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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. Randomly lost data in an FF2 (4) snes cartridge several times for no clear reason but it would continue saving data normally after the losses. Also lost it once with a Super Metroid cartridge that I bought on ebay which had me wondering if I'd bought a faulty cartridge for a while, though I never had any more problems with it.

    I would be curious to load up my snes cartridges now and see if they're all still hanging in there though.

  2. Ogre Battle, truly a unique game with complicated mechanics that will keep you busy for a while. I guess I'd have to call it a strategy-rpg, it's held up quite well over the years, and I haven't played anything like it since (is there anything like it? even the sequels?).

    It wasn't the easiest game to find back in the day so I can't imagine it's any easier now but, definitely one of the highlights of the snes era for me.

  3. I may not have any stories about "deleted" save files, since my brother and I always got along well enough to the point where we wouldn't delete each other's files, but lost files? Oh man, too many to count.

    The thing I remember most distinctly was with the FF4 ("FF2") cartridge for SNES, I can think of at least 2, maybe 3 times where I'd turn the console on and bam, all 4 slots were that blue color and said "empty". Very depressing at the time, although I don't believe it happened until we had managed to finish the game a few times, still, losing save files with "everything" was pretty painful, I can definitely remember crying about it one time :lol: .

    The other thing I remember about that happening is feeling the need to start a new game RIGHT NOW AND TRY TO GET EVERYTHING BACK AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, as if it were my job or something. It kinda reminds me of how one might feel about MMORPG items now, like they're some sort of tangible possesion you're happy to own.

    I don't believe I ever suffered though that with FF6 or Zelda ALttP, but I think it may have happened once with Super Metroid and another with Ogre Battle (ouch). It also happened several times with Zelda 1 for the NES, but that cartridge was pretty ancient and I almost didn't blame it (yeah don't worry, I held reset turning it off :lol: ).

    Good thing we have memory cards now, I have yet to lose anything on those, but by the sounds of it, maybe I shouldn't be so cocky...

  4. Been diggin' this for a couple weeks now. Like all things Bad Dudes, it's pretty, uh... bad, and by bad I mean... good, great, awesome, and things of that nature.

    I always silently hoped that the Eggplant song would be remixed and bam, there it is!

    Now someone just has to cover the Zelda "secret found" jingle and all will be well in the world.

  5. Nice to see the next FF project getting off the ground. FF9 was an ambitious soundtrack (especially if you count Plus) so that makes this an ambitious project, especially given the timing of so many projects already going on. It's a safe bet that we'll be waiting a while for this one, but FF9's soundtrack is definitely ready for the OCR-treatment.

    I can't wait to see what people come up with, I always like to mention a few tracks I'm psyched for, and in this case I am going to say "Awakened Forest", "The Chosen Summoner", and "Esto Gaza" (man Esto Gaza could be so smooth, someone do it justice please!).

    Good point about the Melodies of Life themes, like 5 songs on the OST are basically that same melody, including the world map. That should make for some good genre-jumping potential though.

    May your creative juices flow quickly!

  6. Exciting, doing the whole X series as an album can only lead to amazing. Already lots of big names signed up for this one, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

    Gonna throw out something really random here: I have high hopes for whoever takes Dark Necrobat from X5, I can hear some really funky things happening with a mix of that. Aside from that, super psyched for X1-X3, and maybe some X8 action.

  7. I really should've waited just a couple of days before snatching up Torchlight for 9.99. Why, you ask?

    Because the deal is back, my friends. Today, it is BACK at 4.99. :shock: Me and my lack of patience.

    Same here, I just knew one of the things I bought yesterday was gonna be at a better price today, though at the same time I knew they'd already put Torchlight to 75% off a few days ago and figured they wouldn't repeat that, and 50% off was better than nothing. A few hours after I buy it it's back to 75%... :tomatoface: it's a $5 difference, but still annoying. Still made out like a bandit overall though.

  8. Kinda stayed away from the sales since I don't have as much time as I'd like to game right now, but ended up getting Audiosurf (2.50), Braid (2.50), and Torchlight (9.99). If only I'd caught Torchlight when it was $5, would have been a hell of a snag to get them all for a little over $10, but hey, compared to their normal prices this is still a great deal.

    Can't wait to try some OCR tracks in Audiosurf, Braid looks intriguing and fun, and Torchlight will just be something to mess around with when I'm bored.

    Kinda tempted to get Half-Life source, never finished the original Half-Life but loved 2 and it's episodes.

    Edit: Trine for $5 drew me in as well, I guess it's safe to say I'm focused on "new old school" games.

  9. I waited a while to check this one out since I wasn't familiar with the source which was a huge mistake. This is really spectacular, this is going to be the first mix that I tell my friends who aren't necessarily into VGM about, this transcends the whole "video game remix" thing, this is just an awesome trance song, period.

    I absolutely love the "breakdown" (if you can call it that) that comes in around 4:00 and 6:00, very very cool. The vocals? Absolutely beautiful and perfectly executed, and it took me a while to realize that I don't think I've heard a bLiNd song with vocals before, I think you just might be onto something (yeah, what a surprise :lol: )!

    Finally who couldn't love the story behind this mix, I wish you guys nothing but the best moving forward!

  10. I've always said that I will get a PS3 "when FF13 comes out." Well I find myself wondering if I will actually be getting one in 3 months when it comes out, but I will eventually. This game looks and sounds very cool (absolutely love the battle theme) so far but, as some people have already mentioned I have heard it is very linear which could be unfortunate depending on how much optional content there ends up being.

    Either way it's an FF game and I know I'll be playing it, maybe not on its release date though, which is kinda too bad.

    The song thing was debated to the ends of the earth in a previous thread, I think both are ok, though I'd probably have preferred to stick with the standard j-pop ballad, oh well.

  11. Lagoon and Brainlord!! Strange games (snes, just in case you didn't play them, which is verrrry possible), but always liked the soundtracks, and definitely think there would be some fun tracks to mix from both.

    OgreBattle is another soundtrack that I think is underrated, doesn't have a ton of tracks but what it does have is very good.

  12. I have been making a habit of posting links to new album releases on my mmo guild forums and such, usually a few people will get excited and check them out, but as far as successfully introducing people to OCR and making them regulars, I dunno, it seems harder than it should be.

    Which, as so many people have already said, is kind of puzzling, especially in situations where people like the albums, you'd think they'd want to dig and find more goodness, of which there is so much to find. Most of the people I've introduced have even come back and told me how awesome they thought x album was, but I've never gotten the impression they decided to look further.

    As for getting started on the forums, I think that mostly comes from having a love for the mixes and wanting to review and such, so if people don't get to that point, chances are they won't register for the forums either.

  13. Great source choice, I misread it at first and then when I realized what song it was it was one of those... "oh snap!" moments. Great chillout type atmosphere at times with a low key groove but a lot of changes to keep it interesting, as usual the piano is one of my favorite parts.

    Untapped Secret of Mana source material, easy winner, but in all seriousness, this mix is great.

  14. Great choice, the FFXI soundtrack will always be a bit of a black sheep but as a serious player of the game, this is definitely a track that's always stood out to me. I kinda liked your original mix a little better, but with it being lost to the void and all, I'm glad you're back at it with the second mix.

    The second mix is more orchestral, has a very grand feeling to it, and it certainly took a while to get where it was going, which I think is quite normal for orchestral mixes (the recognizable melody really only started in the last part of it), but once I got there I got the impression this mix is going to work out jusssst fine.

    Keep plugging away, I'd love to hear more of this now that you've just started to hit on the source.

  15. Here's one I forgot to comment on. Always liked the WIP, and the finalized version is really something special. I think it's been said but if you have any love for the Chill Penguin track, you can't go wrong with this one.

    It's that "chill eletronica" (ohohoho, chill in a chill penguin track, ohohoho) that Rozovian has worked their magic with in other tracks like "Eat Your Own Dust", and it's a style I know I'll keep coming back to.

  16. After a few weeks I have to say this album has really turned into a nice surprise for me. To start off, it was a great idea to have it come out unannounced on Halloween like that, I was sort of expecting maybe a Halloween mix, but an album, nicely done.

    This is definitely one of those "you listen to the whole thing through every time" kind of albums. It has a consistent style, and I've always been a fan of smooth mixes like this. Not really sure what to call the genre but I dig, it's got jazz, it's got funk, it's got smooth, it's got awesome.

    My actual familiarity with the sources only goes up to the Castlevania III tracks, but the tracks that I can't place are just as catchy, particularly Wandering Latinas.

    Overall I'd have to say I'd love to see more smaller album projects like this, not that I don't love the expansive ones but, a focused effort like this is pretty great too.

  17. That was a great read about the finale, I still really really love this album and that track (along with it's sister track Phantom) is one of the many reasons it is so amazing.

    I still haven't managed to sit down and review all the tracks on this album, partly cause it would take forever, and partly cause even now, I am just starting to really get to know some that I didn't take an immediate liking to, but it is certainly a safe bet that EoBLoR (weird abbreviation :lol:) will be my favorite OCR album for a long time to come.

  18. This is my favorite from the album as well. Not a huge surprise I guess since it's "THE" Castlevania theme if there ever was one, but this is really great. It sets the stage for the album as a whole style wise, and it's just so... smooth.

    It's also nice to know that a song that's been mixed so many times can still sound original, jazzy mixes always seem to be my favorite and this, along with rest of the album is really no exception. Very upbeat, yet that "uptemponess" never detracts from the smoothness this track has going on.

    On a somewhat bizarre note,. the ending portion of this song reminds me uncannily of LL Cool J's "Phenomenon" to the point where I have started to say the lyrics of that song over it. Random, but hilarious.

  19. hmm I dunno about this either, this is just a little weird. The Japanese song sounded like the next logical step in the now long line of Eyes on Me, Melodies of Life, etc. If there were an English version I'd have probably liked it a little more, as it stands I have no idea what it was really "about", but it sounded good, and "at home" with FF.

    As for this Leona Lewis song, I don't dislike it, but I'm having a hard time associating it with FF games, maybe that will change when I play the game. Right now I'm gonna say I think I'll be ok as long as we don't get Britney Spears in FFXIV or whatever. The idea that North Americans "wouldn't like" their original song and "needed" something like this is what bothers me, I'm just fine with the original... hmm.

    Chocobo theme is pretty epic though, hopefully there isn't too much debate about that!

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