try that, it's just that after updating the lisence, the files went corrupt
  16. There are synth patches, but I'm having trouble with the patches which are wav files.
  17. This definetly gets my thumbs up. It seriously sounds like you did this over the course of a few weeks. Just a question, what program are you using (cuz I doubt you hired an orchestra)?
  18. I'm using FL Studio 7 XXL and whenever I try to use the patches which aren't synths but wav files, the button the sound name is on turns red and the wav file doesn't play. I think they may be corrupt, can someone find the original sounds and post them up here please? Thanks.
  19. I've moved this to the Works in Progresses/Releases Section here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=305085
  20. Saw it yesterday. Megatron's jet form sucked, he's supposed to be a damned gun.
  21. No, I don't have an account there.
  22. Rather than bumping my old thread, I created a new one. Here is the final version of my "The Frantic Factor" song (remix of Donkey Kong 64's Frantic Factory): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1073928⊂=86566
  23. I host all my music on Newgrounds under the name "Reign Overhead" Please don't just go along and give me zeros, because I'm kinda tired of seeing my 5.00 drop to a 2.67. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1997620
  24. Off topic, but DK64 nonetheless... Jungle Japes: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1073928⊂=80537
  25. Although this is not entirely mine. I forgot a few parts and I couldn't play a few parts, so I used sections from a midi file by Dave Phaneuf. This is supposed to sound electronic, so don't say it sounds too humanized. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1073928⊂=79952 original http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/V1.1DK64_Frantic_Factory.mid
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