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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. Recognizing patterns and drawing logical conclusions from those patterns isn't "knowing everything." It's using intelligence to make sound decisions. :|

    'he has done it before and therefore he will do it again because he does not like us' is not a pattern nor is it a logical conclusion

    Nothing more than an idea, and perhaps not even a good one, but either way I want to improve our WIP forums with more features and get more exposure/feedback for artists there...

    well seeing as though everyone seems to be dead set on never having vgmix again I am sure many people would enjoy of implementation of this idea

  2. and the person who did it was poised and ready to do it again. and again. and again.

    norg knows everything ever and has to insult people to prove his point

    your trolling is pointless and irritating. and hilarious in that you keep trying to come off as hilariously superior to everyone else destroying your arguments.

    anyone who knows anything about the internet knows that the above is basically internetspeak for 'I am not very confident in my argument so I'm going to insult you to make you angry and fumble about'

    irl they call it ad hominem

  3. so basically you put up VGMix 2 and then somebody exploits it again and then it goes down for another few days fixing while you try and put it back up then you get it back up then it gets exploited again so you spend another few days somebody exploits it again and then it goes down for another few days fixing while you try and put it back up then somebody exploits it again and then it goes down for another few days fixing while you try and put it back up then somebody exploits it again and then it goes down for another few days fixing while you try and put it back up then, etc.

    yeah that sounds exactly what happened all of the time if you compress maybe three years into three weeks

  4. a better analogy for the less quick out there is

    windows vs. macs

    windows is obviously full of many more problems and holes but despite this it is still the most popular OS seeing as though the alternative is basically fuck all

    The old code has vulnerabilities that will be exploited.

    well as long as we're all pretending to be fortune tellers here let me just look into my crystal ball and whoops it's telling me that vgmix 3 will never be finished and everybody will keep bitching about it

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