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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. But transformers wise, all the decepiticons in the last fight kinda blended together. So I was like, WTF.

    That's probably because all the Decepticons looked pretty much the same. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say they all were the same, since Bay seemed to think that none of the Decepticons needed any personality at all.

    "I don't know how to film action, so I'll just move the camera around a bunch to 'get the audience involved!'"

    ten years from now, every film director has ever action scene in slow motion from a fixed camera angle

    people on the internet are like 'wtf this is unrealistic it's too slow directors don't kno what they're doing'

  2. The shaky cam problem is one of those things that people think they're smart for commenting on, even if it's not there.

    In all seriousness, the only recent movie that has had a problem with that was Transformers, and in that film it made sense because there were giant fucking robots blowing up shit everywhere. You don't really get a chance to stand perfectly still and watch something when a car is throwing another car at a building.

  3. I've actually got to agree with Shadow Wolf - I enjoy playing a partly difficult game like MMX and eventually beating it then playing a hard as fuck game like MM and basically losing forever until I practice it - at which point it becomes sad because video games shouldn't have to be 'practiced' unless they are FPSs.

  4. MP3 was 90% as good as MP1. Seriously, terrible is an awfully strong word.

    no no no this is wrong wrong wrong

    The only well designed environments were SkyTown and Phaaze, the latter of which is tainted by the awful gameplay twitch forced upon the player.

    The music is okay, but that's it. Not good like MP or great like MP2.

    The enemies mostly look ridiculous. I'm not sure why the Space Pirates and Metroids needed to have their appearance changed to something ultimately more silly looking than the previous titles.

    The three other hunters were welcome additions - indeed, one of the things I was looking forward to was interaction with other characters (as opposed to just blowing them up and reading their logs), and the three of them had pretty interesting designs (especially Rundas, who looked very similar to Noxus from MPH, so I had assumed they would tie into that. Of course they didn't.). And they were all implied to have a previous relationship with Samus, which had the potential to give not just them but Samus herself a bit of actual development.

    But boy, was I disappointed when not even 20% into the game, they suddenly become bad guys for stupid, stupid reasons. The least they could have done was either have them corrupted near the end of the game, or had them not just die and be 'absorbed' by Dark Samus whenever you beat them. That was a lazy, lazy move of them.

    No multiplayer - ridiculous. As shallow as it was, the multiplayer in MP2 was one of it's best assets.

    And finally, the bosses were just so so so bad. Especially compared to MP2s bosses. Mogenar was slow and unimaginative, Helios was pathetically simple, and Omega Ridley is almost a copy of Meta Ridley from MP.

    Don't get me wrong, it's still top of the line when it comes to Wii titles in general. But for it's series - it was a disappointing low.

  5. Okay, I mostly agree with that. Comparitevly, it wasn't that good at all. But by itself it was still a much better game than most.

    It's like Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 3 - with the exception of the better controls, MP3 is terrible compared to MP. But on it;s own, MP3 is still pretty good, you know?

    Edit: Also I think it should be obvious, but Count Bleck is one of my favorite villains. A pretty unique character design, the most catchy theme song since Kefka, and a backstory easily more deep than any other Mario (or even Nintendo, for that matter) villain.

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