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Posts posted by analoq

  1. sounds like he pushed the 'latin' backing preset on his casio keyboard.

    that's not a harsh insult by itself, those kinds of things are fun and can actually help you work out musical ideas.

    but i really do get images of an early 90s keyboard demo with this one.

    really fun, good effort.

    but i agree with Dan, same change-ups are needed.

    add in the conservative slant on the interpretation, and i'd say this one needs more work.


  2. you know what this sounds like?

    a piano player who isn't used to playing on an unweighted controller yet.

    it reminds me too much of my early piano sequences with my brand new roland pc200.

    the velocities are really uneven, some of the dynamics just come off as awkward.

    rhythm is needlessly sloppy.

    arrangement is super, if this was recorded live i'd probably pass it.

    but this is clearly a sequence that can be edited and fixed, and that's what i'd like the prospective remixer to do.

    clean up the rhythms, smooth out the velocities/dynamics.

    it may be tedious, but it will be worth it.



  3. this doesn't sound like ambient trance to me.

    seems more like the guy was attempting what he misguidedly believes to be 'trance' (or worse, 'techno')

    and then after he realized it was long and uninteresting he affixed 'ambient' to it.

    this sounds to me like the typical mediocre FL dance interpretations we get.

    the difference with this one is that there's nothing clearly 'wrong' with it.

    i'm not left with a number of reasons to reject it, but by the same token i don't see a number of reasons to pass it, either.


  4. we did discuss this a bit in the chat

    i agree with larry that while the the first part of this mix is ideal ocr material, the rest just doesn't have much to do with anything, afaik.

    what this mix needs is a reprise or variation that connects the ideas presented in the first part to the ideas presented in the last part.

    in the end, i'm not opposed to this passing,

    but i'm going to recommend a resubmit anyways.


  5. i heard this one when it was posted on RKO a few weeks ago.

    while i agree with larry that the melody is subdued, it's in there enough for me.

    while the mix has ideas irrelevent to the original, the original is still tightly integrated.

    and we don't get many mixes that can take a variety of hard and soft electronic sounds and make them all fit together without losing focus.

    hey, i even like the title.


  6. what the hell?

    ok -- i really dislike how half the instruments sound identical to the original's.

    this would be really awesome with evolving synthetic sounds as crazy as the rhythms.

    that cheesy sax sound ain't helping.

    nonetheless, i'm on my 4th listen of this and i'm still liking it.

    i'll pass it.


  7. bladiator is a really talented individual.

    however, his talent is obscured by this mediocre exectution.

    the piano sounds alright but everything else, the woodwinds in particular, sound really mechanical and General MIDI.

    this may deserve to be on ocr as-is, but i would prefer a resubmit of this one go on ocr rather than this one.

    do some resequencing and get someone to record the woodwind parts with better samples.


  8. i wouldn't say this is an improvement over the original -- the original is pretty nifty.

    one of the problems i have with this is it doesn't strike me as distinctive to the original

    this sounds like a dozen different piano tunes i've heard

    rhythm is a little off the dot, but it works. probably better than mine.

    on the technical side, it's a little too reverby/sustainy for the tone.

    if you're going to make it this dark, you still need to have some clarity to the sound.

    add in the shortness and i'd suggest posting this on our wip/finished forum.

    this deserves to be heard, but we do expect a lot from piano remixes.


  9. we've got cheesy laugh samples,

    we've got sections like at 1:30 which are embarrassingly sparse

    we've got noobish percussion

    and we've got a long section that has nothing to do with the original and isn't very good.

    the arrangement, of course, is really quite clever.

    it's almost enough to push it over the bar for me, but honestly if i downloaded this off the front page of ocr i would be pretty dissappointed.

    if you want an example of a mix that takes a hardly substantial C64 tune and develops into a well executed remix, try this.

    love the arrangement, i really want to pass it, but i think this deserves a resubmit for the weak execution.


  10. yay, a raptor remix.

    hmm, it's... not bad, but not good either.

    i don't feel any evolution or more importantly, tension, in this remix.

    things come in and out sure, but it doesn't emote.

    comes off as bland.


    edit: oh, i do appreciate that the artist had a 'vision' for this remix. it's nice to hear a remix that is supposed to have a meaning to it.

  11. alright, i've got a candidate for my 'final wip' of my e3m3 remix that i've been trying to get done.

    considering this is my first real project in Tracktion (been using logic for the last 2 years)...

    there are some things that i had difficulty with and some stuff i just couldn't get right.

    still, there's a lot here that came out decent.


    i invite any intelligent or unintelligent commments.


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