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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. I'd have to say that overall, this track is...perfectly dark. *exits to chorus of boos*

    Actually, in all seriousness, I really enjoyed this one. It's clear there's a lot of source usage, although you didn't use all of the source, which made me a bit sad. :-(

    That said, I'm a huge fan of those drums. They never get old, despite being essentially the same throughout the entire song. Fantastic work on the glitch processing to keep it fresh! My only nitpick on them would be that they seem to be just a tad too far forward in the mix, but that might be a personal thing.

    I will side with OA in that some of the lead sounds you used didn't really jive with the atmosphere of the song, being a bit dry and a bit bright, but the fact that the screencap you had as the album picture was all neon and stuff made me forgive it a bit more. The filtered/detuned saw lead would be what I'm referring to here, since they fit in nicely with that Blade Runner-esque vibe of the screencap.

    I don't mind that little dissonant section, as it resolves itself nicely.

    Yeah, I'm definitely comfortable passing this one. Source usage is go, the drums are fantastically glitchy, and the atmosphere is thick. Production across the board is definitely above the bar.


  2. So it'll be like... $667 :twisted:

    Ok. I might have been over-reacting. I have double that available for this, so I should be ok. I was mainly just worried about gas which is around $40 a tank and I'd have to fill up once on the way there, probably, and once on the way back. I also wanted to support some friends and OCR financially.

    THANK YOU Dave.

    Also for luls: Here's how we fix broken car docks (for phone / GPS) in the south


    Oh c'mon, you didn't use duct tape? That's not a true kludge job.

  3. To me, this is a fantastic example of what a track can sound like after multiple revisions with input from a lot of people. As one of the folks who helped Corey out a lot with this track, I've heard it go through many different iterations. It started off with a lot of production and pacing problems, but Corey took all the feedback to heart and really put in the work on this one.

    I think all this hard work really shows. The production is very clean at this point, and the song never drags on to me, even though it's a bit repetitive in its source usage. Clearly uses source throughout most of it, too.

    Folks, take notice--this is how you you elaborate on a sparse source without getting boring. You take the source, and play through it, and then do it again with variation, and then change up filtering and sounds, and cool stuff like that. Add some sound effects here, some scratching there. Change the backing track as it goes on. There's always something new and cool to hear, even if it's the same basic notes. This is also a neat exercise in having a 4-on-the-floor track without a completely in-your-face kick drum. I mean, it's there, but it's not very deep and it's not smacking you in the head every time it hits. Usually that just means it's a wimpy kick, but this track manages to pull it off to where it actually sounds like it belongs, due to how well the rest of the percussion meshes with the track as well, and how well everything is mixed together spectrum-wise.

    It's a very unique-sounding electronica track, and I think it's a worthy addition to the front page. I'm proud to give this one a....


  4. Aha, this song! Hello, fellow One Hour Conquistador! Man, I wish I'd been able to actually get all three of my songs done--since we cut off after round 8, I didn't get to go that third time for round 9. :cry:

    ANYWAYS enough about me. I already know I love this song, but now I gotta actually put on my jooj-hat and give it a thorough, critical listening-to. Here goes.

    Alright, done listening. Still freakin' love this tune. I agree that the source usage is on the sparse side, but I can definitely tell it's a Ground Man remix. The bassline is always there, and there's plenty of melody line usage for me. Production-wise, my only problem is that it does get a bit crowded in the upper range, especially since the whole thing could stand to be just a bit less treble-y. Obviously, the piano sample isn't great, but I think it's appropriate to overlook that in this case.

    Love the attention paid to the snare and other percussion details--having seen the project file first-hand, I'm still amazed that this was pulled off with just the FL defaults.

    Let's see this get some front-page action!


  5. Uh, yeah, there's not a whole lot I can say about this one that hasn't been said, but it's sweet. Even though it's conservative, it doesn't reek of "cover" to me by any stretch of the imagination. Plenty of personalizing to my ears. The production is very clean; every element has its place in the mix, and the parts are tight without being mechanical. While I'm not a huge fan of the hi-hat samples, that's a very minor nitpick.

    Enough talk, let's get this on the front page!


  6. Wow, that was fantastic. I could nitpick but this song honestly really blew me away when I heard it. It's laden with source, so no worries there. I really love the guitar work in here--worthy of any '80s rock ballad "Best-Of" compilation. The chippy synths in the mix just add some fantastic character. Love the tempo changes and all that.

    I have no problems with the mastering--a bit loud, but fits with the album, as stated. The drums, too, aren't the strongest samples ever, yet they still work really well with the song.

    Yeah, let's get this one posted!


  7. Here's the thing--I think this is a fine arrangement, and very creative. I love an oddball arrangement, and the glitched-out flavor really catches my ear. Crunchy tones are sweet, and that's some really detailed chopping in there--I dig! However, I'd be very cautious about the way this is mastered. It doesn't need to be that loud, especially in the beginning and a couple other spots. Plus, there are some frequencies at times that just are too much, going beyond artistic choice into the realm of "pain."

    I'd pass this if those harsh frequencies got tamed via either turning down those instruments in the mix, or maybe just doing some careful EQing on the master bus, and if some volume automation was applied on the master, post-limiter, to keep it from being so VERY LOUD at points (beginning and end come to mind). That way you can keep the crunchy tone, yet avoid blowing everyone's ears out with the super-high average db number.

    (leaving space for post-fix vote, hopefully)

  8. Thanks for the quick reply!

    I looked at Komplete 9, and it' quite costly too...are you saying that's it's better for me to get FL Producer edition and Komplete 9 instead of FL with the plugins package deal since both option cost about the same? And if so, is it because the plugins package deal give more specific instrument/sounds instead of the more varied one in Komplete 9?

    Yup! While Image-Line's stuff is top-notch, it doesn't really cover the full spectrum. Plus, the benefit of having the items in Komplete is that they're much more mainstream plugins, so you'll be able to find third-party soundsets for them much more easily. For the money, FL Producer + Komplete 9 is a much better investment than the FL + All Plugins bundle. Kontakt (one of the included plugins in Komplete) by itself is one of the best investments you'll ever make as a digital musician.

  9. Image-Line makes great plugins, but that's a lot of money for a beginner to spend on a plugin pack. For a starter pack that gets you a much more varied set of sounds, I'd recommend Komplete 9 instead, if you still want to spend some money. Get the Producer Edition of FL along with this for about the same price, really.

    If you'd rather not spend a ton of money, then I'd say just grab the Producer edition of FL and then look around for some great freebie plugins and sounds--there's plenty out there, so you don't really need to spend all that money if you're just starting.

  10. My biggest beef with this track is that there's NOT ENOUGH OF IT GHRAGLKHSJDFLSKDHSLGKJF etc. Would love to hear this concept fleshed out even more, adding more themes and lengthening into a full-on epic at some point.

    Yeah, it's clearly sequenced, but at the same time it's obvious you put a lot of care into the sequencing. It's well-mixed, so no complaints there. The source is clearly discernable, so no complaints there either. I think, if you were to revisit this track, that it could benefit with a little bit more TLC on that kick drum, as Chimp said. I think it could also use some beefier "boom-verb" sounds, but that's a personal thing.

    Basically, it feels like it belongs in a movie with giant mechanisms/organisms and lots of property damage. I love this track, and it's obviously deserving of front-page placement.


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