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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. the music is the kind that you'd hear in an epic action movie. I like that style and that's the kind of genre I'd like to remix, I was actually just wondering if anyone else had done it before or if it was even allowed.

    Oh, it's certainly allowed. The problem with a lot of the new, cinematic soundtrack stuff is that (a) it's really complex, (B) it's already heavily arranged, and © there's no way to do it other than by ear, i.e. there usually aren't any easily-accessible MIDI files. A remix of a modern soundtrack song would probably focus in on one single part, and then expand on that a bit. Heck, I think I could do an entire album just from the first track of the Starcraft II OST.

  2. I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do have a few long-term goals that were already in place.

    - Get paid for scoring a game that gets released (I've been paid for scoring a game that may or may not ever see the light of day, already, haha).

    - Learn to play guitar with some measure of competence.

    - Keep ingesting less sugar and play sports more often.

    - Get my associate's degree and move onto the last two years of college.

    - Obtain necessary equipment for "full band" mobile recording setup, record some local bands, then make a profit.

    Hm, let's see. I'm in the midst of scoring a game that should see release on Steam early next year, and I got my associate's degree and am now at university. I am playing sports with some more frequency, although I do still ingest a lot of sugar.

    I'd say 2.5/5 ain't bad at all.

  3. Wow. I just...wow. This really is Killer Studio Chops all over again, isn't it? We don't want, nor do we need some random schmuck's "teaching." This album is loved by thousands upon thousands of excellent people, and that's good enough for me. I just have nothing else to say to someone who clearly has her proverbial head so far up her derrière that she can see nothing but her own innards. Good day to you, madam.

  4. My only personal gripe about the album is that it's so long it makes gaining familiarity with it as a complete work pretty difficult, and I usually think such a thing is very important. I always focus on how a complete work will be accepted and I'm sure Emu had the same thing in mind perhaps, I just DON'T KNOW IF IT'S EVEN POSSIBLE~!

    I think the key is to take it in disc-sized chunks. Otherwise, it definitely gets super-overwhelming.

    Either that or just take a long roadtrip with nothing but this in your stereo. From experience, that works quite nicely as well. 8-)

  5. it’s just too amateurish and not up to par with what you’d expect from OC ReMix.

    This is starting off very badly.

    Now, I don’t think the whole thing is like that. I liked Joe Elm (it’s very Crazy Calypso...y), Bash the Bastards!, Unfinished Business, Exploration C, Shenanigans, and Cliffside Clamber (which was AMAZING. I cried), these I’m keeping those on my playlist because they’re just like the originals. Good job, seriously.

    But others... let’s take the opening track, “Road to Double Trouble” for instance. The original intro fanfare was zany, a good way to emerge yourself in the game with some xylophone and trumpets. This mix completely takes that away and changes it into a “moody” original track...and not only did directors Emulator and Cody do this track, but producer Flexstyle helped out too? The entire staff couldn’t even tell that it didn’t sound anything like the original? If they haven’t even played DKC3 or listened to its music I honestly wouldn’t be surprised.

    You're missing the point. This was about setting up an epic journey, not preserving your idea of childhood nostalgia. That should be obvious from the album writeups.

    Another good example is the “Funky’s Joint” track which starts out with.... a bong rip. This is a family game, so why taint it with drug references resembling the activities of some high school drop-out stoner? The other two albums didn’t have drug references, why start now?

    There have been FAR more risque references and/or lyrical themes in past OC ReMixes. Swearing, references to being drunk, etc. What's the difference?

    “Don’t Drink the Water” turns the beautiful riverside music into some generic, upbeat “club-dance” mix that doesn’t sound anything like the original. I’m wondering how this got past the developers, because I don’t hear the original at all here. I’m starting to see a trend here.

    You have no sense of humor, clearly. :-P Seriously though, listen to it. The melodies are definitely there. I guarantee that. You wouldn't have liked the other interpretation that got scrapped, either, I think. And by "developers," do you mean "directors?"

    “Banana Revolution (Live in Kongcert)”..is...um...interesting. Adding vocals in a video game remix can enhance the experience (I really liked the K. Rool death metal from DKC2 and I was anticipating “Enchanted” based on the preview). But adding druggy vocals (“Everything we know is gone / All that's left is just to move on,” None of it will matter in the end, wo-ah”) is enough for me to seriously consider having my ears stapled shut. Again, this is a family game. That and Cranky’s Showdown is the last track you’d imagine vocals on.

    You're the only one who sees a drug reference here.

    “Deep Sea Lights” had promise and... it turned into dubstep. In my eyes, dubstep is the lowest form of “music” in the world, if it can even be considered music as that would be too much of a compliment. The artist Theophany evidently has talent, considering he matched the mood of “Water World” adequately before the wubbadubbawub elements came into play. I’m sorry man, I want to like this but I cannot because I’m not deaf. I *know* you can do better.

    Please, let us know how it feels up on your high horse some more. EDIT: Just looked at your profile and saw that you're a music teacher. No wonder you have no appreciation for musical innovation. Do I have to list how many musicians and composers were insulted similarly before history elevated them to their proper places?

    Hopefully my comments will be taken into serious consideration and OC ReMix makes a real DKC3 album sometime reasonably soon, not like the gargantuan wait for this disappointment. Thanks.

    They won't be, because you're wrong. Basically, what I read up there is something along the lines of "oh, I'm a genre snob, and I hate electronic music, and I'm going to take a dump all over the three years of work that sixty+ people spent on this bringing it to professional quality, endorsed by Dave Wise himself, and expect to get some kind of positive reaction."

    I know I didn't have to go and respond to that, but as someone who sunk a LOT of my personal time and effort into this, I'm really offended. I don't care if you don't like it, but don't you dare insult me and others by insinuating that we deliberately made a pile of garbage.

  6. Here's the thing, pmac: I think you're spot on with your comments about the overall feel of a soundtrack. Emunator did a fantastic job squeezing the best possible songs out of the remixers, and Cody and Emu poured many hours into making sure the album flowed *perfectly*. Obviously, it shows, and it's really kind of you to mention that you noticed that.

    That said, I think you're really doing a disservice to Robbie (AkumajoBelmont) and Jason by downplaying their track. It's a perfectly legitimate genre, and one that was MASSIVE in many portions of Europe for a long time. Certainly, "only for 12-year-olds" is rather inaccurate.

    Everyone is, of course, firmly entitled to their personal opinions, and there's obviously going to be likes and dislikes of every song along the way. I would, however, entreat you to keep in mind that a LOT of work went into each song, and publicly decrying it as "sub-par" is not a terribly great way of approaching it.

    Plus, if you're not a big fan of the Eurodance style, try the hard-edged breakbeat remix I did on the bonus disc! ;-)

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