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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Synthesis & Sound Design
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  1. hey brutha, I think I got those links up for that Tekken 4 remix. It is still posted in the Workshop "Work In Progress" portion of the forums. Give it a listen when you get a chance and let me know if you like it. Thanks for your time

  2. Very orchestral, and very nice. That's all i wanna say. Sorry for lack of crit
  3. I listened to the whole thing. I don't want to go into detail, but I did notice that the "drum" in the background is lacking "treble". In other words, it sounds a bit muffled, as though the drum were being played in a glass tank. As for your mixing concerns...all that entails is making sure the volume and panning of the instruments is correct and sounds great as well as the effects such as reverb/bass/treble/freq/res. Razovian knows what he is talkin about. I would definatly check out some other remixes and really listen to the effects and volume of the instruments played to get an understanding. Im not familiar with the original track, but your track sounds good
  4. I thought it was "OFF THE HOOK". Not only the music, but the video. I especially enjoyed the victory poses in the office. Is this your video?
  5. ok.....links should be functional now. I linked the original soundtrack to a youtube video. Please wait when clicking on the remix..... to access it, simply "scroll" and click "free download". The download countdown is about 30 seconds. After the countdown is complete, click on "open". Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Hey man, this is pretty great.......I was nodding my head to this. I don't want to go into any detail on what you should work on since I'm still kind of getting back into music myself; but if I were to crit something, I would have to say that the main guitar is a bit loud compared to the drums. But, of course you knew that since this is a wip, and you were probably going to make that adjustment in the final mixdown. Hope you finish it
  7. sounds pretty great man. you certainly know how to manipulate the pitch bend funcion. I don't really like to go into full detail on what should be worked on since im kind of getting into remixing myself....but I like where its going. Sounds like an anthem
  8. Here, I have remixed the building stage from Tekken 4. The original track is titled Authentic Sky, by Satoru Kosaki. My remix is titled Synthetic Reference. Here are the links. Please listen, and enjoy. Thanks and Godbless. Original From Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEBaB2b7r40 Gorillamatic Remix http://www.filefactory.com/dlf/f/ahe254f/b/4/h/43aad1fb45b9f492414d2dcfcd1164cd620ce0fe/j/0/n/Synthetic_Reference_mp3 "SCROLL" and click "FREE DOWNLOAD". you may have to give it a few seconds for the download countdown....then just click "OPEN" please me know if the links don't work. they should though.......
  9. Here is a finished remix i completed some time ago. I will also post the original along with it. Thanks for listening and enjoy. Crits and comments always welcome. Thanks Original http://www.filefreak.com/pfiles/80415/06-acclaim-original-sound-track-2.mp3 Remix (Extreme Velocity) http://www.filefreak.com/pfiles/80415/Extreme%20Velocity.mp3
  10. Sonic Triple Trouble
  11. yeah, im feelin this one. Very clean sounding and ambient (atmospheric) as you said. High quality stuff to me. There's just one little quirk though....it could just be me, but I think the last note is held a little too long. Other than that, its coo
  12. very clean sounding. Hope it gets past the judges
  13. in a nutshell, you've got nothing to worry about. But if I were to say anything about this mix, i would say that things do get a little loud at some points in the song. And by that, i mean everything but the percussions get louder. but yea, if the ocremix don't get this one on the site...then wow. Great job sorry if i was a little vague, but im hella lazy at the moment. Good luck with the resub
  14. wow, someone posted that this has a very theatrical feel....and it does. I really can picture a moving scene, or like the opening credits for a movie. Im not really familiar with the original game track, but this sounds very good and very REGAL. The only minor quirk for me is when the drum hits, it kind of has an "earthquakey" effect...know what I mean? Im new to the whole mixing thing, so i don't know for sure; but overall it sounds real cool. (check out my Extreme-G remix located in the works in progress forum. thanks)
  15. man that was trippy!!!!! I liked the whole video setup and everything. Looks like u guys had a lot of fun with it. To be honest, the music did sound a bit sloppy though. Other than that, fun video
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