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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Um hey guys....I like forgot to vote today D:

    And can I um.......change all of my votes or something because I feel like my votes were kinda biased in an indirect way and after listening to the older songs more, I am now regretting my life. :((((

    Part of this contest for us artists is being able to make a song that grabs you NOW. If that's what influenced your early votes, then the artists did it right. Songs that "grow on you" (and I've found a few myself which were quite enjoyable) are great, but I don't really think they're the purpose of this contest. Don't worry too much--there's nothing at stake besides bragging rights in this game. :-)

  2. Standing On Top -- ... The autotuning is obvious; not sure if that was intentional. My god, you have ridiculously awesome production quality. I want my music to sound that clear :(TEACH ME.

    Heh. I'd be happy to teach you a few things, if possible, just hit me up on MSN or AIM (details on my profile). Helping OCRers with production techniques seems to be my destined path these days, haha. I like helping. :-)

    Also, yeah, the autotuning (actually, it was a combination of Melodyne Uno and NewTone) was blatantly obvious on purpose. I'm not a terribly good singer, but I sound passable as long as I tune the snot out of my voice. Been doing that a lot lately, trying to make a vocal-driven EP.

  3. If anyone wants the lyrics to Standing On Top, I'm just gonna post 'em here:

    (Verse 1)


    Pain and suffering

    I can see


    Paths I’m covering


    Every hour I breathe I falter inside

    Still I’m pressing onward

    For the ones who survived how many have died

    Climbing free

    (Verse 2)


    Thankfully I see

    Pathway’s end

    Regal sight

    End of my journey

    Hope again

    Though my body is tortured I’m still so alive

    I have made it through this

    Dreams sustain me, the truth I cannot deny

    I am free

  4. I absolutely love how this compo is bringing some of the lurkers out of the woodwork. C'mon, the rest of you! Join in! We don't bite...much.

    Seriously though, I'm really stoked at the quality of music coming out of here both from my team (whom I am very proud of so far) and from everyone else (y'all are making this stuff INTENSE!), and I'm sure everyone can say the same.

  5. Wow. A lot of REALLY nice entries this week. The guitar-driven ones seemed to be especially strong. Here's my top three, plus runner-up:


    AMT's song really hit me with a dose of "that hit the spot," especially with the Nirvana stylings partway through. You know how sometimes you hear a song and you're like, "Screw reason, this song ROCKS and I love it!"? Yeah. That. This is the kind of song I'd stick in my car, roll down the windows, and blast at full volume.


    Of course, I couldn't leave out the lo-tempo halc track with a Willrock solo. So delicious. An argument could probably be made that this is, indeed, dubstep. Well-executed and I love it.


    Rexy and Strader, that was some of the best VGM metal with Caribbean undertones I've ever heard. Agree with some others that the vocals were a bit too loud in spots, but clean that stuff up and sub this and you might well have a front-page winner.


    Lidawg, had you cleaned up that solo towards the end, you might well have crept into the third-place spot in my vote. Really dug your entry, and honestly the guitar tones were part of what made it for me. I'm a fan of lo-fi "garage/livingroom" rock music and yours had a lot of that vibe to it.

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