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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. I know veeeeeery little about flstudio (on account of being lazy as hell), but if you get a mp3 or wav or something of the song, you could throw that in the audio clips, click on the name of the thing to bring up the channel settings, and under the Time Stretching field, change Resample to Auto (to keep the pitch from shifting) and crank the MUL dial to 200% or 300%

    it'll play the clip at half or third speed if you do that, making it considerably easier to pick out notes; additionally, you could stick the pattern that you're building next to the clip to check against it note for note

    I do this all the time for tracks that I can't find a MIDI for. Saves me so much headache.

  2. Quite likely, depending on when they were actually recorded. Remember, I'm not talking about cassette tapes. I'm talking about big, massive reels of tape, the sort that gets used in recording studios all over the world to this day. Heck, I'd bounce some of my tracks to tape if I had the money. Sound is much warmer and has much more character than digital recording.

  3. Keep in mind that in the past, nearly everyone recorded to 2" tape. We didn't always have Pro Tools, y'know! A lot of artists still record this way even today. So, they could have recorded the tape at one speed, then played back at a slightly different speed when mixing, and then sent that mixed-down version to another tape for mastering, which was then played back at another speed . . . you get the picture.

  4. I don't like picking favourites, but I must say that Top This and Wily's Bubble Bath stood out quite a bit for me.

    My day has been made. :-D

    Agreed, there were quite a few great mixes which came out of this compo. I'll second Mirby--Synthesize This! was one of my very favorites from the entire compo, but that'd be just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many great mixes there were in here. I'm also really proud of my teammates' tracks; I think they turned out rather spectacularly, if I'm allowed to say that.

    Dunno if I'll ever have the time to do something like this again...aw, heck, who am I kidding? I'd totally jump on it if I thought I could squeeze it in sideways. Nice work, everyone!

  5. I literally just did this for a public speaking last week. I gave a lecture and described OCR as a community that fosters quality VGM music (gave the example of the Aversa's and Soul Caliber V, too)!

    I'm planning on mentioning SCV, Mass Effect 2, and Street Fighter Turbo HD Remix. I think for this crowd, Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac may be a bit too "underground," sadly. There are probably several other games that I could mention as well, but SCV/ME2/SFTHDR are the biggest ones I can think of.

  6. More like welcome to creative license. It's ok to purposely break grammar rules for effect, unless you're a newspaper columnist or textbook writer.

    This, exactly. I didn't see that as a writing error--I saw it as a way of conveying the thoughts in the head of the man and his wife.

  7. What I got out of the rant is that he wants to main total creative control over his music, rather than let any ol' label badger him into collaborating with a big name just for name's sake. Also, he was really touched by that short story (which is definitely a gripping one if you go and read it).

  8. I think, officially, once a thread has been mod reviewed, it's up to you as to whether or not you want to keep it as mod review. Other mods may or may not chip in at their discretion. I've seen some tracks get the full gamut of mod review heavy-handedness, and others slip through the cracks. Personally, I'd leave it for a couple more days at least; because the judging process takes so long, a few more days really won't hurt you at all.

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