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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Sounds right up my alley. You may or may not have heard the work I've done for the DKC3 project (but I'm assuming you've got access to the project files there--check out Thump Brothers or Thrill of the Chase for some instrumental examples), or here's some other stuff I've done for various competitions 'n for-the-lulz 'n such.




    Also, a few original electronic tracks.




    I don't call myself Flexstyle for no reason. I can do nearly any style of electronica you'd care to have.

  2. <twocents>

    I've never pirated any software that I use in my productions. Everything I've ever used in my life has been either bought at full price (very rare) or purchased on a severely-discounted sale (the majority of my software). Everything goes on sale eventually. If you're patient and learn to use the tools you have available to you now (freeware plugs, etc.) you'll be that much better of a computer musician when you're given the fantastic payware tools via your hard-saved money and some timely sales.


  3. Seeing as how June is Boss Month, I thought I'd give tribute to the first boss I ever faced as a 6-year-old gamer--Moskito, from the original Rayman game on the PC. If you're looking for the source tune,


    Now, I'm sure many of you are familiar with The Lonely Island--you know, the Andy Samberg-spearheaded comedy music group. You may even be familiar with their song "

    ." You may now be connecting the dots in your head--"hmm," you'll say to yourself, "did he really do a VGM remix while parodying and/or ripping off the style of a
    ? No, surely he didn't."

    Oh yes I did.



    Hit the forums (like a boss)

    OCRemix (like a boss)

    Get ideas (like a boss)

    June is boss month (like a boss)

    That should do it (like a boss)

    Pick a source tune (like a boss)

    Open FL (like a boss)

    Stare blankly (like a boss)

    Get annoyed (like a boss)

    Find a MIDI (like a boss)

    Add some VSTs (like a boss)

    Slap some drums in (like a boss)

    Submit to panel (like a boss)

    Wait a year (like a boss)

    Get rejected (like a boss)

    Workshop time (like a boss)

    Get some tips (like a boss)

    Make it better (like a boss)

    New arrangement (like a boss)

    Gain some confidence (like a boss)

    Submit again (like a boss)

    More rejection (like a boss)

    Aww shoot man, I’ll never get posted, I hate the judges

    Man up (like a boss)

    Go to college (like a boss)

    Music major (like a boss)

    Four year degree (like a boss)

    Cap and gown (like a boss)

    Grad with honors (like a boss)

    Dust off computer (like a boss)

    FL Studio (like a boss)

    Sick arrangement (like a boss)

    Rad production (like a boss)

    Submit again (like a boss)

    Wait another year (like a boss)

    Pass the panel (like a boss)

    More waiting (like a boss)

    Hit the front page (like a boss)

    OCRemixer! (like a boss)


    TO DO:

    - Change the strings to resemble the guitar line in the source

    - Re-record the first intro voice to negate the nasty mic-popping

    - Record an outro, a la "Like A Boss"

    - Possibly add a fake horn, a la "Like A Boss"

    - Polish up the "guitar solo"

    - Mix up the beats a bit so it doesn't get boring

    - Get some feedback from everyone here

    - Send some faxes (like a boss)

  4. I know what it is, Akuma just signed the T&C for Apple and is becoming the world's first Human CentiPad. Some computer problems, indeed.

    I lol'd. :nicework:

    GTA: Don't worry, when I actually get down to making a mix, I get it done in a couple days at most, generally speaking. I work quickly, once inspiration hits. You can ask Emunator to verify this, if you must, and I'm pretty sure Hylian knows I'll get my work done on his project, too. Bear in mind that I (and a bunch of other people, I suspect) am finishing up a grueling semester of college in which I had the misfortune to take 17 credit hours and am almost-failing one very tough class. I also work part-time, am about to start a full-time summer internship, and have lots of other "life" duties as well. Cut me a bit of slack. Also, do consider this--I'm prioritizing projects in order of when deadlines hit, and the Oracle project still has a lot of deadline left.

    Bear this in mind as well--I'm not totally devoted to OCR, music-wise. I have other projects. Some of them I get paid for, and some of them have much tighter deadlines. OCR is a hobby that I happen to be really good at.

    My post urging everyone to hurry was meant to be in good fun, hence the ":-D" at the end, as well as the prominent use of the word "y'all." I'm a bit surprised that someone who's not even a project artist, let alone director, is calling me out for not working on music that is entirely voluntary (and which I still have every intention of completing).

    tl;dr I'm cranky because I have too many finals and some guy who doesn't make music is calling me out for something I didn't do. Also, Brandon is funny.

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