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Posts posted by Jaybell

  1. The level design is so much better and more creative in DKC2. I actually have a hard time playing DKC1 ever since I beat the second one; the design is so simple by comparison.

    It's still an alright game. A little overrated (basically, everything was decent except the graphics which were REVOLUTIONARYOMG, and even those haven't held up that well over time.) Still, it's okay.

  2. So I need to make a nice blog website thing, and wordpress seems like it'd be fit to do so. But web design ain't really my forte, so this may sound pretty dang dumb but that's what this forum is for so HERE GOES:

    Instead of making the domain derp.wordpress.com, can't I make it just derp.com? How would I go about doing this?

  3. So there are games that are mostly remembered for their single player mode, like Sonic, and then there are games that are fondly remembered for their multiplayer, like Super Smash Bros. Occasionally, a game is well known for both awesome single player and awesome multiplayer (example: Goldeneye or Halo.) But for the most part, you'll remember a game for one or the other.

    But that doesn't stop Sonic 2 from having a two player option. Just that no one ever plays it, pretty much, because when I think Sonic 2 I think "I want to run through a well designed platformer" not "I want to race my friend in a kickin' multiplayer game." (And on the other end of the spectrum, who really bought Melee for the single player campaign?) Now, of course, the multiplayer option is there, but it obviously isn't gonna be your first priority. Nonetheless, it's there, and it's pretty fun.

    So what the whole point of this is : games with overlooked multiplayer options. Maybe because they were just tacked on by the developers. But that doesn't stop them from being pretty fun. They may not have the depth of Smash Bros or Halo or whatever, but they're fun little time wasters. That's what I'm looking for.

    As mentioned above, I always enjoyed Sonic 2's multiplayer option, as squished and slowdowneriffic as it was. I remember wishing it were possible to race through the whole game like that. Sonic 3's was alright, also, but the levels were a bit on the short side. Nonetheless I can't get enough of Endless Mine's music.

  4. Man, sometimes I would fall asleep with my mp3 player on or music in the background and have messed up dreams. Often these are one of two types of dreams:

    1) Your average, run of the mill dream, that is bizarre and unrelated to the music: however, I can still hear the music in my dream. This leads to some really weird juxtapositions. Example: When I was younger, I fell asleep in the back of the car whilst my mother was listening to The Music Man's soundtrack. I had a dream involving a public execution. (With a capital E and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!)

    2) I have a short dream, it's relatively unusual, but then I hear music and realize "wait a second, this is a dream." At which point the dream ends, and goes to a completely new dream. So basically a series of short, unrelated dreams.

    Unfortunately the dreams aren't too related to the music in the background, but still, it's weird.

  5. Sooo here is what I have so far


    It is pretty gosh darn liberal maybe, and also, I'm having trouble finding a good synth lead thing. Basically I was dicking around with mother brain chords and this came out.

    it'll get finished, probably, though, once I find a decent lead that works?

    mainly the reason I'm posting this: if anything is horrible about this, tell me!

  6. I enjoyed it until the point where you have to find a hidden block to progress. That wasn't contra bullshit, that was kaizo bullshit. How in fuck's name are you supposed to know that you have to find a hidden block? I must've wasted fifty lives on that goddamned pit before I accidentally stumbled upon that block.

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