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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. you realize the gameplay of the first title in these series are the template for almost 50% of games right
  2. so pro that he got over the game in a month yeah let's all care what this guy says
  3. because fightan gaems lololollo edit: The real answer is because fighting games never seem to be made by people who actually play fighting games. And by made, I don't mean 'Executive Assitant Development Producer Overseer Who Watches the Watchmen' bullshit, I mean people who actually program the thing.
  4. I have never played a Castlevania game. Nor do I intend to. Metroid is my favorite series, but I've never played Metroid II. Ecco The Dolphin frightens me.
  5. Assuming you're talking about Last Order, the big group of Turks is the cast of playable characters from Before Crisis. One of them is indeed Cissnei.
  6. Crisis Core is a better game than FFVII in every possible way
  7. if we fixed whatever thing was making Well every other bloody map, I'm fine with the rotation
  8. Capcom needs to stop dicking around and make Mega Man Legends 3.
  9. if I steal an apple I don't think I am infringing on the copyright for apple trees
  10. I think speeding is a little worse than piracy since it kind of attributes heavily to a lot of automobile deaths
  11. they died when half of the regulars were always BAWWWW SCHOOOL NRRRRR so barely anybody showed up
  12. I'd buy a lot more stuff if I had a job thanks, economy!
  13. zircon is right - but spidey is just silly now
  14. what is the other hand is it good
  15. I'm beginning to think this project just isn't very well maintained at all now you're not even telling us what to audition for
  16. okay in that case I don't think he means literally in every scene
  17. Agreeing with this. At this point it's pretty much impossible for the standings to actually change anymore.
  18. spoilers: the red haired guy with the sign
  19. I'd rather that song remind me of a sex scene than of a 3D animated ogre sitting at a table, all alone and melancholy.
  20. I didn't think there were any problems at all with the acting
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