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Posts posted by analoq

  1. i played trumpet for 7 years, so while i know the trumpet sounds nothing like a real trumpet performance, it doesn't sound out of place with the rest of the orchestra.

    like, if the trumpet sequencing sounded like it does but the rest of the orchestra was convincing, then i'd have a problem with it.

    but everything here sounds equally fake so we can suspend the disbelief.

    this is not a great arrangement but it's decent: it's got adequate development and dynamics.

    hard to expect too much more in the sound department without inviting everyone to pirate expensive samples.

    i give this a lukewarm


  2. I think most of the people replace the word "sexiest" with "funniest", "nicer", or something similar.

    well i'm not very funny and i'm not very nice...

    so all votes for me are clearly genuine!

    p.s. fox, did you shave your eyebrows or are they just very light?


  3. i love the original tune. i so wanted this to be good, and it is pretty good...

    but whyyy did you have to follow the original almost identically?

    i gave your website a look,

    you know what?

    you and i are from the same era of gaming!

    we are like brothers!

    very sorry to reject something from my brother...


  4. that sound.. is supposed to be rain? at least find a better rain sample (like, one that's stereo)

    i can echo the complaints about the recording.. it sounds kinda lofi and i'm sorry but you clip, sir.

    not bad as far as first submissions go but,

    invest in some better recording equipment,

    learn how to do proper signal processing on your recorded parts,

    and learn how to fade out in a way that's non abrupt.

    after you've done all that, we can talk about arrangement.


  5. i don't get the intro,

    but at least it's good to see that DJ Crono is still making music, even though he hasn't kept up with the bar.

    there's some good arrangement ideas displayed here and some parts sound nice and BIG,

    but the mixing and production kills it.

    this is too disorganized, cluttered and everything feels abrupt.

    add in some clipping and awkward dissonance...


  6. let it be known that i actually do like happy hardcore.

    yes, i all too often indulge in such guilty pleasures...

    palpable is a talented guy and if he was able to execute this remix as well as previous efforts, i would probably pass it.

    in this case though, it's a token effort happy hardcore adaptation.

    this is not as hard, fast, or aggressive as it needs to be to have all the joy of happy hardcore and instead comes off as embarrassing house music.

    arrangement leaves much to be desired but it's not bad, all things considered.

    while i don't think it'd be a crime to pass this mix, i think this one should be reworked.


  7. you know, i'm not gonna have anything for the next deadline.

    i've been working fulltime and have enough work to deal with at home --

    i have to be selective with my time and i haven't been able to give this project priority.

    i'm not so much 'quitting' on this project as i am saying the guys in charge will probably have no choice but to drop me in the near future.

    my apologies...

  8. i've said in the past that i will applaud relying on genre cliches if they are executed with skill.

    and while the skill here isn't great or even notable, it's there.

    the mix builds up, it builds up a trance chord pattern

    the main theme enters.

    we break into the main theme over the trance chord pattern and all elements get thrown in

    it's a simple formula that works in a radio-edit length trance tune.

    the production values are nothing compared to a professional trance track, but there's nothing unforgivable given that this is an amateur community.

    in the end, this mix will not pass and it shouldn't.

    it's an overly underwhelming and unimaginitive remix,

    but since you avoided most of the common pitfalls of the trance remixes we get, you deserve 1 yes.


    way to not screw up.

  9. remix name = :)

    remixer name = :(

    i played too much starcraft, so i know while this follows the structure of the original closely, the style is very different along with changed emphasis of various parts.

    fusing a kind of romantic instrumentation with a dance beat is interesting, and in the hands of a skilled remixer this could work.

    in this case, it's not bad or anything, but the execution leaves me unsatisfied.

    the samples and sequencing come off as amateurish, the mixing feels unbalanced and limited in spacial depth.


  10. nice use of panning.

    ok, this is an attempt at psychedelic trance yes?

    you've got the bassline down,

    percussion is mostly there but some of it has a bad 80s rompler vibe,

    the additional synth sounds and sfx are good.

    the leads and choir pads come off as awkward to me, though.

    you'll find that most video game music does not lend itself to genuine psytrance/goa interpretations, sadly.

    but that's ok, failing to hit all genre cliches doesn't mean a rejection.

    however, i'm with larry & wingless...

    arrangement is about satisfactory.

    but you need to focus this more on the theme before it can be passed.


    kudos on the title, it's quite apt.

  11. arrgh, firefox keeps crashing on me. anyways.

    nice tribute to the original, it sounds very siddy.

    and 808s are great.

    apparently 909s are too, since you juxtapose them with your 808 sections.

    nonetheless, this is more of a tribute than a reinterpretive arrangement.

    it doesn't sound overly FL default to me, has a neat lo-fo motif -- but one that's too strong.

    mixing does indeed need to be cleaned up, this can easily grate on one's ears...


  12. must... overcome.... groovebias.....

    no! it's too powerful!

    this is tough one for me, because while it follows the general structure of the original identically, it has a very different feel to it.

    the drums, bass, synth sfx are all additive, yet they reserve subtlety.

    i really like the ep improvisation that's going on, i wish it wasn't so subtle.

    this is very well put together overall and the additions fit like a glove.

    that's gotta count for something...


  13. i'm telling you now:

    this vote is a gip, it doesn't help.

    this sounds really lo-fi

    this is really empty and boring.

    empty can be good, minimalism and all.

    boring can be good for a while, but there's gotta be something redeemable about it to make it worth listening to.

    sorry, i hear nothing worth listening to...


  14. i complain more about dissonance, chromaticism and 'wrong notes' than a number of the judges.

    and i do it because most people don't know how to use 'em, or they use 'em in contexts which are ineffective.

    mazedude knows how to use dissonance and in this case he uses it in a context that is completely unexpected --

    but still entirely effective.

    i understand larry's concern and i wish this had more rearrangment qualities at it's base rather than at it's peak--

    but this one's just too much fun.


    though if this passes, does someone wanna contact mazedude and try to get a version of this with a better fade-out?

  15. how dare anyone compare this mediocre effort to the genius of trent reznor!

    ok maybe the phazerpiano reminds me of something off the fragile.. anyways..

    if this was an exercise in making z3ta sound underwhelming, then mission accomplished.

    it's not that bad, but like gray noted -- this should sound a lot better.

    and like dan, i will applaud you for doing something interesting with a tired old theme.

    however interesting the idea may be though, it fails to bring home the bacon.

    the new progression feels forced, it doesn't naturally fit in with the source material.

    the new material as well just doesn't seem to jive with the theme.

    this just doesn't seem well thought-out.


  16. arrgh, this was closed as i was voting on it. oh well, here's my vote anyways...

    yup, this one needs more work.

    great intro, sets the mood, gets me pumped!

    but then we enter into a GM sounding ballad.

    is that the default FL electric bass sample?

    the B3 organ bothers me, the rotary speaker effect is part of the sample, so as the pitch goes up, the effect gets faster and as the pitch goes down, the effect gets slower.

    this probably doesn't bug most people, but hey, i'm analoq. check out the free ZR3 organ synth VSTi, it's neat.

    some better sequencing is mandatory, there are a few parts where the string melody overlaps a previous note for a short time -- it's supposed to be a solo, not a duet right?

    even if it was a duet, that'd be one weird second part.

    the use of sound effects isn't particularly bad, but it doesn't enrich this much for me.

    i agree with most of the other criticisms, though i think the arrangement is OK.


    I'll be back soon with another MP3 to stand trial!

    don't let this rejection stop ya.


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