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Posts posted by ambinate

  1. If you have an eSATA port on your laptop, forget about firewire. It's really overrated.

    Go for the external hard drive. I personally would get a Caviar Black Internal Hard Drive and put it in an eSATA/whatever port you want enclosure to turn it into an external.

    If neither eSATA nor USB 3.0 ports are on your computer, then USB 2.0 or firewire will have to do.

    i don't have an eSATA port, so firewire 800 is the quickest i've got. i figured a ready-to-go external drive with firewire would be the least hassle for now...

  2. this is really fucking cool. i really dig that modern, hyper-compressed sound and it's nice to have it get some more representation on the site. the playing and arrangement are great (nice rhythm work!) and i think it feels like a natural fit despite maybe being a little unnatural in theory. very cool stuff, hoping to hear some more in the future.

  3. This is for a laptop, right? I ask because if it's a desktop you're better off adding an internal drive (or getting an external eSATA drive if you have an eSATA port) -- the data transfer will be much faster making it much better suited to sample libraries.

    I have a LaCie external drive that I've never had any problems with. I used to run samples from it on my laptop (via Firewire) and have retired it to backup duty now that I primarily use a desktop.

    yep, for a laptop. sorry for not specifying earlier! thanks!

  4. i don't know a whole hell of a lot about this so i'm looking for a little advice. i want to pick up a new external hard drive that i can dump sample libraries onto and use while i'm making music. from the reading i've done it seems like i should be looking for a drive that's 7200 rpm with firewire to keep it as speedy as possible. i figure anything 500 gb or more will be good since i don't have a ton of samples to store yet. i've read some good things about g-tech and lacie drives but the handful of shitty reviews they've each gotten about reliability make me a little concerned. if anyone's got any recommendations (those brands or any other ones), i'd really appreciate it.


  5. this has a great sound so far. it's got a lot of space and it has kind of a "live" sound, which is really cool. it feels almost like a prog jam on the sources. my only issue with it right now is that, melodically at least, it's a little conservative. i'd love to hear some weirder/crazier things done with some of these themes using the instruments you've designed!

  6. this is really interesting...there's a lot of stuff going on that i dig, but i think it wanders around a little. it might benefit from some general tightening up. the arrangement might also be a bit too liberal for this site at the moment (i could be wrong, though - i'm no expert on that). i can definitely hear the source material in the opening stuff and the use of the chord progression later, but it doesn't get super explicit until about 2:40.

    but i think it's working well as a song - it feels natural and it's got a nice atmosphere and mood. i also really like a lot of the sound design, and the effects programming at around 1:30 and 4:40 is awesome. there's a lot of really good stuff to work with here.

  7. FF12 would have been amazing if Jack Sparrow err--I mean Balthier was the main character. Drop Vaan down to one of the annoying sub-characters and it would have been p sweet.

    balthier was definitely a way better character than vaan, but if i remember correctly, by the middle of the game vaan wasn't really the focus of the story. the game becomes more about politics and history and all that sort of stuff, and it becomes way less of a personal story about vaan or any one particular character. one of the things i really dug about ff12 was that it told a different kind of story than previous games in the series, so the fact that vaan was way lame became less of an issue because he had like three lines in the last twenty hours.

  8. i think this has the potential to not be totally shitty (i thought sonic colors was fun and the new stuff in this is using that engine i think?), but i'm curious to see what will happen when they start incorporating levels from the 3d sonic games. they'll have to do a lot of redesigning to make them work in either of these gameplay styles, so maybe they won't suck? but they might just still suck.

  9. That was a really long article that said, in essence, "Square used to be awesome and now it sucks", a statement which you may or may not agree with and the article will do nothing to convince you of if you don't. Most of the rest of it was poor attempts at humor.

    I'm not sure what the point of it was.

    i was gonna post some shit about the article but this pretty much sums it up.

    i think i agree with some of the stuff he's saying? but it is a marathon to get through, hot damn, and it's not exactly a new or unique sentiment. i think the most interesting part of the article is the link to the FFXIII postmortem.

  10. i think this is coming along really nicely in terms of sound quality and mixing and all that, honestly. i didn't notice a problem with the guitar tone or the drums being too loud, but that's just me. my biggest issue with it at this point is that it doesn't seem to be changing or reinterpreting much of the source music - most of it just sounds like a higher quality cover. i think if you did more in terms of putting your own spin on the source, you could have a really nice remix on your hands. keep working on it! i'd love to hear updates.

  11. i had no idea they had a new album coming out. this sounds great, though. paradise lost had a heavier edge to it and it seems like they're developing that sound, which is really cool. michael romeo is a fucking champ.

  12. there are some really cool ideas in here but i think, as a couple others mentioned, it lacks energy overall. it feels like it wanders around a bit too much before getting to the point - i would maybe try focusing on just a few key ideas, expanding those, and cutting out some of the connective, slow stuff in between. i think the dubstep portion is coming along really nicely, and i think it might be cool to try a version of this where that's the real meat of the remix. it might not turn out to be the final one, but you'll probably get some good ideas out of it and it might help you figure out the direction you wanna take the final one in. either way, i think there's a lot of good material in here, it's just a matter of figuring out which stuff you want to focus on and which stuff might not be as important to keep in.

  13. I recently re-scored the trailer for Ico - SFX + music!

    This isn't fully complete (the ending still needs some sfx and the music is yet to be mixed).

    but feedback is more than welcome:


    re-scored trailers always really interest me, i think it's such a cool concept. i wish i knew more about creating sfx and all that, i'd love to give it a shot. but that's not the point! yours turned out really well, i think. it's definitely a different mood than i was expecting (i've played ico a ton and i'm really used to its score and atmosphere), but i think it works nicely for a trailer.

    i like the rest of your work, too. you seem to capture the ideas you mention in your captions for them awfully accurately, which is very cool. nice work, dude!

  14. Thanks for the good words. Everything was done entirely in FL. The big brosteppy basslines are obviously NI Massive, but pretty much everything else melodic is saw / sine waves from 3xOSC and other bare bones sutbtractive synthesizers. The rest is all sampled from something.

    I've got a fresh batch of cookies for anyone who can tell me what songs or content some of these tracks contain.

    right on, thanks for the info. i'm hoping to pick up massive soon actually, really looking forward to messing around with it.

    off the top of my head i know i definitely heard a couple samples from the original sonic trilogy on genesis (ring pick-ups, level clears, stuff like that) and i think i heard navi's "hey!" from ocarina of time. not sure on a lot of the other ones, though. really cool usages, though.

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