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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Topsy Turvy - . . . This was probably intentional, but there was some static in places (Such as at the beginning), and I thought that could be improved on a little. Not necessarily removed, but a little less prevalent, and I think it'd be good.

    What, precisely, do you mean by static? I'm not hearing anything that resembles static to me on any systems I've listened on. There are some white noise sweeps that I used heavily during the piece, but those are exactly where they should be. Just curious. :???:

  2. I just hope team members don't throw away points by not voting...

    Seriously. Anyone who's involved in the competition who doesn't vote is really hurting themselves and their team. My team has all voted, so we've already got 3 extra first place votes. That gives us a big advantage. Doesn't everyone else want to even the playing field? :smile:

  3. I think it's important to remember that there's more to a song than just its main melody. And when you remix something, you won't necessarily use the parts that are the most memorable.

    This. Exactly. Plus, the song might not be in the same key, or at the same tempo, or (heck) even in the same time signature. Doesn't make it any less of a valid remix.

  4. I think its kinda funny a lot of the comments on youtube (as intelligent as they are) Are making claims that dub step is getting old and Such and such is the revival. Because dubstep is still young.. as in maybe a year at most.. Its not old just unexplored.

    Actually, it's only a year old...here in the States in the minds of the collective consciousness. For the rest of the world, dubstep is about 10 years old now, if you count some of the early stuff that evolved from the UK Garage and Grime scenes.

  5. As was mentioned, a lot of people are putting a large amount of thought into meticulously choosing which mixes to vote for and with the current system if they didn't vote for the top 3 then those votes basically go straight into the garbage.

    Ah, see, I'm just voting for whichever songs I like best, based on production quality/musicality/musicianship and arrangement (in that order). I guess maybe I'm just not taking this as seriously as some people?

    EDIT: I should also mention that I think the voting is going to be almost entirely subjective no mater how we end up scoring it, so I'm not bothering to be terribly scientific about it at all.

  6. Don't feel bad ZTM. I wish I was experienced and felt as confident as you to even join the competition lol. I'd be dead last and laughed out of the competition if I were to join (I know this isn't true cuz you guys are all too nice).

    Just keep at it man and eventually you'll be as good as the top remixers on the site :) If I know anything its that persistence is key to accomplishing great things.

    BTW: Any tips on upgrading from Garage Band to a real software suite? I haven't bought Reason yet but maybe I can convince myself it will be a good Christmas present to myself ;) I just don't know if I can adjust to it....

    I'd definitely recommend Logic if you've already been using Garageband for quite a while. Cost is about the same (as I recall), and you get SO MUCH for $500. Logic is one of the single most powerful tools you can have as a producer, and if you can wrap your head around it, it'll stand you in good stead.

  7. - Anything by PrototypeRaptor (look for him on Beatport or Soundcloud, too)

    - Wonderful Bite or BigBot Audiodrop by SGX

    - Mysto and Pizzi, who have some big-name remix credits, have a lot of free stuff

    - I dig this (Free) single by The Beatards (and I remixed it, too)

    - Tons of music to be had via the Electro Freaks Present compilation albums

    - s/he's debut album is incredible...

    - ...and the lead singer's previous projects were pretty stinkin' awesome as well

    - I'd be tickled to death if you were to play some of my music

  8. Just a tip about dubstep/aggressive-in-general basses for FL Studio users who don't have Massive.

    Use Harmless. (or Harmor if you're rich)

    Seriously. I use it for EVERYTHING.

    This. Absolutely. Harmless is my go-to bassline synth, and I'm starting to get my head wrapped around the incredible depth that is Harmor as well. Fantastic synths.

  9. I dig me a McRib once in a while. It's not incredibly amazing, but it's tasty.

    Also, Five Guys is my absolute favorite burger joint. That is, aside from perhaps Fuddruckers, but Fudd's is even more expensive. So Five Guys it is. Plus (and I don't know if this is the case everywhere else), the closest Five Guys to me (actually 14 miles away *sob*) has that awesome soda fountain where you can choose any flavor of any drink you want. That is epic.

    Finally: Show me a Wendy's burger that has mushrooms, bacon, jalapenos, Pepper Jack cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and ketchup, and I'll show you a cheaper Five Guys burger that tastes better, has better-quality meat, and is cooked on a better grill. You just can't get what Five Guys offers at a fast food joint.

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