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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. I dunno what you don't like about gyms specifically, but my experience tells me people tend to equate gyms with bodybuilding regimes and it's often that style of working out that turns people off to going. It can also be due to an unfamiliarity with movements/exercises, but you see this same lack of knowledge in at least 90% of folks at your "standard" gym:

    The main reason that folks tend to dislike gyms isn't that association, so much as the fact that there are other people there, and many folks feel as if they're being watched/judged while they're at the gym. (The former is what contributes most to my own discomfort with gyms; it feels like working out in a public restroom for me.) It's not so much the connection with a bodybuilding regime (that is something that I think contributes to many folks' aversion to weightlifting specifically, though).

    Anyway, thanks for your other advice. I figured it may be useful to hear other reasons beyond what you've mentioned for folks' dislike regarding gyms. KF

  2. nobody seems to have commented that I showed up right about the time he disappeared... coincidence?


    I believe zircon mentioned it and floated the theory that you're GrayLightning on one of the last VGDJ episodes.

    Though it was probably just to distract from Brushfire's discovery that zircon is Sixto Sounds. KF

  3. They....changed the lyrics to intro.....


    Jenny Stigile was brought on for the opening song (same person who did many of the vocal tracks for WD's localizations of EB, SSS, and EBC). There were some issues with rights over the lyrics that didn't apply to the script itself, so I'm not sure they could've used the original lyrics/tracks even if they wanted to. KF

  4. The new voice cast has been getting mixed reviews, but if you ask me it sounds all right.

    I already played through the Japanese version when it was released last year (they actually got the same voice cast, so it was like a reunion, but that was rather impossible for the English release). I really like it; the music sounds even better, the sprite animations are nice, and the dungeon/forest/misc backgrounds look better than the SSS version. There were also some added backstory elements regarding the Four Heroes, and some extra character background details (nothing most people would notice; for some folks like me who archive everything about the series, though, it's a nice touch).

    Admittedly, I still prefer TSS (Sega CD) overall. But for like $30 this is a pretty good deal.

    EDIT: Lunar-NET (some self-promotion, I know, but it's relevant!) has more info on it, by the way. Link's in my sig. KF

  5. Keep in mind that this is not a requests thread please.

    Personally I was taking it as a "remixes I'd love to make" sort of thread. Actually, for the ones that I mentioned, I'd rather no one else made them so that I could be the first to make an attempt {^^}. Not sure if others are interpreting the title the same way though. KF

  6. What do you mean "once you shave off that beard"? I'm keeping this thing for a while. Even if I tried to shave it, it'd be back within a week. Ever seen the movie The Santa Clause? That scene where his beard grows back nearly immediately is a dramatization of my facial hair. Except my hair isn't white. And I'm not a fat Tim Allen. Lunch soon?

    Drats, you caught onto my subtle hint!

    But no, seriously, I actually was under the impression you grew that specifically for Beardfest '10 at MAGFest. Didn't know you were in it for the long term.

    How 'bout lunch tomorrow or sometime next week? KF

  7. Two songs from Lunar: Eternal Blue.

    The Boss Battle theme as a fusion of rock and Mongolian folk music (inspired by Altan Urag), and the Frozen Continent theme as a Qawwali song. The vocals on both would be the toughest part; I think I could even find a few people from whom to borrow the instruments for the latter, too, but voice isn't something you can borrow {..}. KF

  8. Word-by-word reaction:

    "What kinda sucks"


    "is that they are remaking Lufia II"


    "an excellent game with great music"


    "but that they are remaking it into a 3D action game"


    I still don't get all the fixation on 3D and pseudo-3D (isometric views, etc.). Sometimes a classic 2D RPG, designed with a classic 2D interface, works best with the 2D interface. It's like trying to take an old black-and-white movie, colorize it, and make it 3D. KF

  9. In response to the original question, I think we're seeing a bit of a resurgence in turn-based RPGs, but mostly on handheld systems. There're a few I'm looking forward to, or already picked up, for both DS and PSP. Such as...

    A Lunar SSS remake is coming for the PSP soon, looks like it's got a nice boost in graphic, I hope they keep the heart of the original intact though.

    This. Lunar: Silver Star Harmony is being released for the PSP. Especially if you've never played the PS1 remakes, then I'd highly recommend it. ...I may be slightly biased, as my sig/avatar indicate, but, yeah, it's pretty good.

    I've played the Japanese version already, and the English one is going to be released on March 3rd (with some nice pre-order bonuses--use the OCR Amazon Store and search for "Silver Star Harmony Limited Edition" if you want that).

    There's a demo on PSN if you want to check it out for yourself. KF

  10. Apologies if this has already been discussed, but... What do you suggest in the way of a regular exercise routine (e.g., trying to get 20-30 minutes of elevated heart rate about three times aweek) for someone who hates going to a gym?

    The best suggestion I've heard so far is jogging, which is something that I think I could actually get into and enjoy enough to actually stick to it. Gyms... I've always felt uncomfortable with them, and I know I'd find every excuse not to go.

    Besides that, my diet is fine, and while I don't exercise regularly, I'm at least not sedentary (I have to walk an average of 1-2 miles a day, just in the course of going to work or classes). I just got kind of a wake-up call the other day that emphasized the fact that, well, I need to do a little more. KF

  11. I don't have much comment on the song itself beyond what's already been said. But, I will add that it's always great when a remix reminds me of a song that's awesome that, until now, I totally forgot.

    I didn't even remember Death Egg Zone until I heard the mix; now I can pretty much picture all the weird gravity-flips and background of that stage. Great choice.

    Mix is awesome too, by the way. KF

  12. I did forget one specific resolution of mine...

    ...organize a set of songs to play with people who I know will be at MAG next year so we can all rock out. Time to start forming diabolical plans, heh heh heh.

    That's kind of similar to the refinement of one of my resolutions... It was originally just to get better at the ocarina, but I think my benchmark will be if I'll get good enough to actually perform... like at JamSpace. KF

  13. Tales of Phantasia is hands-down the best game on the SNES. Unfortunately, it's Japanese-only. The only official English translation is for the GBA, so if you'd need that then you may as well get the GBA version instead.

    Otherwise, well, everything else I'd have in mind has already been mentioned. But given your preferences, the SNES is the perfect system to get. (And I say this despite being a Sega fan back in the day.) KF

  14. Way ahead of you, and got 'er done today. Hell of a lot of good stuff in there.


    You read my mind!

    I actually made the comment to Arrow & Jay that, I'd like to do an animated GIF of that, but, "it won't be as good as what Jose could do." KF

  15. I just have to clear it with my housemates and we'll be good to go. If there are no objections, can I get a list of people who will be showing up, please? :razz:

    All of it sounds like a great plan. When'd you prefer people start coming in? 2-3? KF

  16. Some sort of gigantic recording of OCAD with MAGFest reflections and whatnot at Brushfire's house in the afternoon.

    Dinner at Medieval Times (I've actually never been myself). They do have vegetarian meals upon request, and the one we'd be going to is at Arundel Mills Mall.

    I'm down with that. Just let me know when/where.

    I'm ok with Medieval Times, but I'd prefer an alternative (it is kind of pricey, and doesn't really offer much of a venue to talk since everyone's facing the same direction). I dunno what else is around Arundel Mills besides D&B and the food court though. (And don't worry too much about my dietary restrictions; I can usually find something unless it's a BBQ shack.) KF

  17. Man, PMD is really setting in badly. I don't feel like going back to work at all; an extra day off this week helped, but not by much.

    Anyway, I'm still working on editing all my photos, but for now, I present to you the shining moment when Audio Fidelity and DrumUltima discovered the glory of chicken'n'waffles:

    "I dunno, you think it's gonna taste all right?"




    So yeah, highlights:

    1) Favorite expected concert: The Megas. Being a big Megas fan, this was almost predetermined to be one of my highlights music-wise.

    2) Favorite unexpected concert: A_Rival. I had no idea who he/PlanetSkill was before now (well, except for AE's OCR submissions). But... damn. I mean, damn... And working the Colossus Yell into his set? ...damn

    3) Concert that exceeded expectations: The OneUps. I mean, I had high expectations to begin with, but even then I didn't expect them to be that good on stage.

    4) Concert that I liked despite expectations: Metroid Metal. I don't even like metal, and they still rocked.

    5) Sid Meier. Did anyone else expect him to be that friendly? But yeah, I even got my copy of Civ4 signed!

    Me: So... did you intentionally release Civ3 around the time of my midterms?

    Sid: Yes. We wanted you to fail.

    Me: Dangit! I had to uninstall that like 6 times!

    Sid: Thanks for your support!

    6) Jon St. John. Hearing random stuff in the Duke Nukem voice alone was worth sitting in on the panel. Everything else was just bonus.

    7) Late late night concerts... The Chiptunes concerts (especially the guy with the Gameboy), q-pa's set, etc.

    8) And beyond the convention... I don't know what else to say. I mean, I met so many other folks here for the first time, and many folks here that I hadn't seen since Otakon or even the last MAGFest. Then there's Brushfire who invited me over to his place, him, Stevo, and AeroZ at the Non-Denominational Holiday Party, all the folks who came out to Dave & Busters after the con...

    ...yeah I'm gonna cut myself off there before PMD sets in again. Once I can think more clearly I'll thank everyone I met this last time.

    The TARDIS plate, hands down.

    Though now, I'm disappointed there was no plate with IDIC or something similar.

    You did miss Ari's ABOBO license plate.

    And my KURIBO tag. (Super Mario 3 ref, not Yu-Gi-Oh, incidentally.) KF

  18. Aww. Though to be honest, given how busy you are, I'm surprised you stayed this long in the judges panel.

    Most of the jokes have already been made in the first 6 pages, so I got nothin' more to say. I hope this frees up enough time to keep making more awesome music. KF

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