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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. Well, this is fucking awesome.
  2. Man, this game really does suck. In 2001 I thought this game was incredible but most of that was because it was a big step forward in terms of technology. I watched my friend try to play through it a few months ago and he got about 20 hours in before he just said fuck it and dropped it. I don't blame him. The battle system is very cool and I really dig the Sphere Grid, but the story is just stupid and the voice acting is pretty embarrassing. I'll be honest, it doesn't get any better. In fact, it gets - how do I say this nicely? - a lot fucking worse. It almost hurts to say all of this because 8 years ago this game was a hot piece of ass, but it hasn't aged as well as some of the others in the series. FFXII wasn't incredible but I really liked Square's attempt to change things up with the battle system. It wasn't perfect, but it was nice to see some legitimate changes in the core mechanics of the series. Presentation-wise, it's probably still one of the best RPGs out there. The graphics are aging but the art is still beautiful and the voice acting is definitely some of the best I've ever heard in a game. XIII hasn't really excited me yet but I'll buy it anyway because I'm a lemming.
  3. This movie has a great chance of being completely terrible. I'm really excited to see it!
  4. I think FFIX was the first Final Fantasy I actually finished back when it first came out. It's still one of my favorite games. Awesome, underappreciated soundtrack. The medieval influence is really cool, and the references to the scores from the 2D games (like the wicked retro battle music) are a great touch. This is an awesome thing to do for someone!
  5. I just heard about Trifonic and I checked out their latest CD. I really dig it, but yeah, it definitely reminds me of This Binary Universe. I don't consider that a bad thing, though. Skrypnyk is rad, too. His NiGHTS remix is one of my favorites.
  6. I haven't heard of this guy before but he's pretty solid. I only watched a couple of his videos on FFVIII and some of it's a bit much for me (Dr. Insano?), but man, I fucking hate that game.
  7. Technically, Reaper isn't free after the first 30 days...
  8. You could try toning down the reverb to let more percussion in - I don't think the song needs it but it wouldn't hurt to try it out and see how it sounds. If it doesn't work, you can just leave it the way it is. I personally really like the mood and atmosphere of the piece the way it is right now. I think adding in more chord changes might make it lose its momentum and kill the mood, like you said. I don't think you need to worry about adding in chord changes.
  9. I think it might just be an extra chug on the low E string - so there are 4 instead of 3 at the beginning of the measure, but because it's going by so fast it's sort of tough to tell. I could be way off, though.
  10. I might be completely wrong on this, but to me it sounds like the gallops aren't triplets but are actually a pair of 16th notes followed by one 8th note (so in the second part of that riff, after the three 8th notes, instead of 2 groups of triplets, you have two 16th notes and an 8th note followed by two 16th notes and an 8th note). A lot of gallop rhythms in metal are mistaken for triplet rhythms but are actually combinations of 16th and 8th notes, and to me it sounds like this song is an example of that. I could be wrong, though. The tab you're looking at doesn't have the bar lines correctly notated, I don't think, and it has an extra gallop in the second part of that first riff, so I wouldn't use it as a strict guideline for the rhythmic side of the song.
  11. This stuff is sounding really good, dude. How are you doing all the glitchy stuff and stutter edits on Low Gravity? I don't have Reason, but I'm just wondering if there are some basic techniques that aren't program-specific. Keep it up!
  12. I really dig this. Very mellow but it's got some really nice melodic content and enough variation in the mix and progression to keep it interesting. I like most of your instrument and sound choices a lot, too. One thing to watch out for is that it sounds like there's a little clipping in the left channel once the acoustic guitar comes in early on in the song. Other than that, it sounds solid to me. Really nice work. Edit: What program(s) are you using, by the way?
  13. Don't forget "Kiss Me Good-Bye" from FFXII!
  14. I really dig this so far. I think it's a really fun, fresh take on one of the most classic RPG themes of all time and I think the groove is great and your choice of sounds is pretty killer. I'd love to hear a finished version of this. I personally don't hear what the problem with the mastering is, but maybe I'm just out of the loop on that sort of stuff.
  15. I own a 360 and a Wii and I'd really like to own a PS3, but I can't justify putting down the money yet. I was actually going to recommend a PS3 just because there's a bunch of games on it I'd love to play and Blu-ray capability is really nice, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think Super Mario Galaxy was worth buying a Wii for. It's definitely my favorite game of this entire generation. Absolutely awesome. But other than that, I personally don't think there's a ton of incredible exclusives on the Wii that are too exciting. A lot of the most popular first-party games are just reworked versions of the same games you probably played on Gamecube and N64. But if you play a lot of multiplayer you might have a lot of fun with stuff like Mario Kart and Brawl. I don't think the PS3 library will ever explode like the PS2 library did, but to be honest, I don't think any system's library is going to be that diverse and full of good games in this generation. I wouldn't even put the DS in the same league as the PS2, and it's probably closest.
  16. One of my favorite tracks from Majora's Mask, and probably from any of the 3D Zelda games. This is really rad. I'd love to hear a finished version.
  17. That's wild, I actually didn't even know he sang. Something like this video is an example of his more energetic acoustic-only stuff: I'm pretty sure that entire CD (called Passion Session) has only acoustic guitar stuff on it. Other songs on it that I dig are "Klimbim" and "Tight Trite Night". Edit: You might run into the same problem with Tommy Emmanuel if you check him out at all, since I know he sings from time to time. Specific songs I really like by him that have no vocals are "Angelina," "Since We Met," and "Those Who Wait."
  18. I'd definitely recommend candyrat artists like Don Ross, Andy McKee, Craig D'Andrea, Peter Ciluzzi, and a bunch of others. Outside of that, Tommy Emmanuel is incredible, if you haven't already heard of him. Also, Rodrigo y Gabriela are really good, but they play a different style than the guys mentioned already. It's got a flamenco influence to it and is more like acoustic rock, I guess. Very good stuff, though. Is a blatant, shameless plug allowed? I just set up a SoundClick page a few days ago that has a couple acoustic songs I wrote last year on it (http://www.soundclick.com/adamboffa). If you feel so inclined, check it out and let me know what you think. Sorry for being a prick and hijacking!
  19. i think all of your points are completely valid except for the fact that the movie is 2 and 1/2 hours long and therefore we are subjected to way too much shitty acting and plot in between the transforming as in, this movie clearly doesn't realize that it's supposed to be just an action movie and tried to be way more than that, and therefore sucks.
  20. This was a solid $10 summer blockbuster but as an actual film it was pretty fucking awful. I'll give them credit for the special effects and most of the action scenes, they were definitely cool, but there were parts of it that were unbearable. And 2 and a half hours? Come on, now. I'd say it probably ended up sucking about as much as the original, just in different ways. I don't regret spending $10 on it or watching it, though, because it was sort of like a cheap ticket to the circus. But next time I'll probably just watch Die Hard.
  21. That sounds way cool. I haven't tried out Reason yet, but I'm thinking of getting maybe that or Logic at some point this summer. I've been learning the basics of making music with Reaper for now and after I make a little more progress, I figure I'll be able to justify spending a little more money on some more software. This is a pretty stupid question, but I'm still new to a lot of this so I don't know how some of this stuff works. I was wondering what the beat in the first song is made up of? Obviously I can pick out the bass drum and snare and all that, but it also sounds like there's something sort of like a shaker and another sound that sort of has a dull "click" to it. Is that all white noise or something? I hear similar stuff in breakbeat a lot, I think.
  22. I'm really digging this, especially the first one. It's based mostly around one theme, but it's a really solid melody/chord progression and you keep things interesting by varying it up throughout without getting in the way of the groove. The production's also very good (that goes for both). Great job, dude. I actually still have an MP3 you posted a long time ago of one of the first tracks you did in Reason, I think (Essence of a Dream, if I remember correctly?). That was also a rad tune; I'm glad to see you're still writing and putting out music. Are you still doing everything using just Reason?
  23. I've gotta disagree with this one. Maybe the work of his that I've heard is the exception, but I think his scores for Big Fish, Good Will Hunting, and a bunch of others are all great examples of modern film music done right, and I wouldn't put any of them in the category you mentioned. I also think that, in some cases, it's tough to compare western game music composers and Japanese game music composers, mostly because gameplay has to be taken into account. I think the type of music you hear in JRPGs that focuses on memorable melodies/structures would have a difficult time fitting in western RPGs like the Elder Scrolls games, the Knights of the Old Republic games, the Baldur's Gate series, etc. Western RPGs, I think, tend to have bigger, more wide open areas with less zoning/loading between each area, no random battles, and all other types of gameplay choices that make having a score with really tuneful pieces less sensible. Out of context, it might be pretty boring to listen to on its own, but I don't think that necessarily makes it shittier than Japanese game music. It's just a different approach to gamemaking, so the music has to be different, as a result.
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