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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. Here's 18MB of test mixes, retagged. I threw in some bootleg album art. They're all early mixes. Please play these files in various programs and let me know what issues, if any, you encounter.


    (Using a Creative Zen Vision:M) The only issue I'm running into is that it doesn't display the year. But, I get that problem with a lot of tracks (not just this sample), so I wouldn't spend any time trying to correct for that if no one else is having issues.

    Other than that, everything displays perfectly fine on my Zen.

    ...although, José is the only other one I've ever met who actually uses a Zen, too. KF

  2. Ok so... there's definitely something affected by your computer, MP3 player, speakers/headphones, etc. Using the same headphones on two different computers, I couldn't hear above 15k on one, and I could hear all the way up to 22k on the other. KF

  3. Folks should also check their speaker/headphone capabilities after doing this test. Most have a range that only goes up to 20k. Though, folks in this community are more likely to have a better sound system that's capable of responding to those extremely high and low tones.

    Also I say 'after' doing the test so you can see if you've really heard anything, or it's psychological. Since if your headphones can only go up to 20k and you're hearing all the way up to 22k, then... you might want to re-take the test and try randomizing the files with interspersed tracks of silence. KF

  4. Tried it again with headphones. I can hear barely the 14k, and I think 15k is where it cuts out. I sense some kind of vibration at the higher tones, but I can't quite tell if I'm actually hearing something or it's psychosomatic (I recommend trying to download them and playing it randomly, interspersed with bits of pure silence, to figure out if that's throwing you off). My tinnitus is probably about 13k when it hits.

    I can hear the full range up to 22kHz although it gets a little quiet, I'm 21 :P

    Man you guys have terrible ears.

    It's 'cause we're old! Thanks for rubbing it in.

    Now get back to myspacing your tweets, or whatever it is you kids do these days. KF

  5. Question: does "standardized filenames" refer to the name of the games? That is, Final Fantasy 9 will only be listed one way, so I don't have entries beginning with "FF9", "Final Fantasy 9", and "Final Fantasy IX"? (Same thing for, say, Zelda 3 or Zelda Link to the Past, Sonic 2 or Sonic the Hedgehog 2, etc.)

    I don't have any suggestions beyond what's already been done (and repeated many times). Still looking forward to when all this is unleashed in the next torrent. KF

  6. (A) I'm 100% on-board for an OCR meetup at Six Flags. End of August would actually be pretty convenient, since it's after my second summer session of grad school and before fall begins.

    I'd also prefer having it in the middle of the week (school schedule permitting), since I can take a day or two off of work, and we can enjoy shorter lines everywhere.

    (B) Zircon, if you have a Philly meetup (and it's not on a day when I have schedule conflicts), I'll drive up for that. I can give a lift to anyone in the NoVA/DC/MD area, too. KF

  7. Just an update. I made my hotel/flight reservations now.

    If anyone is still interested in going and sharing a room, I managed to get a room for $66/night. It's me and Jenner there right now, so if you chip in on the room then we're talking about no more than $22/night (and $11/night if it's two people). KF

  8. By the way, guys... I'm making hotel reservations this weekend for the convention. If anyone would like to go in on a room with me, then it'd be better if I knew by this weekend so I can make sure to get a big enough room.

    If you can't find out by then and still want to split a room after I make reservations, I can see if I can upgrade the size or (if it's just like one person) there might still be room anyway, just no guarantees if that happens.

    And... I don't mean to be mean, but I'd only feel comfortable rooming with folks I've actually met in person before. Sorry...

    That could be fun to go to - I'll have to see closer to then though, I can't give a definite so far, although there's nothing in my schedule to deter me from going.

    Wes! You can room with me and Jenner! It's totally not gonna be awkward, I swear. KF

  9. Bad News: St. Louis Gamerfest unfortunately has to be cancelled this year. The management apologizes profusely for the inconvenience. The organizers of the convention want to make sure they get this done right, so rather than putting it on now and having it be half-decent, they'll be back next year to make sure it's a hit.


    Hi folks! I normally don't promote like this, but... there's a new video game convention in St. Louis that's starting out this year that I'm planning on going to. And, I figured on the nature of it, folks here would be interested as well.

    What: St. Louis Gamerfest - www.stlgamercon.com

    When: May 28-30, 2010 (Memorial Day Weekend)

    Where: Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63146 (map)

    Basically, as I said it's a video game convention out in St. Louis. This is its first year, so while it won't be large, we're hoping for a pretty decent turnout. It's probably going to be something like MAGFest was in its first or second year, and we're aiming for that kind of fan-supported atmosphere.

    We're planning on game rooms, panels, contests, and that sort of thing. We're still working on adding more content, and if you have any ideas then we'd love to hear them at the forums (forum link).

    I'm planning on going of course (flying in from Northern VA, probably will rent a car when I get there). Is anyone else here in the area? Anyone else able to make it? Hey, it might even tide you over a bit until MAGFest 2011. KF

  10. Will someone please tell Game Arts the get with the making of Lunar III? We already have Square-Enix taking care of the RPG remake quota, and the PS1/Saturn remake was enough for the first Lunars.

    We need new Lunar goodness. It's been way too long.

    They seem more likely to be listening now than at any other point (except for after the PS1 release of EB, and the Sega CD release of EB). Unfortunately, Studio Alex is long-gone, and it'd require getting quite a few new people unconnected with the original series on-board. (At the very least, Kei Shigema would be involved--the original creator / author of the series--and possibly Kubooka--character designer--and Iwadare--composer.)

    I'd like to see Eternal Blue getting some more attention, too, though a third Lunar game is higher on my list. (Dragon Song doesn't count, and Magical School Lunar was a side-story.) KF

  11. Jenny Magallanes

    ...it wasn't until now I noticed that Jenny Stigile got married. Wow, lots changes.

    Anyway, I got the limited edition. I already played the Japanese version when it was released; haven't started the English one yet. Overall, though, I definitely like this remake and personally I'm glad to have another take on the game. I'd still much, much rather have a new game altogether, but this is still good.

    I gotta do a compilation of translation differences, though. There's some stuff name-wise that was changed around. Part of the pitfalls of using a new translation. KF

  12. Without getting into a long discussion on how women tend to be portrayed in video games (and media in general), I'll just stick to my top few picks.

    Rosella (King's Quest 4+):

    Her debut was in a classic Sierra adventure game, with a save-the-person-in-distress kind of plot, only for once it was the prince in distress and, the princess trying to save him. She wasn't made to be overtly feminine/princess-like, not sexualized (though it probably would've been pretty difficult considering early VGA graphics), and, well, just plainly established as female without any implications to it.

    Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright):

    Ok, yeah, sure she's kind of well-endowed. But she (and Maya Fey at that) is still made out to be a strong female character who's well-known for her intellect and advocacy, rather than her looks.

    Christie Monteiro (Tekken):

    Hey, I'm not perfect.

    watch the old "La Blue Girl" series, problem solved as you'll get over it soon enough.

    It's a trap! No problem can be solved by La Blue Girl! KF

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