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Posts posted by Kizyr

  1. Is this about how the main character is supposed to be Asian but was played by a white kid? Even my mom heard about that one.

    It might be more defensible if they got bigger-name actors to play the main characters. But, well, the fact that a lot of the no-name extras are Asian, yet the no-name actors who play the main characters are not, make it a bit more difficult to defend it as artistic license or a matter of availability.

    I really want to see it because I absolutely love the series. So even if it's horrible, I figured I'd still moderately enjoy it. But it's increasingly looking like I should wait for it to air on TV and not do anything to encourage them making the other two books into movies as well. So, like, making sure the live-action foray ends here. KF

  2. Man, usually my support of Argentina involves a bit of hoping against the odds. But this Cup it looks like they'll finally be able to pull it off! In 2006 it was also Germany who knocked them out in the Quarterfinals (and admittedly, Germany had a great team, then and now)--so the next match is definitely going to be tough. And thankfully the game's on Saturday, so I don't have to worry about skipping out on work to go watch.

    If the final is Brazil vs. Argentina (as I'm hoping) and Argentina wins, it's gonna be fun rubbing it in the face of all my friends who're Brazil fans. KF

  3. Sure, that's fine. Actually I considered suggesting that myself, but I thought that might be out of your way to come all the way out to Fairfax then go to Burke. But if you're cool with that, then that sounds like a good plan.

    Oh it's no problem. It's all still around Northern VA, so it won't really be that far out of my way. I'll PM you later about directions and all.

    I've never played cricket before and I don't know much about it besides what I saw in Alice in Wonderland as a kid. But you seem very excited about it, so I'm willing to give it a try .) Personally I'd be way excited if we got a game of ultimate frisbee going, but we may not have enough people for that. Oh well, we'll bring our frisbee anyway.

    I'm up for anything. I won't be disappointed if we can't get a cricket game started (I'm going to use my gear at other occasions too, after all), but it's actually really fun if folks give it a chance. The rules aren't that hard either; it's easier to explain that than a crumpet (a trifle though is a piece of cake). KF

  4. Great choice. Street Fighter 2010 has one of my favorite soundtracks for the NES--tons of great and often overlooked songs that'd make for great source tunes. I'd love to see much more.

    Anyway, the first part is a little weak, though that may be because Level 1-2 had some of the weakest music in the game, if you ask me. But Level 1-3 had my absolute favorite stage music, and it picks up from there to where the title gets worked in. Really, the entire arrangement is awesome and has an appropriate epic sound to it, and I know I'll be listening to this many times over. The only one minor, very minor, weak point is the transition from the Level 1-2 to Level 1-3. KF

  5. If you're concerned about keeping things cold, then Vinnie and I could bring corn and other perishables because we can just leave it in our fridge and pick it up on the way to djp's which is like 5 minutes from us. We would probably plan on bringing veggie burgers too. So if you'd prefer, you could bring non-perishable stuff, like I don't know, plates, napkins, utensils, soda, etc.

    BTW great idea about bringing the corn. I love grilled corn!! :razz:

    How about this: we stop by your place beforehand and leave the bucket of corn there (literally--they roast better if you leave the ears in water for many hours to soak). Room temp should be fine--they don't need to be refrigerated, I'm just worried about them sitting in 90° heat in my trunk.

    That ok? Y/N? I mostly don't want to saddle all the supplies on you guys.

    If necessary, we can help with the carpooling as well if anyone else is meeting up over there. KF

    EDIT: By the way, I'm still totally serious about trying to get a cricket game going. I spent forever (...ok, 15 minutes) putting together some wickets out of PVC pipe.

  6. The "Stack of Doom" was one of the biggest complaints about earlier CIV titles.

    I definitely see where the complaint is coming from. My problem is that, on the other end, having really severe restrictions on the number of units you can field in the first place makes it such that an entire war can be won or lost depending on how lucky an individual unit or two are, whereas allowing for a lot of flexibility makes overall strategy a lot more vital than the outcome of any one given battle. (And then, on the flip side, this makes control of resources a much more vital factor in winning wars than it was under Civ4.)

    It's a tradeoff. I'm not sure how it'll work out yet, so I'm not entirely against it, I'm just not sure if I'll like it until I actually get my hands on the game and can see how it plays out for myself.

    'Course if I don't like it, I can always go back to Civ2 and zerg rush opponents with human waves of fanatics. There was a broken system {^^}. KF

  7. Really looking forward to this... I'm not sure about the changes to resources/unit restrictions, though. It's really gonna restrict strategy if you can no longer command large armies and have to rely on getting really lucky with 4-5 units in your entire invading "army".

    Regardless, I'll have to take like a week off of work when this gets released. KF

  8. The bad news: Burke Lake Park is all booked on grills on July 4th.

    The good news: djpretzel has offered his place for us to barbeque at, and chill that evening. That actually makes the whole food issue a lot easier anyway, we don't have to drag it to the park. I'll be buying food and drinks (burgers, dogs, Coke, some side stuff) based on the number of people that are coming, but feel free to bring other food or drinks. Dave also wanted me to mention that he has a lot of Jack Daniels leftover from his wedding, so there's that too. We'll still meet at the park in the afternoon (figured 2:00 PM is good), but transition at some point to djp's.

    Sounds like it's still a good plan. (Um, unless someone has a good location for viewing the fireworks, but most of my friends have moved further from the city so I'm out of luck there.)

    I'll bring some cricket gear.

    Any food/drinks we should pick up while we're at it? If we're gonna roast some corn (which is delicious if you haven't done that before, and a good alternative to meat) then I could bring that with me. Not sure how it'd fare in the trunk of my car if it's hot that day, though. KF

  9. But even then, you would have to be either licking it constantly or shoving it into your body somehow over and over before it even did begin to affect you. Hopefully, neither of these actions are a regular part of your day.

    Don't all iPhones have a vibrate feature? KF

  10. Ok, besides myself, Jenner is also down for "who's coming".

    So the previous thread got deleted? Dangit. Anyway, we could re-start the discussion on stuff to bring / do while there.

    Foodstuffs - we could have a few people bring picnic-suitable food, to mitigate the possibility we might not have a grill. (Even if we do have a grill, it's nice to have more than just meat and veggie burgers. ...oh, yeah, roasted corn too.)

    Anythingfuntodo - I'm still up for bringing by a cricket bat or two and some tennis balls (real cricket balls need the right surface to play on, so tennis balls + electrical tape would suffice). Come on, anyone else up for street cricket? KF

  11. Hey Jenner. You'll need to change your config file to be:


    (include an extra line at the end)

    The first two lines, "E" and "P" indicate you'll run EGA graphics and PC sound. Your file, "C" and "T", tell it to run CGA graphics and Tandy sound. Try changing it to that and see if it works. Also change the line beginning with \WIZWORX just to be sure, so it saves correctly. (EDIT: Oh, and when you start it, hit ENTER to accept the current configuration, meaning what you have specified in the conf file above). KF

  12. I first started following this when it was at #74. Man... that was ages ago. I think he ended at the right time. A lot of folks got tired of it, admittedly, but it still had its moments up to the end. Continuing for another year or two, though, would've pushed past the limits of staleness. KF

  13. As usual, I'll be going for Argentina. ...I'm just dreading that moment when they choke in quarters/semis, 'cause it always happens...

    I usually make my picks as to which teams I like in the first week or so of play, with some exceptions (a few teams which I never like, and a few which I'll usually support). KF

  14. So... bad news. The convention has had to be cancelled. The organizers want to make sure they do this right, so, rather than only put on one half-decent con this year, they're going to take the time to get it done right next year.

    Anywho, it sucks, yeah, but... I've already made the reservations and, hey, me and Jenner figure we may as well make it a little vacation in St. Louis around the same time. So... is anyone else here gonna be in the area around then? (May 27-30th)? KF

  15. Interesting. Are you saying that for whatever tracks the year displays on your Zune but for others it doesn't? Would it be a character limit issue or something like that? If you have MP3 that do display the year properly on your Zune, mail me some (larryoji@ocremix.org) and I'll see if I can figure out a common demonimator. :-)

    Zen, not Zune, man! But yeah, checking it now, every track has that problem, so it must be some funny thing with firmware. I wouldn't worry about it, particularly if Jose's having no trouble there.

    If Kizyr is displaying track info and the year is missing, that is weird. I'll try it with my M and W in a bit.

    EDIT: All the track info is displayed properly, even the year, and especially the ReMix #/Track # (e.g. "Aquatic Interlude" displays as Track #739). That goes for the Vision M and the Vision W.

    Yeah it's probably a firmware thing on my end, given this info. KF

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