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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Heh, I'd totally be down to do that, but I suspect the panel is going to be perhaps a bit more subdued than my brand of frenetic headbanging and hand-waving that tends to occur when I'm doing a set. :-P

    Now, if there were some way to do some kind of after-expo set or somesuch, that would be quite interesting indeed. And I promise I'd be more in-practice at that point, too. ;-)

  2. So, just in case you guys have a hankering to watch me flail my arms around like a madman and play some of my remixes (including a couple of unreleased FF6 mixes!) at a show, I thought I'd

    for ya. The audio quality is not good, since it was recorded on my phone, and the lighting isn't the best ever, but this is what happens when you tell me to show up and play music for people. Hope you dig it, sloppy transitions and all! :mrgreen:
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