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Everything posted by buh6173

  1. It's nice to see another Majora's Mask remix made, even if it's just techno. Still great stuff, though.
  2. ...Yeah, pretty much everything you just said. It would also be nice to see Memories to Pieces, the haunting vocal theme at the beginning of Re:Chain of Memories, to be used. Also, on the note of the "13th"'s, the 13th Anthology is basically...well, an anthology. Though I think it might be hard to top that, being one of the greatest orchestral renditions of video game music ever produced. Oh, and Deep Drive, Night of Fate, Destiny Islands (the slow, mellow version from Re:CoM and II, not the upbeat version from I), Cavern of Remembrance, Sinister Sundown, and Working Together would also make superb remixes.
  3. I'm rather sad that there aren't more remixes for this game, despite it having, in my opinion, the best soundtrack in the series. The only remix I've seen was one of Stone Tower, and it was little more than a techno version of the same song. It was okay, just lacking in creativity. Woodfall, Oath to Order, Clock Town, Majora's Theme, and Song of Healing are just some of the dozens of songs from that game that are begging to be remixed.
  4. The only thing still messed up is that Final Battle with Lavos is listed seperately from The Final Battle. Oh, and I don't know why Critical Moment is there if no songs link to it.
  5. A few are still messed up, namely Battle with Magus > Magus Confronted Battle 1 > Battle Final Battle with Lavos/Last Battle (they're listed twice?) > The Final Battle Not to mention I have no idea what the hell "By a Hair's Breadth" is.
  6. Has said better cut yet been accomplished?
  7. bumpalumpagus
  8. What else needs adding?
  9. And why isn't this on the site yet?
  10. This definitely deserves a spot on the site.
  11. It's okay. It's a little redundant to see the exact same techno style usually seen here, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. However, a 15 second loop is not an ideal choice of music for a 4 minute piece. If you were so adamant on using Dearly Beloved, then you should've based it off of the KHII version. Then again, if you did that, then the song would need to be less upbeat and more soothing. Then again, I've seen some pretty weird stylistic changes done to songs on this site. Who'd ever think Schala's Theme could be turned into a heart-pumping tribal beat? But I digress... It seems unoriginal, if you ask me. Too many times here have I seen a piece of music just have techno beats added to it and be passed off as a "remix". Use a little creativity. If this is your first time, then it's okay; you can either release it as it, and have an okay piece, or you can go back, maybe edit the melodies a bit to make it more varied, and make it a truly grand remix. That's my two cents.
  12. Well, wait...what do you mean by "tracks on albums aren't necessarily OC ReMixes"? Are they from another site, or what?
  13. As Olarin noted on above, while the track names on the full listing are correct, if you look at the individual remixes, they still have the old track names listed (Brink of Time, Wind Scene, etc.). Also, this has nothing to do with the track names, but while on the topic of Chrono Trigger, why are most of the songs from Chrono Symphonic not listed with the rest of the remixes?
  14. PRC? What's that, some kind of pre-judging thing?
  15. Now that 11 is out, and is hopefully gaining some slight popularity, it would be great to see some Fire Emblem remixes. Especially from 7 and 10, which had the best soundtracks.
  16. Well, from the looks of it, most of them were fixed. Though it looks like someone missed "The Final Battle", as it's still called "Last Battle with Lavos". Also, for some reason, Rhythm or Earth, Wind, and Sky is on there, but it doesn't direct to any songs.
  17. So...will this be fixed, or what?
  18. The tracks currently used as sources are improperly translated; the DS version of the game gave the correct translations of each of the tracks. Shouldn't they be edited on here to avoid confusion?
  19. I won't lie; that first one was...pretty damn boring.
  20. But of course, there are plenty of other great Wii games that require remixes. [cough fire emblem cough]
  21. bumpakusuu
  22. http://www.feplanet.net/media/music/10/1/014.mp3 http://www.feplanet.net/media/music/10/1/031.mp3 http://www.feplanet.net/media/music/10/1/052.mp3 http://www.feplanet.net/media/music/10/1/077.mp3
  23. I didn't like the FE1 remix that much. And the ones on the website were just okay.
  24. [bump bump bump]
  25. Actually, it's called "Bowser's Galaxy Reactor". Though my statement about Gusty Garden still stands.
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