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  1. If you're new to anime, check out Cowboy Bebop. It's probably right up your alley based on what you posted.
  2. Problem with your example is that Sarah Hughes did not place in the top 3, nor was she near the top 3. In this case, it's messing with people's chances at a medal.
  3. WTF is up with the judging this year?! Liukin got robbed of a gold medal because of a "tiebreaker"? There shouldn't have been a tiebreak to begin with! Her routine was clearly cleaner than Kexin's. Absolutely retarded.
  4. OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Lemme make a change to my offer. $50 shipped for Grand Theft Auto IV and Zack and Wiki. What say you kind sir?
  6. $30 shipped for Grand Theft Auto IV PS3. PM with your paypal details if it's a go.
  7. I'm hoping that was joke, cuz if it wasn't, my ears bled for no good reason at all. Seriously, what was THAT?
  8. Sorry, didn't specify originally. I'm planning to record an instrument.
  9. Hey guys, I'm planning on doing a live recording, but I need a good solid mic that won't break my bank. Suggestions please? And deadline is still the 19th?
  10. If you need a live ocarina for the melody, contact me, I wouldn't mind collaborating with you on this track. It's one of my favs after all!
  11. Now that's just mean-spirited. EDIT: I use Trillian for my instant messaging needs.
  12. You, sir, have successfully grasped the concept that Bruce Lee spent his whole life trying to get across to the general populace. Congrats! On a lighter note, I personally like the style of Mexican Judo. Judo-know I have a knife, Judo-know I have a gun.
  13. You'd be surprised how precise you have to be with that art. Based of some of the katas and sparring sessions with bokens, mere millimeters determine a successful strike (or in real life, life and death). My personal favorite thing to psych out some of my fellow iaidokas was to use a sheathed stance in the middle of an intense spar. It's basically like cocking the hammer on a gun and the reactions when I did that were priceless. It messes with an opponent's distance and timing because they now have no frame of reference to determine my striking distance since the sword was basically "out of play". My sensei took my personal style and used it as a clinic for the following classes after ours. Now that was a thing to be proud of!
  14. I've always been of the Bruce Lee school of thought that the best fighter is the one that's still standing, regardless of background in martial arts. Anyways, here's a little but of what I've learned over the years. I started with Jeet Kune Do a loooooooong time ago and did that for about 7 years before I left Singapore. I started young and ended young, so most of the actual techniques have been lost on me. But the philosophies, however, still stick around. For example, the whole "be like water" and "do not think in a fight, react" statements. Just fairly recently (few years ago), I picked up Iaido, specifically the Muso Shinden Ryu style. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that art, it's the art of drawing the steel sword, the stuff you see in samurai movies and most recently the Last Samurai. It was because of the creativity and flexibility in actions that I learned from JKD that I was able to rise through the ranks fairly quickly. Before I made my most recent move for graduate school, I was of the 1st kyu rank, one below the level of dan rank, which is the master rank (black belt equivalent if you will). Almost every martial art has a real-life application, so the stick to one style exclusively because of arrogance is foolish. I think we've all come across people like that before. You know, the ones that make the statement that style A is better than style B just because they're doing it. Frankly, it annoys me when I hear that, and I've personally had to, uh, "demonstrate" some weakness in their style. But overall, I just do martial arts to have the, sound mind, confidence, and knowledge that I can, if necessary, at least provide some sort of protection against an assailant.
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