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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. Holy shit, this is really good!
  2. Yeah, definitely, I see what you're saying. I'll look around for some noise gates for Audacity and see if there are any, because that's a good thing to have anyway. Actually, the first time I recorded it there weren't any power chords but then I added them in before posting the mp3. I've gone back and forth with them a bunch of times since then, because they're definitely adding muddiness to the mix, but without them I think it sounds a little weaker. I'll keep trying, though. I put up another version of the mix on the purevolume, this time with some bass and a little eq on everything, but it isn't a huge difference yet. I'm sure this is a huge surprise, but I'm just learning how to eq so I didn't do anything drastic. Thanks alot again for all the help, I realize you guys probably get this type of vague newbie stuff a lot and it must get irritating, haha.
  3. One I've really been digging for the past few days is "Dreamer" by Starblaze (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00965/). I don't think the writeup gives this one enough credit - it's a really chill remix that sounds beautiful.
  4. Thanks a lot for the advice so far, I really appreciate it. I tried recording a clean guitar and pitch shifting it an octave for bass, and on its own it sounds fine, but when brought into the mix it just has a big, boomy sound to it that isn't too distinct. Would eq'ing it help in that area, or is it something else entirely? I actually had the apreggio riff doubled and in a stereo field in that mix, one guitar in each speaker, but they weren't totally hard panned (I think they're at 50%). Should I be doing that instead? I posted a new mix up where I did as you mentioned and doubled the power chords in the same way, and there is a definite difference already. The arpeggio riff is a little more distinct now that the chords aren't dead center, I think. The thing with the guitar sounds all being different makes a lot of sense, but the issue with that is the sound I'm using is kind of the sound I want (at least, the sound I want before it's put to tape and becomes shitty for whatever reason), so I'm not sure how to keep the sound I'm looking for while using a different type of distortion on each guitar. Maybe this is just my complete lack of experience talking, though. Also, considering I'm recording directly into my computer, basically, what would be the reason for it having such a weird, lo-fi sound to it? Is that a soundcard issue, or does that also relate to the mixing? Thanks again!
  5. .
  6. Here's an idea that just came into my head tonight that I decided to try out. I've never done a remix before (but I've been a big fan of the site for a few years) so this may turn out to be a terrible mistake, but I'd just like to get some opinions and feedback on this to see if it's worth turning into a full remix. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8ZU9OQ0Y It's an electric guitar arrangement of one of my favorite songs from Chrono Cross. Sorry for the sloppy playing and strange timing. Also, I'm not too skilled at mixing, so the levels are kind of all over the place, haha. For some reason, I thought it was called "Journey to the Shore" for a while, so that's why the file's named that. Thanks in advance!
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