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Posts posted by Arrow

  1. Totally forgot to pop back in for this! In case whoever got me hasn't already bough their gift yet, I don't have a Steam wishlist (because I've already got TOO MANY Steam games), but I do have a Backloggery list that's pretty up to date with what I own, in case someone wanted to buy me a cheap game and wanted to make sure I didn't already own it. I've also got an old Amazon wishlist. T-shirt size is large. Honestly, I'm pretty open to whatever, though if you plan on sending food items, I'm not much of a fan of any type of gum or candy, minus chocolate.

  2. some tower dungeon are rad with the 3D. beeing able to perceive the deepness and seeing the stuff at the bottom rather than a bland pitch black bottomless pit, make some narrow passage all the worth.

    I'm coming to despise that cave system in Death Mountain you need to use to reach Rosso (Lynels in the Light World, wtf?), but holy crap, even as annoying as falling off those super high floating platforms are, waiting for Link drop for 10 to 15 seconds until he finally hits the lava waaaaaaaaayyyyyy down there is amusing to watch every time. Especially with the 3D cranked all the way up.

  3. I'm befuddled by whatever happened to Arrow's entry. I looked at it in an audio editor, and it was peaking at -16dB. That can't possibly be on purpose.

    It's not. As I mentioned a few pages back, I had my settings way down and didn't normalize it per audio levels of, well, normal music. It's supposed to be much much louder. All I can really suggest at this point is to ask folks to turn their volume up. Sorry!

  4. Am i correct when i say that there is no continuing story throughout the series, each game has completely different characters in a completely different world? Do i need to play them starting from 1 and working chronologically or can i start on any one in the series without losing out on any story?

    I'll let others give their suggestions (I'm most fond of the PS1 games, but I agree with Swifthom that they haven't aged well), but I wanted to tackle this bit. A few games in the series individually have their own sequels and prequels: 4 has a sequel, 10 has a sequel, 12 falls in line with several other games that take place in its shared universe, 7 has a buttload of prequels and sequels. But in all of those cases involving a mainline number, said number will be in the sequel's name too, i.e. Final Fantasy X-2. If you're just looking at the straight mainline numbers only, all 14 are their own things, unconnected to any others. And even in the cases of games like 7 and 12 that have technical prequels, you can still fully understand 7 and 12 without needing to have played any other games.

    tl;dr = If it's a main number game and doesn't have a "-2" at the end, you can play it and understand it without having to worry about connections to any other game. It'll make sense on its own just fine.

  5. Side Effects of Afro Include Memory Loss: Very quiet. Using Freya's theme as a bridge worked reasonably well, and I can't say I blame you for not integrating the two themes any better than that. Really long into and outro. Also very monotonous, no change-ups to be found; these two facts combined make for an unfortunately boring remix.

    I appreciate the honesty man. I knew submitting it that it suffered from some serious problems that I wouldn't really be able to fix without an overhaul, not helped by putting this together at basically the last minute. At that point, I was just satisfied that I at least got something in and that it wasn't the most horrible thing in the world.

    I will note the quietness was unintended. That was a result of me being a relative n00b at mixing with modern DAWs as opposed to using notation software for making GM MIDIs as I used to, and not thinking to normalize my track compared to volume levels in most other music. It's supposed to be significantly louder. Since it's far too late to resubmit, I'd just advise people to turn up the volume on their MP3 players for the time being. *shrug*

  6. I've been trying to think all the way back to the first VGM that honestly made me listen for extended periods of time, even going as far as loading the game's sound test, and it's probably Richard Jacques' Saturn OST for Sonic 3D Blast. Rusty Ruin Act 1, especially, struck me as an amazingly atmospheric song that made me sit up and take notice. I'd obviously listened to plenty before that as I started gaming with Super Mario Bros. 1 and have fond memories of the Sonic series and Shining Force II on Genesis as well as Sonic CD, but Saturn S3DB is where the paradigm shifted for me.

  7. Amy, it's kind of scary how you wouldn't be around here at all (or shoot, I would've never gotten to know you as a personal friend) if not for that crazy series of coincidences.

    As far as getting involved in the community, that first happened in 2007 with the OCR meetup in DC for Video Games Live. People were going, I had just moved to the area, and I figured I'd go and meet all the cool people. Made friends out of all the ReMixers and site staff in the DC/VA/MD area as a result, and the last six years have been extra awesome entirely because of that.

    But finding out about the site itself? I actually used to read THE COMIC, and just started following along with the music site when it branched off. I'm pretty old hat.

  8. I've not heard from theshaggyfreak, who I understand is organizing the OCR block. But I do have a room I'm looking to share, and so far there have been zero takers.

    I can tell you from past experience that the OCR Block isn't something that really gets commented or expounded on regularly. Everyone who reserves a room in their name just fills out the extra form to get in the block, and then in December, the MAGFest hotel liaison will contact the block organizer with a list of people who asked to be in that block to confirm everything looks right. Organizer replies back with a yes/no (along with any last minute additions), then the liaison sends the final list to the hotel, then the hotel puts all those rooms on the same stretch of hallways. The block organizer does very little.

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