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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. Well sorry there's no rule against it you moron, it's people like you that make all the brawl supporters look like 2nd grade dickless retards. I don't recall insulting anyone in particular so why insult me shows how much of an adult you are heh.

    oh my god are you seriously that retarded

  2. The fact alone that Lucario gets more powerful as his damage goes up makes him very, very good. Not just 'cause of the power but because of;

    a) some people become hesitant to attack him, and instead just rush to kill him ASAP, which leads to mistimed attacks and panic.

    B) different knockback amounts caused by increasing damage lead to unpredictable combos.

    c) his reach also increases with damage, forcing your opponent ro constantly re-evaluate their positions when attacking you.

  3. I just don't want Catwoman in the third movie period

    I have said it before and I'll say it again the only villain that the third movie will work with is The Riddler as a sort of detective-antithesis to Batman

    especially since I think the most underrepresented thing in this film series is that Batman is a detective, not just a guy in a suit who beats up people

  4. And I don't see guard impacting as a bad system. Using a parry or an impact to give yourself an advantage is crucial to not only weapon based fighting, but fighting in general.

    it's not a bad concept

    I just think it's silly that you can guard impact an attack after being guard impacted

    especially if it was a just impact I mean what the hell

  5. yea, and you saying that guest characters are different from unlockable characters when it comes to what's banned and what's not really helped proved that SCIV is a button-mashing, tournament unworthy game.

    no it didn't but it did go to show that the game is not really balanced very well at all

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