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Everything posted by Kaliree

  1. I have been waiting for THIS since "Relics of the Chozo" in 2003. This is my favorite OC Remix project thus far (with the possible exception of Chrono Symphonic). Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger were my favorite games on the SNES and my favorite Square Enix games period. All of the OCR projects rock, but this is beyond words for me. THANK YOU~! In for $50. And I just watched the Kickstarter pass $20k while I was typing this. AMAZING. O_o
  2. I discovered Reuben's compositions in 2004 or so. Reuben's work, particularly the closing track to the Chrono Symphonic album were the first remixes that truly showed me how incredible a video game remix could become. Reuben's work brought remixing to a whole other level from anything I had previously encountered in fan projects. In fact, he often compared to a professional film score. Just amazing. I emailed his father shortly after he passed away offering what comfort and support I could. I am only a bit older than Reuben and his death hit me so hard. Such a wonderful and kind young man. Jesus bless and hold you Brother. I look forward to meeting you someday. ************** On a slightly different, yet related note, I recently lost my entire collection of Reuben's music. I downloaded what I could from here and elsewhere, but now Reuben's web site no longer has active links to his music. I can't tell you how sad this makes me. I had every single song on his web site, VGMix, OCR, RPGamer and anywhere else I could find them. Does anyone else have his entire collection (or even some) of the music posted on his site beyond the tracks that can be found on OCR? Does anyone know where I can download or purchase his music?
  3. That's right. I declare my victory now. I will win the "Distant Worlds" contest. And if I don't win...well there's always retirement and bridge at the senior center to look forward to in another 40 years as my soul slowly crumbles away to dust...
  4. When I first listened to Reuben's music in 2004 (or maybe 2005?) I found that I actually forgot to breathe. His music was quite literally breathtaking for me. Such a wonderful talent that is no longer in this world. @Liontamer: Reuben's web site is still up, but his music is no longer available. You can purchase the "To Speak" soundtrack on CD, but all of the links in the music section of his site are now inactive. I haven't been able to find anything other than the remixes here and a few scattered over some forums. Does anyone have Reuben's entire collection? I really miss his music and I would like to download it all again if I could. R.I.P. Reuben. You were a hidden gem, glowing brightly in the depths of an electronic ocean of melody and song.
  5. To the Kee family - and other loved ones - of your beloved son, Reuben was a unique person, with special talents and gifts. He crafted some of the most beautiful music I have ever listened to. His heart and passion, expressed in the poetic melodies of his songs, touches my soul and stirs my spirit, even now. I did not know him, but I would have liked to, and hope that I may yet, some day. More powerful than his music though, he seems to have been a generous person, with a loving heart for people, especially children. Those children he worked with won't easily forget him. The investment he made in loving them and teaching them is of greater value than anything else. You know his heart and his passions. You know the depth of his love for you, and for his community. I'm merely a foreigner who did not truly know him, or you. I don't know what he believed, or what truths he held to, nor do I know your beliefs. However, I pray that you, as his family, are bound together in love in this time of sorrow. I pray that our loving God will comfort you in your mourning. My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you. I encourage you, to draw close to God, who loves you all, and who loves Reuben very dearly. He knows the pain of losing a beloved son, and the suffering of each of your hearts. Reuben is precious to the Lord, as are you. Many weep and mourn over Reuben's passing, and though this probably brings little comfort to you, know that he was significant in some way, to many people that never even knew him. He is missed deeply. The Lord bless you, and keep you, The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. - In the love of Jesus, John.
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