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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. Hello! One day I was bored and made a lot of mashups with hip-hop and Sonic music, and I felt like sharing them WITH THE WORLD. It's pretty short, with about seven songs clocking in at 15 minutes.

    Now, I'm no Norwegian Recycling; these are not perfect by any means. There's some volume weirdness going on sometimes and the sound quality isn't always the best unfortunately. Remember, I basically cranked 'em out over the course of a day cause I had nothing better to do. So if you happen to like 'em regardless: great! If not, well, don't say I didn't warn you.

    Link: http://drop.io/yibg1qo

  2. Okay so I downloaded a virus, which was mostly because of my own stupidity. It made a bunch of pop-up ads appear, as well as making the message "b.exe has stopped working" show up as if it were any other application not responding, followed by a message that I have a virus on my computer. After scanning my computer with Norton and Malwarebytes (the free version) a coupla times, the ads have stopped, but b.exe keeps on stopping working. (I'm running Vista, by the way.)

    Help me out here. If Windows is to be believed, the virus is called "W32/Gaobot.worm.gen.u - Win32/RBot.3eu!Worm". How can I get rid of it?

  3. I was actually going to suggest lowering them, particularly the High Dynamic Range setting.

    Still, if all else fails, upgrading the drivers couldn't hurt.

    AMD considers all the xWhatever cards to be "legacy" now. They have driver pages for Legacy products for XP 32-bit, XP 64-bit, XP Media Center, Vista 32-bit, and Vista 64-bit. These drivers were all updated earlier this week.

    Aaaah I was doin' it wrong. This worked. Thanks!! :D

  4. I haven't gone back and checked all your responses, but in particular what are your various Advanced Video Settings set to in TF2?

    I'm wondering if something got set incorrectly in there.

    Also, I'm sure this has already been said, but have you installed the latest video drivers?

    I believe I have, but I could be wrong, I'm not exactly sure how it all works. My graphics card (according to my system settings) is ATI Radeon X1250.

    My advanced video settings are set to the recommended settings. I tried just setting everything to highest, and fire/medibeams still don't show up.

  5. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss! I am glad somebody is undertaking this.

    Unfortunately I don't know how I can access the rest of the tracks but the Danzen Dungeon track is makin' me pretty happy right now


  6. So for Computer Science we have this project wherein we have to make up at least five questions and interview somebody in the business about programming and stuff, and then present the answers in a power point presentation.

    Is there anybody over here who is a programmer who would be willing to be interviewed? If you're interested, tell me in the thread. I'll hit you up in PMs with the questions and some other details.

  7. My main reason for emulation with old systems was that, even if I were to find a legit snes with a legit copy of the game, since it'd have to be at a yard sale or eBay or some such, Nintendo would probably not get a cut of the profits, therefore, I am not hurting them.

    This was before the virtual console, though, so now it's just cause of laziness.

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