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Everything posted by buh6173

  1. Cause that game had some of the best damn music I've ever heard. If I need to, I'll post the songs.
  2. ...how could this thread have died? We need this remix. NOW.
  3. honestly, the only ones I've played are 6-9, and although I dont have experience with the other titles, I think 9 definitly has the best music. Namely the recruiting music, Vow, Life Returns, and a whole bunch of other great stuff.
  4. That series (especially 9) has great music, and it would be awesome to hear some remixes of it.
  5. Firstly, I would like to note that the song that this is reviewing is not the theme of the "Rockvale Temple", but the Stone Tower Temple. Then again, it might be called the Rockvale Temple in Jap. I dunno. Anyway, really awesome remix; finally glad to see a MM REMIX!! Now all we need is someone to remix Oath to Order and Song of Healing, and the world will be a better place.
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