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Everything posted by Jarski

  1. UPDATED: some mixing stuff redone, sounds so much better now. http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/khoal_-_air_man_(mega_man_2_dubstep_rmx).mp3
  2. Updated, thx for the feedback guys! Is it better or worse now?
  3. This was nice remix, I like it! Never played Cave Story, but it has some nice tunes apparently. First I thought this was NES game, then I googled for nsf and didn't find it, then I realized it was for Wii. Do more complicated intro and give it some more your own touch to it and it will be awesome. Waiting for the final version, keep up the good work!
  4. I was bored with my battletoads dubstep remix, so I decided to put it aside for awhile. Now I'am making double dragon dubstep remix and it's almost ready, but I need some feedback to complete it. If you have time plz give some thoughts about this tune. thx! Link: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_dub_le_dragon_(double_dragon_dubstep_rmx)v0.9.mp3 Update1:http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_dub_le_dragon_(double_dragon_dubstep_rmx)v0.95.mp3 Update2:http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_dub_le_dragon_(double_dragon_dubstep_rmx)v0.97.mp3
  5. Oops, my bad. I just added the "v0.62" to the links name but it didnt change the hyperlink. Now it's working properly. here is the link anyways: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx)v0.62.mp3
  6. Hi, Anyone listening here psychedelic trance or goa trance? If you have time give your thoughts about these tunes. Anyways here is link to the music. Freeform with psychedelic influences: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/psychoticks_-_broken_star.mp3 Freeform / Hard trance: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/aspect_by_psychoticks.mp3 (this was our assembly 2009 music compo song) Psychedelic Trance: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/psymachine_vs._microdots_-_kashgar.mp3 (this was under psychoticks name also when tenda decided that hes brother can remaster this and now its psymachine(tenda and hes brother) vs. microdots (me) little bit info: This is my and my friends co-op project, we make psytrance and freeform mostly. We started to make music together about three years ago. If you want to find more our music we have our solo projects, microdots(me, I dont have many completed songs though) and tenda/metylonia(my friend) Hope you enjoy the tunes..Peace!
  7. thx for the feedback Nubioso! made a little update to the song, but havent got much time to do, so no big changes.
  8. Yo! I thought that couple of Battletoads tunes could sound nice if it's remixed with some dubstep influences. So I decided to test what I can do with these songs. Here is the result: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/battletoadsdubstep.mp3 Heh, just kidding! Had lots of fun with that one, maybe when I have time I do full lenght remix of it too. (atm I have too many wip songs and this song have low priority right now:sad:) Here is the tune I'm working at the moment: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx)v0.6.mp3 a little update: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx)v0.62.mp3 --------------------------- Final version 1: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx).mp3 --------------------------- Just having fun with that level 3 tune and this is level 5 - surf city. ( original)It still needs massive bassdrop with the melody which is at 00:15-00:29 in that video. It would sound pretty awesome if someone pro like skream made that part. I hope you guys enjoy this as much I did, so give me some comments! bad or good, anything that helps to finish this/these tunes.
  9. Oh, a comment! I thought this song stays without comments, thx Pippi Longstalker! I originally made this 5bpm faster, but I like it at 180bpm. I have EQ'd the bass but I'm not good making pro sounding bass, maybe someday Yes. I like that too, dieselboys snare, didn't find any good snares so I thought that I leave that snare there. Just uploaded a new version of it, I don't know if it's any better?
  10. Can u change my forum name PsyNES -> Jarski, if it's unused. if its already taken then, Jarsk1 thx
  11. Hi again fellow OCReMixers! OCReMix gets equipped: You got a R.C. Pro-Am drum & bass ReMix! I didn't find any good r.c. pro-am remixes, so I decided to make a dnb remix of r.c. pro-ams title music. This is my best tune so far and one that got nearest to the "commercial" sound. Give your thoughts about this tune! Link: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/khoal_-_higher_top_speed_(r.c._pro-am_dnb_rmx).mp3 kthxbai, hope u like it -PsyNES
  12. np: R.C. Pro-Am nsf
  13. I like it, fits in bionic commando perfectly
  14. Heh, I'm not good with bass drops, as you can see. wish I could do some nice bass drops. I thought that I leave this song for awhile to my completed folder and when I get more skilled, I can finish this completely. thx for the comments btw!
  15. Tried to make the bass sounds as "commercial" as I could, maybe my next track will get a better bass sound. I'm currently using Renoise and some random VST plugins with it.
  16. Just finished Mega Man 2 remix, somekind of dubstep version of Air Man's stage. Thought that u wanna listen this. I prefer myself as amateur musician, so all comments are welcome. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FINefcN9pPc Let me know what you think UPDATED: some mixing stuff redone, sounds so much better now. http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/khoal_-_air_man_(mega_man_2_dubstep_rmx).mp3
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